Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/723

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INDEX. 697

 L Uorooran Art Building Pkgé. Goa ter 'ti Tr Pam
 _ _ I d 'M k
 I to be exempt from, taxation by DISH10h of pxlhvisionslln rgspecglrfyin treaty with Bol-
 ¤¤l¤¤3¤l>¤»~ ---··- - ----- · ---------·--- 85. 399 slum ·----- · ---·- ’ -------·~-   --.-.. 633
 t 0ordell,Jer¢my1ah, _ Counting Electoral Votes,

7 v appropriation for payment of claim of .. 478 appropriations for payment of clerks to J oiut·

 - Cgrdsll, Wzlham Jasper, Committee to Devise Plan ior. .. 361

gg, 1¤¤<1 woot my mono to- ----- - ----------- 552 for ¤=<1;<>¤¤¢¤ of ¤<>m¤¤i¤Si<>¤ ¤¤» ----··--- 371, 402

 (Jam, Goo1:ge_`PK, _ copies ot book containing proceedings in, to
 appropmatxonfor payment of claum of .. 457 be bound in cloth for use of Congress. 409
 — 00****7% -B?'¤J9m‘m L-, _ Commission for, how constituted ; oamh of;
 5 appropriation for payment of claim of; pro- organization; vacancies; powers  228
 _ vnso .. . . . . . . .. . 448 rules records, and vm l¢> 6¤ f ---- - ---.- 229
 Cornwall.  7`¢§7'¢068_S-, _ may iallow compensationy to Ocertain em-
 uppreprmtygu for payment of (513,1)]) of,.. ,.. 536 ployés  . ..-- ---- -- --  ---. 40*2
 . G0,-,,,,,6;;, {0]),7;, _ County Histories,
 appropriation for payment of claim of .. 486 delivery of, on centennial anniversary roc-

§ a U0*’1¤07‘¢¢Wm6. _ ommended; copy to be deposited, etc. 211 i- Ca,pito1l,N0§th1O Strget and South Washing- procéemutiou recommending, to people of

on an way ompeny ao crea, ng totes .. . . . . . 663
 _ _ amended .. . . I . , 56 Gvwpvr Bonds of Ullmd $m*¢·*»
 V G1t1zens’ Building Company of Washington certain registered bonds may be converted
 · · ¤!'¤¤¢6d ··-·-· - ----- - ----.·-·- -_ ...-. 25 into, and sold to pay judgments of
Georgetown and Tenuallytown Railroad Alabama Claims Court . . ... 32
 Company created  -._  .  30 Court of Qlaimg, l ·
 Glenwood Cemetery,_uctcreating,amended- 266 appropriations for salaries of Judges, ets.,
 Mutual Protection Fue-Insurance Company oi .. , _,...,.._ . ,.,,. _ _ _ ,____ _ _16B, 310
 . Wa bi:>1r;$<:d)_-t--i--13.,-6. X--,. .. 5.5 3g ger grpitgg andpiirding for  .    {gg, Z;421
 _ s_ _ 1y nerme syumcreoe . . or een mgsuisnn .. . . - ..,,. ,: i
 m District of Columbia, to be assessed for for payment of judgments of ..,,,.,_____ 347

