Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/615

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TREATY—GENERAL POSTAL UNION. Oocr. 9, 1874. 589 Pour la Belgique: For Belgium : Fassnxux. Fnssmux. V1NcHEN1·. VINGHENT. J. GIFE. J. GIQFE. Pour 1e Danemark: For Denmark: FENGEB. FENGER. Pour 1’Egypte : For Egypt: MUzz1 BEY. Mnzzr BEY. Pour l’Espagne: For Spain : ANGEL MZANSI. ANGEL MANSI. EMILIO U. DE NAVASQUES. _ EMILIO C. DE Nnvnsoiins. Pour les Etats-Unis d’Amérique: For the United States of America: JOSEPH H. BLACKFAN. J osE1>u II. BLAGKEAN. · Pour la Grande-Bretagne: For Great Britain a W. J. PAGE. W. J. PAGE. Pour la Grece: For Greece: A. MANSOLAS. A. 1\IANsoLAs. A. H. BETANT. A. H. BETANT. Pour 1’Italie: For Italy: ' TANTESIO. TANTESIO. Pour le Luxembourg: For Luxemburg: V. EE ROEBE. V. DE ROEBE. Pour la Norvege: For N orway: 0. O1>rEN. G. O1>1>EN. Pour les Pays-Bas: For the-Netherlands: ' HoEs·rE1>E. HoEs·rE1>E. B. SWEERTS DE LANDAS WY- B. SWEERTS DE LANE1s WY- BGEGH. 1:012GH. . Pour le Portugal: For Portugal: · Enuimno LESSA. Enunnno LEssA. Pour la 1{oumanie: - For Roumania : GEORGE F. Lnuovmr. GEORGE F. Lnnovenr. Pour la Russie: For Russia: BARON VELHO. BAEON VELHO. GEORGES PoGGEN1>0HL. GEORGES POGG-ENPOHL. ‘ Pour la Serbie: For Servia: ·M1..u>EN Z. Ranomovxron. MLAEEN Z. Ranouxcovmrou. Pour la Suede: For Sweden: W. Roos. W. Roos. Pour la Suisse: For Switzerland: EUGENE Bonn];. EUGENE BoEEL. NAEEF. NAEFF. DE. J. HEEE. DE. J. HEEE: Pour la Turquie: For Turkey: - YANC0 Macmm. YANCO Maomm. Having examined and considered the iinal protocol relative to the I€atm¤ati¤¤. Treaty concerning the formation of a General Postal Union, signed at Berne, October 9, 1874, the same is by me, in virtue of the powers vested in the Postmaster-General by law, hereby ratified and approved, by and with the advice and consent of the President of the United States. In witness whereof I have caused the seal of the Post-Office Department of the United States to be hereto affixed with my signature this 21st day of May, 1875. [SEAL.] MARSHALL JEWELL, Postmaster- General.

 I hereby approve the above-mentioned protocol, and in testimony Approvalthereof I have caused the seal of the United States to be ahixed.

QEAL.] U. S. GRANT. y the President: HAMILTON Fxsn, Secretary of State. WASHINGTON, May 21, 1875.