Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/630

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604 TREATY-GENERAL POSTAL UNION. OCT. 9, 1874. XXIII. XXIII. Exemption des droits de transit. Exemption from Transit Rates. EX,,,,,,,t;0,,s from Sont exempts de 1a bonihcation The tbllowing articles are exempt transit rates. des trais de transit territoriaux et from payment of the costs of terrimaritimes les (correspondences ré- torialtransitand sea-conveyance:- Am,,1,,,,S,,.,.,m...l_ expediées et mal dirigées, les re- Redirected and missent correspondhuts, les mandats de poste, les ence, nndelivered correspondence, pieces de comptabilité et autres post-officemoneyorders,documents documents relatifs au service of accounts, and other documents postal. relating to the postal service. XXIV. XXIV. Poids des journaax et des imprimés. Weigltt of Newspapers and Printed Papers. Weight of iwws- Il est admis par mesure d’excep· As an exceptional measure, it is P“1’°""·&“· tion que les Etats qui, a cause de agreed that the States which, in it x esp tion al leur regime intérieur, ue pourraient consequence of their internal regumeasure as to adopter le type de poids decimal lations, are unable to adopt the “’°‘gh** *'“‘l ‘"*‘“"‘· metrique, auront la faculté d’y sub- decimal xnetrical system of weight, stitucr Ponce, anoirdupois (28.3405 shall have the right to substitute grammes) en assimilant une demi- for it the ounce aroiraupois (28.3405 once a 15 grammes et deux onces grammes), by assimilating a halfa 50 grammes, et d’élever, an be- ounce to 15 grammes, and two soin, la limite du port simple des ounces to 50 grammes, and to raise, journaux a quatre onces, mais sous if needful, the limit of the single la condition expresse que dans ce rate of postage of newspapers to dernier cas le port des journaux ne iour ounces, but under the express . soit pas iniérieur a 10 centimes et condition that, in the latter case, qu’il soit percu un port entier par the postage on newspapers be not numéro de journal, alors meme que less than 10 centimes, and that an plusieursjournaux se trouveraient entire rate of postage be charged groupes dans un meme envoi. for each copy of a newspaper, even though several newspapers be included in the same packet. XXV. XXV. Monnaies, bnoum. Money; Jewelry. timmy; _;.-wary, On Nadmettra an transport par There shall not be admitted for la poste aucune lettre ou autre en- conveyance by the post, any letter Dummu www voi qui contiendrait soit de l’or on or other packctwhich may contain ,,0, to be a,,,,,,,,,?;`, de Pargent monnayé, soit des bi- either gold or silver money, Jewels iu mails. joux ou des effets précieux, soit or precious articles, or any other tout objet quelconquc passible de article whatever liable to customs droits de douaue. duties. XXVI. XXVI. Cartes-correspondance et lettres non Post-cards and Letters not admitted ` admises au conveyance. Postcards and Il ne sera pas donné cours aux Post-cards which are not fully 1¤tt<*¤·¤¤¤<>¤ adminted cartes-correspondance qui ne serai- prepaid shall not be forwarded. “°"°“"">""‘°°· enf pas completement aifranchies. Each Administration shall have, Ohaquc Administration aura, en moreover. the right not to forward P°¤¤·°¤*"l°~ outre, la faculté de ne pas expédier or not to admit in its service postou de ne pas admettre dans son cards bearing any description of