Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/730

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704 mnnx. Page. Page. Donald, Jackson, deceased, Drawbaeks, approprgation for payment of claim of estate 474 grape llggandy may be exported with privi· "94 0 .-4--- --.- ...-.. ..--..- . . G0 ... -...-- .. -. .-.. 0 1)mmti¤m-Lands, payment of, to H. P. J ones and Company, of certain settlers on,may have patents .. 264 tax on tobacco exported. . . . 467 rights of, in Fort Dalles reservation pro- provisions concerning, in treaty with Beltected on sale of reservation . 406 _ givin .. . . . . 630 Dorman, Alexander-, administrator, D"“w"*9» M*W“"1'/ A°“d°'”I'/i _ appropriation at payment of mam of. ses D,§mzi>1,%;;;: f<>¤ d<¤1>=»¤>¤·<>¤¢ ef- ·--· ----12*% 382 Dooley Edward J., ’ i - ’ i appropriation for payment of claim of . 480 jgpwglxxu for Paymwt °f da m °f ‘``'‘ 482 DOOYGHI Elizabeth _ appropriation for payment of claim of . 518

    • PP!'°P¤¤·Y·i0¤ for P¤·Ym6¤t of claim of ----- 480 Drilling and Organizing Volunteers,

Dooley, McKinney, appropriation to supply deficiencies in ap- r appropriation for payment of claim of. 457 propriatuon for , -. .. 375 Doorkeeper, House of Remesentatives, D""""’m°"'·l¤ h°"'“ C-: _ employes connected with heating-ap;>aratus {*·l’l“`°P"m·m‘{“ f°*` P"·Y*{'°“b °f Mmm °f ··-- · 526 to be under direction of .. . .. 145 Df.V‘Df’°"» _L{'}’ 6 {Blend: gu]-: uq Dwsm, Aywd, , _ D lzpgziwmn oi wor on. .. . . »_ °pPY°Pri°'ti°m for p°*ym°m° Of °1"'im °f ·'‘‘ 457 approprintioln for removal of bar opposite-- 137 Dm`863/> A· Jl; _ Dubuque County, Iowa, eppropri-won for payment <>f claw: of -..-- 428 may construct pnmio buildings in Washing- Dorsey, L. L., jr., ton Square . 37 approygiation for payment of claim of . 428 DWUGJI, J0§¢Y>€_ f b I 1 _ f ,0} Datsun larisaa appropria ion or paymen 0 · c aim o .. o,; appizopriatiomfor payment of claim of . 476 Dl% Edmund, Double Electoral Returns, appropriation for payment of claim of . 460 proceedings in case of; commission to be Dum], Mark A., _ appointed to consider questions con- appropriation for payment for services of .. 362 cerniug; how constituted; organiza- Duke, James,_ _ _ . tion; powers. .. . . . . . 228 Da}>pi·0pi;2tion for payment of claim of . 48o Dougherty M. H. “Mc!/i ”°» appropriation for payment of claim of . 428 D5,z';';°*‘,§5j;*;d;‘;éQéé· ~ ·-----~--·- — -—--- 4*3 D°"gh”'lV»M?"y¤ pensilln granted to widow of . . .. . 423 appropriation for payment of claim of . 474 Du Luth, M,L,m_’ ' ' Douglass, lllalcolm, _ appropriation for improvement of harbor of ; appropriation for payment of claim of. 486 proviso ____ _ _____ ____ ______ _ _______ 133 Devel, flandy, deceased, Duma"; 4"dfmvi __ appropiliation for payment of claim of estate ,35 D ¤PP¤‘0P;¤¤§10¤ fm P¤·YI¤°¤* °f claim of ··-·- 560 0 . .. . . .- .-..-----. .--- 0 mica": 3 9 _ _ Devel, Thcjmae, admi1iietrawr,t f I l f 535 Dgfgggpglizigzz fm? payment of claim of . $$30 nppmprmtwn or paymm 0 0 mm 0‘ appropriation for payment of claim of . 530 D°'”€"» Deb, _ _ , ‘ Duncan, Robert, eacecalor, Dappyoygriationdfaxlgoyernment building at.. 72 D,,_P,,,.0I,,.,,,_g0,, R3. I,,,y,,,6,,t of claim of _____ 429 ou: e ames e e uucan 1. iam ecease appropaiationforpaylnent of claim of widow .18 appropization lor payment of claim of estate o _-. . .. . . . . o 0 .. 429 Dowdle, Sarah S., Duncan, William R., appropriation for payment of claim of. 518 pension granted to . . . . 451 Downey, John, admt·n·Zstrat0r, Duncan City, Mich., appropriation for payment of claim of. 429 all acts declaring, a port of delivery repealed 60 Downey, Jeha, deceased, _ _ Dunham, Charles A., deceased, appropriation for payment of claim of estate pension granted to widow of .. .. .. 452 of .. . .. . . .. .. .. 429 Dwnham, Harriet O., Downs, Alfred O., pension granted to .. .. - . . . 452 appropriation for payment of claim of. 526 Dunkirk, N YZ, Dow-na, James R., appropriation for improvement of harbor oi'. 132 appropriation for payment of claim of . 526 Dunlap, Fra/nces, Downs, James R., deceased, appropriation for payment of claim of . 476 appropriation for payment of claim of estate Dumi, Sallie A., D D U og . .. .. . . ... . 526 Dappropriation for payment of claim of . 461 ra e e amue wmie Edmund F. appropriatiomfor payment of claim of. 429 appropriation for payment of salary of . 42 Drafts and Warrants, Poxt·O_0tce Department, Duwningten, O. W C., appropriations for engraving, etc .. 80, 385 Dappropriation for payment of. . . ... 362 Dra ce John C. uplwate Checks ' a lo riation for payment of claim of . 518 to be issued to John M. English . .. 436 DPP Ile} A EDFaz a 468 raper . o iam ., . . 1- n .. . . . . . . act of Colorado legislature for relief of, ap- Gilderoy M. Hardy . . . . . . 492 proved- .-.. .. -.. . .. .--. 419 Louis Rosenbaum. .. 469 Druughiamen, A. W. Plymale . . . .. . . . . 515 not to be employed by executive officers be- Dupree, Lewis, yond provisions made by law . 169 appropriation for payment of claim of . 481