taxes on capital stock in bulk; de- to supply deiicienpies in appropriations for ductions allowed . . .. . . . 86, 400 defending suits in -. . ... . 45, 369 Sreoetery of War to report concerning use by cost of printing rec0rds iu, to be taxed of piers, etc., constructed by United against losing party ; how collected Sgates .. . . .. ... . 139 I and disgosed of .. . . . ... 344 Correspon ence. c aims re orre totreaty for a. Qoneral postal union for the ex- of Robert Erwin .. . . . .. 509 change of . . . . . . .-.. 577 of owners of schooner Flight . . . 503 convention for exchange of, with Bermuda. 645 · of J mines W. Harvey and James Li vesey. 490 with Japan . ... . . . . 557 Court of Commtssioacrs of Alabama Claims, agreement for nmdiiicution of .. . .- 635 existence of, continued .. . .. . . 1, 96 nddxtiongl moqlidcgmonpf. ,._ .. 640 powers of clerk of, extended . 1,96 with Newfoundland, modiiication of. 649 accounts and records ot, where to be dopos- _ with New South Wales .. . .. Q6!) _ 1ted .. . . . . . . .. . . 1, 96 i mgiendment 0%... .. .,.. . .,... d1sburs;%¤éen:s, when to be under Secretary 1 qc `I; , . . ..,,..,. 0 ,a e . . . , ,. 1 Corolla: Frgrggg? proclamation extending dumtiou of ..1.., . 661 appropriation for payment of claim of '. 486 to receive, etc., claims presented, withm Cossitt, Franklin D., _ three mouths. . ... . . 6 appropriation for payment of claim of. .- -.. 530 when gc; {report _]11d]Ertno1éts lG(;'aSGC1‘;I;I‘rg’ of Costner, Mary a. e; copy o , o ecre ry o as- · appropriation for payment of claim of . 483 nry; bow pwd - ----- - ---- Z ---- - ---· 3 Comm, Martha J, sale of bonds authorized to pay Judgments appropriation for payment of claim of. 466 of -. .. . . . 32 . Cotmar, Morrison, _ _ OourtHoupc and Jail, Japan, 7** 228 appropriation for payment of claim of. 475 appropriations for rent oi. . . . _, . . . 1 o, . - Catton,-Claims, _ _ _ _ _ Court-House Buzldmg, Drstrwt of Columbia, ( = L ·*" 1 appropriations for defending smts in .. 108, .546 olpproprnzmou for repairs of ... .548 ~: Cohort-Ilraud Cases, _ _ Court-House liutlazrzgs, r _ . ‘ appropriation to Supply d6£¤1e¤<=i<·>S ID op- appropriations for .. ., ... :..,110,11.>,3¤0 , proprintionforexpenses of proseoumug 369 at Aust1u,lTex.,_tg_l;e built; cost, title to 270 S (you u D *d g_ dccmwd am; • Juris 10 lOl).- .·.· ---- ---- ---- ‘ apeproprihildou izor payment of claim of estate at Little ltock, Ark., limit of expendmrre , of __________________ __, ____, ,, .,,. ,, 457 for, hxed .: . ----- - ..-··-· - 202 5 Cottrell, Samael E., administrator, _ at Memphis, Tenn., site for,ba.ceelpted title g appropriation for payment of olmm of. 457 to be made good , u1 mg 0 e F Uoémtejrfcit Notes, d b t G b gected; cost; old lot to be sold, 55 0 6 S0 Stem 6 061* M11 Ovofumeu QB ----·- · · -·-- -·-- ----~- · --·-··· __ officers; ;Fenaltyforwro¤gful1y stomp- boundaries of lot changed. . .._., M9 ing .. . ... .. .-.. 64 at Nashvilleapenn., purchase of additional 7 Cozinterfettlng groun or .-,--. ,-.. . . . . .. . opproprietions for detecting, etc., persons V at Utica, lf., to léerunét ; cost of .-.. 351 engaged ID .. .. .. . . 109, 3o4 Courts of Dwtrwt of o um ta,_ _ _ _1 ` to guppjy dgjcjqucy ju", ,, ,, __ _ ___ _,,, ,,, 364 mgyoydgp f;(?n§ugmguf; of pplgougg-g ugllm on 28 _ gold and silver coms, ete.,_ penalty for- ---- 223 udicmry Square .. . . . .. convention for extradition or persons Courts, Itxpmtacs of} 107 340 charged with, with Ottoman Empire. 573 a.ppropr1at1ous for .-,. . ._ . . . . . 46, 366 with Spain_____,,,,,,,,,,,,, __,.,,,,,,,, , 650 to Supply GQHQIQQQLQQ yu ____ ___.__,______ ,