Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/702

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676 INDEX. Pago. Pago. Arms, Ariny Appropriations, _ _ curtain to bu issued to \Vasl1ingt0u Light 101: COl1lLl1Lbl1dl1lg Gcncm1’s oihco; rocruit- Il1f:1.ntry, of Clmrlcston, S. C., and mS» °b°·§ OQUWUQSW-W 9X1’°”¤°“» h'~°*l·d‘ ( CHM Ri¤¤¤, of A¤s¤¤w, GM 1>¤>— <1¤¤r¤<>¤¤s ¤~·s¤¤~1-¤+¤v¤¤<> ------ - --·-- 97 viso ,. . . . .. 212 for Pay department. . . . ... 97 ¤¤¤¤i=¤i¤~ ¤·=w iw i¤¤¤¤<* ¤¤ '1`·>¤it<>¤‘i<=¤ ¤·¤<1 fof S¤¤¤-¤¤¤¤¤·;<1¤r¤r¤¤·¤¤¤- -—--- - ----- 98 border Status, for protection against; Qrmrtssrmnstxsr s department .. I¤<¤¤¤-M 1>¤>vi¤¤¤ -·-·---—---- - ----- 214 M<><¤1¤=~1¤<>1>¤r¤¤¤<»¤¤ --`--· - ----------- - ---- JJ zmicudcd; ammunition ., . ,,,_ , _____ 410 1H1g1I16B? d0p8»Ff·l110DiG .· -. . ...· WU ¤<>¤·¤=»i¤·» ¤¤=~>‘ ¤·=1~>¤# for ¤¤<> M N=»¤i¤¤=~l SM- 0¤<1¤=»¤<=¤ ¤<->r>=»y#¤¤9¤¤; -----· - ----- ---- 109 dim' R<>¤¤i<>¤s 1>¤>vi¤<>- ---—-- - ----- 21;; to Suvvly d<=f$¤w¤¤¤¤¤ w ------ - ·---- - ------ 44. M Smto of Kansas to be crcditcd for curtain-. 206 Arm y Medical ][‘lL80I6'I7l, opproprnmon for ... . . 99 .·lrmsh·0ug, James S., Army Q[]iccr.~1, _ _ _ £q»pr0priot1iou for paiyniont of claim of . 473 to hangs milcngn in licu of cxponscs for 100 ravc .. . . .. .. . J#‘m8D‘0¢ly, Jvlw Sq not to have additional puy for civil duties. 100 npproprmtiou for poymont of account of .. . 376 Army ]>cy,8g0,,_q, ,J,·mw·p"y, 5,, A oppuc>pri;itious for . . .- 8, 223 appropriation for payment of olwim of . 464 ""'*?/ 69** al "°"$» , _ · postponement; of publication of now, rc- 2 Army, uostcc . ..., -.. 16 upproprmtioris for support of ... . . 97 Arrears q;' Pay-1¢e:gulara, ior support of indigent iinszmc of .. .108, 347 appropriation to supply dcficicncy in approto supply dcticicuciss in nppropriutio11s priotion for ,. . , . . . ...,. 47 101*. . . ... . . . . 45, 47, 372 Arrcarv of Pay-—V0l1ml0ora, nunnbur of HSSiStE|.l1E surgeons in, ruiliiccdg appropriation to supply doiicicncy in appromedical storokccpcr abolished; uddi- prizwion for .. . . 47 iiomml grndcs of surgeons ostublislicd. 61 Arr0w—R00l, uumbor of officers of, dotuilcd to colleges, of Hu.waiio.n Islands, to be frco of duty, incvcziscd . . . . .. . . . . 74 when om .__... , _ _ _ ,.__ _ _,_____ __ _ _ 200 wml: of Psymuster-Gcnoru.l of, established. 95 A¢·sc·naIs, 7 ollicors to luwo mileage in lion of cxpouscs appropriations for .. . . ... 113, 358 of Lmvcl . .,. . . . 100 condemned projoctilcs storcd at, to be sold; not; to hawc additional pay for oivil duties- 100 disposition of proceeds .. ., . . ,__, 60 loaves of absence to: proviso . . . 102 at Benicia., Cal., right of way through number ond appointment of military post- 100 grounds 01} granted to Northern Railtrualcrs in. . . ... .. .. wa. Com am · · location to be u >- commission on rc-organization of, how con- probycdg pgoviso 56 sbitutod ; duties; cxpcnscs .. -... 101 ub Stonington, Conn., to be sold; dIsposibion time lor report of, oxtenclod .. . .. 409 of proceeds .. . . . 32 ruductiou of number of Indian scouts ru- Arson, ponlucl ; olloxvnuco Lo Indian scouts convention forextrnclition ofporsons charged for horses and horse-equipments . 131 with, with Ottoman Empire 573 ndditioiml mcn in cavalry regiments author- with Spain .. . . . . . .. 650 izcd; provisos .. . ... 97, 204 Articles of Cmqcdcration, provisions ot Revised Statutes prohibiting to be inclue od in now cclition of Roviscd promotions in Pay Department of, re- Smtutcs . . . . . . . . . .. :360 pculed . . . . .. . . 27 Artmciul Limbs, prohibiting pensions to persons aiding appropriations for . . .. .. . . 8, 300 lam rubclliou, ctc., modified us to por- to supply doiicicncigs iu. 365 sous subsequently enlisting in, ctc. .. 403 to be furnished to disabled soldiers, cnc. -.. 203 disposition ofrccords ofcourts-martial. 310 transportation to procure ... 204 W. ll. Emory may be retired as brigudicr- 0 act not subject to act to increase pensions, 204 gmnomlin -.-- .. . . . . — 6 A¢·tilZeryE ui ments Army C. G. l<'ro11<l<mborg to be placed on retired- npproprigumu fort . i.-. .. .--.. . 100 list of, os licutciiamncoloncl . . 408 Artillery Horses, Army, John (iowcr rcliovod from clmrgc of descr- appropriation for; provisos . .. . . .. 98 tion ... - .. . . . ... 500to supply dciicicncics in . . . . . . 48, 90, 365, 373 · Thomas E. Maisy restored to full rank and Ashburton Treaty, pay off licntcuunbcoloucl on rctsircd- 0 owners of cegsain landdin Maine ceded to list 0 .. . . . . 4 B Great rimin un or to be mid thoro- 'l`l1codoro Mosher may be appointed zz scc- for .. . 3-. I .. 343 ond lieutenant in ; proviso . . 395 Ashby, W. P., George T. Olmstead, junior, may be rc-ap- u.ppropriu.ti0u for payment of claim of . 460 poiuccd captain in .. . . V . 467 AsIy’0rd, Thomas W., Clmncy J. Poorc, record of, corrected .. 544 appropriation for payment of claim of . 482 Albert W. Preston restored to rank of col- Ashtabula, Ohio, ouol on rctircd-list of .-.. .. - 467 appropriation for improvement of harbor of 136 Jumcs B. Sinclair may be restored to rank Asiatic Coast, of captain in .. . . .. . 441 right granted 110 curtain persons to lay sub- '.l‘homos J. Spenccr may be restorcd to former murinccablo from Pncilic,Unit0d rank and rclstsivo grads in. . 407 Smtcs, 110; terms of grams .. 201 Smuncl K. Thompson may be restored to A. S. Pcmwll, ~ rank of socoud lieutenant in -... 416 nzmmc of brig, clmngcd to City of Monks., . 219 Fmuk L. W0olford rolicvcd from dishonor- Asmyiing Bullion, oblu dismissal . . . . . . 545 authorized at mints, ctc. . . ... 157, 307