Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/706

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680 INDEX. I Page. _ Pago. Benicia Arsenal, California, Bird, Ezekiel, _ appropriation for magazine, etc., at .. . 113 appropriation for payment of claim of. 474 right of way through grounds oi} granted to Bird, Henry Robert, _ Northern Rai1w{va»yCompauy; location (_ appropriation for payment of claim of . 534 to be approver · proviso .. . . 5> Bird Jo n, _ Bennett, O. I1. , 7 appropriation for payment of claim of. 529 appropriation for payment of claim of. 428 Bird, Nathaniel, _ _ 13emu·tt, Granville G., appropriation for payment of claim of 456 appropriation for payment of salary of -. . . 42 Bird William J. _ Bimucli, James R., deceased, ap,pr0priation’fer payment of claim of. 529 appropriatiori for payment ofelaim of estate V2; Birdsall, Deborah B., t f I _ f 45 of .. . . . ... . e 2 appropriation for paymen 0 c aim 0 . ‘7 Bennett, Mary E., Births in District of Columbia, apprepriaaion for payment of claim of . 525 appropriation to provide a. full record 012.106, 308 Bcnni21g’s Bridge, District of Columbia, Bivcns, Joseph P., adminioiratorh _ appropriations for repairs of .. . . 115, 359 appropriation for payment ot claim of . 529 Benoiat, Charles (7. Bivens James deceased appropriation fdr payment of claim of . 553 appropriatilm for payment of claim of estate ' Benoisi, Emily, of , .. .. 529 Bappropriation for payment of claim of . 553 Black Hills, f t f _ _ cnton Joseph, appropriation or pay,o 0.,0 commissioners Bappiévpriatien for payment of claim of . 473 to treat for relinquishment of; pro- Ar ermu a V180 .. . . . .. .> postal convention with , _,,,,,,,,,, , _.,.. . 645 for sptvpg of. .. A . . . 120 B Y; F. · Black La e ich. oggggigu ZT:?;;,,] t0_ ____ _ _____ ________ 441 appropriation for improvement of lmbor Ur Berry, John 11., _°f ---- ;- ··-·-· - -·-·- · ----- - ----·--· · ·’ appropriation for payment of claim of . 473 Black RWQ"2 Qhwr . f . t th Bcrllzom Jane, appropriation for repairs 0 piers a mou mr pension granted to . , . ..,.,... 452 Black A$,fb;c;,;··· ·····• · ····· · ····· · ····· ·· · ’ mrmom "I'U"""¤ "°°"°’8{’d* ,. appropriation for payment of claim of . ·48O DGHBIOII grunted to wulow ef. . . .. 4.:2 mac], JO,,,, L Best Andrew J. ’ · -" · B %$;>¤m>;ia¤,n»i{ mr payment of Giant of . 4e:; f°’ I’“$"”°“" °f °1‘*“"‘ °f· ···· 460 (3 H8, O LII I · · · i .--_ 4(0 i\r[lPl`0[)l`lil’l»l0|l for payment of claim of -... . 456 Bglggggygflgzgor pa'ym°ut of clmm of l Bgmgw AWG" P~ O-, appropriation for payment of claim of .. 478 B2;pprp}»riat,i;n for payment of claim of . 529 jggaok, Tjwmas, f 1 I f ,99 6 *·" (ww ·»f i' to cmmo . o appropriation for payment of claim of . 456 B;:€;E1§;£f;?i;:,2,5;;,paymBn B’d”“"I’“*°7°" S""'”<’l¤ apprepriatiomfor payment of claim of . 474 uppropriu.tion for payment of claim of . 477 B[ackbu;~y,,, Joh", i h Bids for carrying Mail, sec Mail Contracts. B,1,pp£opriag<n1 for payment of claim of ----- 453 Bidsjbr Indian Supplies · acc urn arg _ to pe preserved; repmirt of; abstract of . Bpppfopriagion ior payment of claim of. 486 t » l f dI' · io.. ... 2 aecce nians Bict.s·,0I?enl;T me Or, prov B B appropriations ,for goods, etc., for. ...178,273 appropriation for payment of claim of . 456 13lackfcci_Sicu.1: Indians, _ ( i _ Biggs, Henry_1)., _ _ act ratifying agreement with. ... -.254, 260, A01 Bg;pp1‘0}>rna,.io11 of payment of claim ci . 486 Blaclq/’m·d,_1t_Leu;u2 p MSO of SMS of Ann ds L in dqm y, alppreprwl ion 0 ‘ ure ‘ : ‘ _ tux-lien on real property in ])ist.rict of BZ if ing Debages of Congress from .. 3oG Columbia may be cnibrced by .. . 397 acc or ames . , Bills, Elisha T, deceased, appropriation fozjpaymenxt of claim of . 431 appfopriation for payment of cl aimof widow Q Blaclcnall, Nan? ,1%, 449 c.. , ._,,, , ,,,,,,_,, _ ___,,_,____,,. 47. pension gran o .0 .- - .·----·- --· ----- Bills, Nancy, Blackmail, Thomas Z, deceased, · B =1·Epr0priati0¤ for payment of claim of ,,,.. 479 Bgnepsiep ir,tnt,e¢l,tgJyvi;l<>wv 0; .. . ... 449 in ers, ac we * ma e ai . eccase _ _ rates of pay to, in Public Printing-Ollice. .. 231 appropriation for payment oi clann of estate I Binding, Public, _ of ._ .. .. . ... -.. . 486 appropriations fer. . . . . . 104, 344 Blair, glpolme t rn Binding, pension gran el o .. .. ..,. . . . . .1 of copies of Counting the Electoral Vote Blair, Frank P., gr., deceased, r in cloth, for use of Congress-. .. 409 Blpensgn grguiicd to widow of .--. .. .>4l Bing Hezekiah, air ug/i ¢. ‘. _ appropriation for payment of claim of. 528 B,app1·§/yvpgatioxpvtor payment of claim of. 483 Birch, Ilenrgy executor air 'i iarn . _ appropriation for payment of claim ef. ,... 486 Blapprgprwaioik fer_p;1,y1nent of claim cf. · 48-'$ Birch John, deceased, a c . ._ a minis rawr _ appropriation for payment of claim of estate 86 Bfpgropription ig! payment of 0him of- ---· 518 - f _ _,__,_____,_,,_,, _ ,__..,..., ,.., 4 an lng amen . Birch, pI5B7G IC, apprcipriation foil payment of account ef. . . 368 Bapigrlylridzloll for mlymcub of claim of--H i 486 Btgllfigtsiurnislied by Secretary of War to Re M50 a p 2, cxecu or , · U, , · . appropriation ior payriicnt of claim of . 486 form-School, Dnstnct of Columbia..- . 409