Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/708

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682 INDEX. Page. Page. Boston, Mass., · Bradley, Charles, administrator, _ appropriations for salaries in office of assist- appropriation for payment of claim of . 465 f aut treasurer at . .. . . . . 1%, 303 Bradlcy,Edward,f t f 1 _ f ru or ost-office buildin at. . 1 , 35 appropriation or paymcn 0 c aim 0 . o for llnprovement of hzibor of . . , 137 Bradley, Thomas, Bcraniic Garden, appropriation for payment of claim of . 534 appropriations for . . .. 104, 147, 298, 350 Bradley, llillliulll, _ to supply doiicioncics in . .. 227, 370 appropriation for payment of claim of . 520 Rotator-, Thomas, Bradehaw, J amcs, _ _ appropriation for payment of claim of. 518 appropriation for payment of claim of . 400 ];,,,,,,da,.,,_M,w,,, .Rra¢ls}iaw,- J lwmas,v f I _ f 480 appropriation for surveying, etc., between ”·PP'°l“`lilQ*°9 f‘”)P9Ym°“l$° 9 mm 0 --·-• Wyoiniiig and Dakota .. 348 Bl`“d“"“°t¤_ (*90*9** 1 ·» _ f ,;,,1 lnotweon Arkansas and Indian Territory. 356 **·PPl`°P¥ll'·Pl9“ fm' P”·Ym°¤l* f°!` “°l`Vl°°B ° -- _ · ’ lictwccn the United States and British Brad.'}: V'*’f9"]‘“» _ 86 Posscssions, made available for pnbli- *'·PPl'°Pl[l¤P°“ fm` P”·Ym°nl* of clmm of- -·-- 4 _ cation of report . ... 356 Brad!: Wlllulm 2;: I t f 1 _ f 46r Hmmm, B';pp;o‘;g·1u21on or paymcn 0 c aim o . o “*l’l“`°P"“*t’°“° f°r °°]l°°l“$m> °t°*¤ °£ for °°l' appilopriation for payment for services of,. 372 cred soldiers and sailors .1., . .. 119, 360 Bm,,,,], James time for filing claims for additional, ex— uppréptiwién fo,. payment of 01,,,,,, of _____ 525 P L tqudgd "gz" ······'······ ‘ *‘‘·’ ‘*" 74 Brandt, Ami C., mlardian, t f 1 f dw »ou.r, 01l’l8, 8000,8 , a ro mriation or a mon o c aim o . » appropriation for paym cnt of claim of widow B,-4511;;;, hdwry, P y _ of ,_,__, _ _____ __ _ _ , ,... . . . . 479 gpprqptjgpion for payment of claim of _____ 486 Hour, Louisa, . Brandt, Randoqoh, 1 approprigtipn for payment of claim of. 479 appropriation for payment of claim of. 486 Eour an , ". J. Brand , appropriatioil for payment of claim of . 460 rogulzations for the production, ctc., of, made I;,,,,,,,,,, (3,,;;,0,,-;,,,,, fpom gm,,,,,, ______ _ _____ _ ___________ 3Qf} appropriation for payment of claim of. 474 Iiranlaam, William ll., <l¢:cmsc¢l, Bowen, Iliram, _ appropriation for payment of claim of estate appropriation for payment of claim of. .-.- 475 of _,__.,,..,,.,.., ... , ,..., 460 Bowen, John B., Branson, Ben, appropriation for payment of claim of. 480 appropriation for payment of claim of . 529 Jlowcr, Francis, Brantley, James H., . appropriation for payment of claim of. 529 appropriation for payment of claim of . 529 jiowcrs, Jejlcrsmz, I t r02 Brantley, Julia Af, f 1 f m pension grantor o . . . . . .. o appropriation 01"payment 0 c aim 0 . .)..3 Ifouakcr, Lovina Adeline, Brussel Jamcn, pauaion gr-anteql Lo _..., , .. . .,..., ... . 495 appropriation for payment of claim of . 456 Ilowker, lVilbm· F., Bration, Joseph M., administrator, B pcpsiop granted to stepmother of .. 495 appropriation for payment of claim of . 432 ow in, ane, Braucr, Frederick . · appropriation for payment of claim of. 475 appropriatron tzor payment of claim of . 459 Bowman, Elias, Braxton County, West Virginia, appropriation for payment of claim of. 456 title of United States to certain lands in, Bowman, John, released to Sarah Wilson 443 appropriation for payment of claim of. 518 Bray, Charles R., lfourmcm, William H., appropriation for payment of claim of . 534 appropriation for payment of claim of . 463 Brayman, Mason, Bow ltenzs, salary=acc0unt oii to be audited, etc. .. 309 proportion of, to be taken in fixing salaries Brazcc, Andrew W, of pootmastcrs . . - .. . B1 appropriation for payment of salary of . 42 estimate of, at Icttor-carrier offices in Hxing Bruzclton, William, B d C npilariss of poatmasters .. .- . . 81 appropriation for payment of claim of . 599 ay , . ., a minis ralor, Brcalowalcrs appropriation for payment of claim of. 457 conol;ructed by United States ; Secretary of Boyd, James S., War to report legislation nocosnary appropriation for payment of claim of . ... . 456 to protect, and concerning usc, ctc., Boyd, R(;14l;(m,?Of _, ____, ,_:_:_ ____ __________,", ]_§9 B aplirrypipppion for payment of claim of. 525 Bpopalty iipgaivfril in_]ury of. ..,. . . .. 1.39 oycr, e i m, rec won 0 in . appropriation for payment of claim ol`. .l.. 463 appropriation; for payment of claim of . 529 Brackctl, James, I5rccch·Loading Muskcts, Army, appropriation for payment of claim of . 521 appropriation for Inanufacture of .. .. . . 100 Bradford, James L., Brceden, Nicholas, appropriations for payment of accounts of. . 367 appropriation for payment of claim of . 486 Bradford, Jane, Brewer, Charles B., appropriation for payment of claim of . 534 appropriation for payment of claim of . 518 Bradford, Jmw, admlmlslralrix, Brower, H array S., appropriation for payment of claim of . 534 appropriation for payment of claim of . 428 Bradford, Nacc, Brewer, Nancy, appropriation for payment of claim of . 480 appropriation for payment of claim of . 597 Bradley, Charles, Brower, Nathaniel, appropriation for payment of claim of ..,.. 465 appropriation lor payment of claim of . 432