Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/779

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INDEX. 753 Page. I P Poem;/ield, John, Pierce, Abner · an appropriation for payment of 1 i I . 484 ‘, ,2 '· 1,6 ms a "d RM ° em 0 P ii>£r<2>{;;;i<:;;;z: 5eym¤¤t of mmm of 460

npproprniinon for payment of clmm cf.  504 appropriation for payment of claim of estate

cicrs, William, of ______ 489 ` t' f te f 1 ‘ ..,, . *:2 . " ``'`''''' " `

;gi;;$L:r£g nr paymen o c aim of .> G P,;,.czg¢;,?§?            

· appropriation for payment of claim of . 549 Bingoé ygémignbordgggargezu 0 ° mm ° '‘ 484 n1 '] izgga-§]%Qu&rt3in Public hum 548 approggiiutiun for payment of claim cfeartste etree . . . ‘ ‘‘’’’ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘·‘‘·········· · ···· releaised imm certain taxes on distilled Pte;%Q,£0]LI;Lé¤t€d to A 38

 gzandy -·•····· --··- · ···. ..  508 I1£Mnt0n 50€ep]l M  -"·-°`· '°°":°°°"°"° 4
a,ppr3pri;stion for payment of claim of  . 526 1>5B.LI;;p5;3';L;!5)§°}n§?g7:§But Otzclmm of ` 459

ettit awe I ~ _ . ’ nporgriétion for payment of claim of . 532 apgiogsigaggggefzz msmumeuts to" ' 180’ Petty, mmio, - , ,. " " ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’' ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ appropriation for payment of claim of 532 Pdowgb (U: Shun if Wm ’ . . .Pf<¤1?€ Emanuel,`Up.;,€p}§§f;°°`°°° m?"' '‘‘‘’ ‘"‘°6’ 3%

}°’I;Pr°$r;3’t;D f°r Payment °f chim of ····· 461 out upon, Menomonee Indian reservation
  • 61*9 · 0_"· · may be sold. . . . . , ..._,. 37
 ;;&j<;P;1¤61<;; fvr pwment of clmm of  - 428 certain leads in Michigan not vnluubie for,

t e p na. a,. 1;i 5 t g d . npproprisfionsyfor salaries in ofnce of assist- s(t?ca<i)1?>.lix·§]Lf:.. - g ja`? .? . 55 unt treasurer an .. - ... . 155, 305 Pinn, Ricizmml, for salaries, etc., in mint at .. . . 157, 306 appropriation for payment of claim of. 536 for posi:-ofnce building at .. . ... 110, 351 Piper, Henry, for expenses ofHouseC0mmittee 0nFra.ud— appropriation for payment of claim of. 464 ulent Voting in ; bow disbursed, etc. 219 Piracy, to supply deficiency in appropriations for convention for extradition ofperscnsclmrged contingent expenses 01 mint at .. 363 wétnh, with Outomnn Empire . 573 pimps, Aimic 1:. _ with min ------ -- -·--- - ----- - ----- 650 appropriation ior payment of claim of . 461 Pmiumi G€¢>*'{l0 Wi_ Philips, Smith, npprognrmtaon for payment of claim of. 522 npgwroprizmon for payment of claim of . 532 P*t$8b¤*'0h·; P9-, _ _ _ · phy ,;},8, puh; GW mcugm-, o,ppr0pr1n.tion for salaries in office of depos1— appropriation for payment of claim of . 433 _ WTF at ---· _ ------ ----;-- — --; ·-·--·--· lf}? Bmim G¢<·*¤¤· ·’·W¤·*» %?éi2Z¥?é1§}§€{L“$Z‘i"i;2£a°Li°°£S“?$ me 1"° approprgation for payment of claim of estate cgrum rwféswto ’ X 434 p],;;gq,8 (5·6,Z,Z0`;` ``°```'````````'’°`°`` " “Pittsburgh and CIc·ueland‘ Railroad Qompany, ‘ appropriation for payment of claim of. 480 S00Fomm}' of WPT may **·£*`°° WWh»_f°’·` USG phmhm g·;w,,m, of enisu pier at Cleveland, Ohio; pro· ` appropriation forpmymenb of claim of . 477 , z?E£;¤ ;‘-’§ £;;;f¤*S¤1 of °°mP*'·¤Y to 133 Phillips illiam i . _‘ " ‘‘·•····‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ °‘ " apptdprmhion for imymomi of claim of-"> 488 Ptgggrggriation for payment of claim of 528 Phonographors House, Pl Ol - `'``` °'PPr°P"i”’m€“t.t° gupply d°H°l°D°1°° m °'p` 372 ggpsopriations for continuing work on new, P"°P’m• ‘°“ °F ·· ···· · ····· · ······· · discovered by American a,str0uc•m¢·>rS·67, 387 Phonogmpizeijs to Oommztteea, Hprisc, Pmmfm, Public Blmdmgh - 4 “ppY°pm°'m?“ P0 ¤¤¤v1v d°¤°l°°°1°° m ap" appropriations for photographing, etc 118,355 proprumnu for .. . . . 371 1,]mm Photobithogmphing ·· h ¤1>v¤<>1>¤*¤¤<·¤¤ f$¤» *`·>¤ P¤¤¤¤*·°m¤° G¤¤°°*q64 314 HMT??. iiiwii i?.P?.1i°3 ?F.??FK Y T3 zoo , mic ···:··· ····‘‘ "‘ ‘‘‘‘ " ‘‘‘‘‘‘ ’ I’1an¢s m1d»$¢¢d8 n P°°°"1°°8hm!’ 1Y"h°"'8>. .., appropriations for distribution of . ... .-167, 317 appropriations for payment be certg.m.- .. 19:, 292 mam Jumw LL jw Bmnkeshaeg nd2an Z5’¢i8#-FW¢¤d3, _ appmppiagigii for payment of expenses of, il! u,pprop1éLmt;0¤s for m CHGSB OH 11011-pH·y1¤% contestedngwgion cing ____ ____ _,., ,. 355 s c s 0 .- -. .. .··- -.-- . P- k El- b th A Play-Qrczgvzda, zgggriipriaigloii for Segment of claim of . 526 Pg%I;:f’°},§;;g;?$;‘°t t° b° umd °° ‘ ‘'‘’‘ ‘ " 41 P` , Th ’ . . " · Igpxfsopriziiicin for payment of claim of . 532 p3E;;?};;;},:;; for Pf*S’m6¤ii vf °1°·*m of ·-~- · 520 P' a Inliwna ’ . . ’ · iggppnreprietions for goods, em., m .. .. .178, 273 P§£%<;p;nt;;n for payment of claim of . 433 P'e -Hcad L` ats, · ’" · . zarnpropriaisgion for, on northern and noruh- q“1?h°”·W chwk NW9 tos umd ········ · 515 wgstgru lakes ___,,_ u,.,,,,,,.. .. .- PO7»Ht dll .B(U`QN(’»·$; MTqh•p r Piers, anppropriation for lighthouse at .. . 3.>2 codsbrixcted by the United States, Secretary Point B0nita, CaZ1fornza, 2 of War to report legislation necessary qppropruitron for rernovxrgg nghtthouse ¤»t.. - V to protect, and concerning useyebc., Point Fer·ng1n L¢ght-Stahon, alq/'qmm, gf __,___ _ _,_,_,__,__ _, ., _.,,._ _,_ , , 139 gpppopriggtign f()r purghagg of ]3,nd_ 3,1;; 3,13- penalty for unlagéful injury of .. . 139 thonznmon . .. .-.. . . ..-. · XIX--