Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/753

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INDEX. 727 I Mw ”’i”i<~··» d¢¤¢¤¤¢·1» p"" .10mm, com H, P"“°· npprep)xpation for payment of clni m ofestate 479 npprepriation fer payment of claim of. -. - . 487 ']""'°S* JOSWU --·- _----- _--· l Jogggggpgegml for payment of claim of 521 Je;},;?/T?F53f10¤ fOr payment of claim of ____ 432 johnson) Fewiby, · ·· · · Tgppreppiepiongor payment of claim of. .. .l 429 Jo2E:E)¢::,pg;o;;e] Payment Of dum of I U 5% ·e¢·us te en . ·t. 1. __f 1. f.U a,ppr:>pr1et1ou for payment of claim of. 461 Jo??;;;; if Paymmt 0 G mm 0 l U 5% Jn11i_/er, W. H., _ uppreprietien in- payment of claim of 46l J ppliticgl disagilities cf, removed . . -.. . . 442 Johnson, James, l U _ _ 0** ***8 ‘9’"€8 ·» a ·‘ r f i u r 1 r.. . apP1_ép1_mm0u'fm_ Payment of claim Of' U U 445 Jokpgppbiegion or payn cn 0 c mm 0 . . 429 J*""H"'8» JQW; _ appropriation for pzmymeiit of claim of. .. .. 429 . Je:£3;0I‘§;:';02 fgegiiimeut of claim of . 531 Jolmaon, Lucrctia C., admin istralmZ1:,

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I appropsrpitiorp/lor payment of claim of- .--. 526 .lot£€¢f1?Jl}2riiB, Ox mymtm 0 0 Mm O ,1 ) · WF ***8, '¢_¢¥8_ ·, _ appropriation lbr payment of claim of. .. .. 476 approprmtgon fer payment of claim of- .. .. 524 Johnson, Matilda II., adminish·atrix, Jenkms, William ill., deceased, appropriation for payment of claim of . 474 appropriation for payment of claim of csteto Johnson, Moaes L., JWW, $;Lit;_~i,:, ------ -- ----—--··--— - -——--- 596 J0mv;p1gj;»;;;¤ for P¤Y¤¤<*¤¤ <>f <>1=~im of - 474 ’ ' Jczgrgzillgnfjigggr be settled .. . . .-.. -. 120 I iipproigizttien fer payment of claim 0f. .. .. 478

_ _ -, _ _ · omnon. eat,

Jeepptgzpggggop gpr payment of claim cir 487 I %ppi·ep;~iu.i,ion for payment of claim of. .- .. 476 7 , _ pa . . 0 more Ueasant Je:p£:;8pr}2;;p tpggggpt of claim of. 487 Iotipporoimizpion {br peyuient of claim of . 432 r . . .· . . * ” ’ 3/ - 3PpP0p?3»i31¤¤ for payment of claim of heirs appropriation for payment of claim ef. ..., 527 0 . . .. . . 487 Jh ,R'I dd ·d J"V"·i"98; LWfi8 W-; oupiilyeylrigtbgitnnfer yfzigtllieilt of claim of esmtc ¤Jpp¥‘¤p¤a·t¤0n lor payment of claim of . 487 of .. . . , ,,__ 5;;; J¢¤ww0v,·1-g}'-, i_ __ J07m»¤m,1cpbq»·e 3., _ _ Jczggflgpgfigglg 0I` 110:)/HJ6Di7 of. . . . .. 302 Jozppropgigsiorg payment of clzum of . 476 ~ , _ _ ·_ non, ma appropnmioii for payment of claim of . 531 appropriation for,peymeut of claim of . 52] Jennings, V irtqinia, 1*., Johnson, William, adminiuimator, eyiproprintion for payment of claim of. 487 a.pp;·oprietion for payment of claim of . 5193 Jemungs, fftliiamz Johnson, Wzlliam ll., cieceaxed, I appi·gpfr1an’<>i; lei- payment of eluim of. 487. appropriation for pziynncutef cluim of estate · *”'“Q'! 'L U 1 ·· · 0i' .. .- . ... . 474 appropriation for post-efiiee building at 110 Johnston, James, for expenses of House Committee on pension grunted to .. . . .- .. 544 Fr:mdur nt Voting in; how disbursed, Johozsion, Joseph E., J AI ctc .. . . . . . ... .. 219 political disabilities of, removed . . 511 FSF, Wy Johnston Josephine appropriation for payment of claim of . 524 appropriation foi payment of claim of . 531 Jctiies of the Missiesqnpi, Johnston vs. Thomas, appropriation for payments to James B. certain lends to be received in payment of . b Earls, under eoiitmct for . ... 358 judgment in case of, for benefit 0i' Je 0 ])anicvZ 1}. North Carolina Olierokecs .. .,..l 139 appropriation for payment of claim of . 476 Joint Commiifcc on Chinese Immigration, scc Joclce J€c.s<~rmii£on Flon/zead Indians, Chinese Immigration. epproprintsiloma 1235 ipsmllniloiitto. . . ..195, 290 Joint Committee op Library of C0pg]r<*»r¤;; I Joe i·‘laggco· ’ ma e mcare my aippropriahon or procurimr p mis y mm e · lightsliip may/be pla,ce<l iiemflower end ef- 112 uveileble . ... ..’ .. 168 Jo ns A., Joint Committee on Pu 1 ie Mutiny appropriation for payment for services of . 104, 372 shall fix upon nteiidards of paper forupublic Johns, J. M, printing .. . . . . . . .. . 2 a.ppr0priation for payment of . . . . . 362 Joint Committees, _ Joymg, Lucy _,1_, appropriation for expenses ef, on Chinese I

1ppr0priz¤tion for payment 0[ claim of . 461 _ 1¤¤m¤SYfm0¤ ·----· · --·—-—·· · ·;- · -*71

J0]m8,m, Awe,.,;, for payment of clerks io, on Counting appropriation for payment of claim of. .. . . 526 him Za§§0t01`¤~l VOW ·——·—· - ·---- · ----· - -· · 361 Jolmson Andrewr· ’ ·’ · · · app1epriation·’for engraving portrait of 27 IOz5,§r3g;g£‘3\$ {br paymwb of Mmm of `463 J°I°"8°"> BGM6U' d°°m'S6d’ - { El n·0pr{a.ticn’fer payuient of claim of . 487 appropriation for payment of claim of widow V [Owl? Uhm_10a T, J 7 (3; ‘‘‘‘'‘‘’' "" `’“`' °2l niiproprinticn for payment of claim of . 531 0 ZTLSOH 6 sy A Jgllq Jgggg’ `

    • l)Pl";PYi‘“m‘;“ for Paymwlb Of clmm of -~·-- 525 eppreprizitieu {br payment of claim of. 524

Johnson, Boson Jones Calcnby ap R. nppropimtion for payment of claim ef. 524 pelitigzel cliizubilities removedi . --.. 513 Johmmz Caesar Jones , unda i'., _ appropriation for payment of claim of. . . . . 478 approprietioii for payment ofclmm of., 484