Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/799

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INDEX. 773 · , Page. 0 S"f"‘ff f{';Qj‘)’f} P b . t f , _ _ m»pr»m,.r01.n M_, P"g·

  • ’*” %d.m..3 0T2g?,`.? i'??? ‘” or S..?.2§§ZPE}2£§§)” *°’ "“""“°“*‘ °f °‘“*“‘ °‘ ···· "“‘*

Shoshone Indiana Goship Band, -"- ·--- i- ’ ·. · ’ . - · Slgpéwroppnzjpcué y ix:lsm11mom¤ to .190, 235 g;:,E§;2??a;:;;? fm Paymmt °t dmm °f ‘‘‘' 433 sonezqams we $4,, ·t· { __i Shzppgplwpagjoug $01* 3e20d?, ctx}; fgr .. . . 185, 280 Simpgo;P.?o{;w;0§., or payment of da m of ```` *88 8 G N WMS ’01* wes ern an · · · ty · . . · appropriation; for installment to? .-..190 285 fpplopmé mu tm Paylumt of Umm of ```` 477 Shoshzme India/ns, Western Bwnd, ’ bn3P??"' f , . . ,, appropriations fox·inst:m11mc11t to . 190,285 Si,,£p$5;;ilm;]DD 01 paymcm; of Umm M ‘‘‘‘ "‘;7 8h08h0M 0tnd_Bam¢acIq Indians, app1·0priati0u for payment of claim of 520 S h%ppr0£;_;?p10¤s for 1ustaIIr11011ts, ctc., t0. ..190,285 Sinw, Robert M., `°`` W6, ¤ Wm, 21 1*0 r'a.t' f is f :1t' L'· reloasclo fg1m certain taxes on distilled Sin<%2i1·,[Een;;uG.Fr Imymw 0 ( mm O ,84 1‘¤¤ I ; --··- · ----- - ----- - —---- 508 wpprepriatiou for payment of claim of 4S? Showalter, -Chtrzat*oan, _ _ l Sinclair, James B., ) Shzgplfgprjgoea for payment 01 clmm of . 537 Sirggafy boimstorgd to r30k of captain in Army 441 » » I an- mnes accuse . · appropriation for payment of claim of. 464 grant: of lmrd to widow and heirs of .. 417 Shreve, Chgrlgs W., Sinzxlair, Mary, appr0pr1n.t1cm for payment of claim of , 464 gl‘{|,l1!; of land t0. . . . . . .-.. 417 Shrubs, _ __ Sinclair, Mooney, of Hawaiian Islands to be frac of duty, whom, appropriation for payment. of claim of 528 6W -·---. . --.-. . .. . . . .-.. 200 Sims, Daniel 1)., IgM9a,,.,;, Joym, a.pp1·0pria.ti0u for payment of olaim of 488 appropriation for payment of claim of 475 Sinking-Fund, Shultz, Geprge, _ iiactionzzl currency exchanged {br silver to a.ppr0pr1a.t10u for payment of clmm of 433 be deemed part of . . . .., 33 Shumaker, Sarah, Sioux Guy, Iowa, · ~ appropriation for pa_ymc1111 of claim of 536 :¤pp1·0prin.tion tim of military mm1 Shumpert, Jogcph, I _ _ frmu, to Fort Rmxdawll .. . . . . 225 Shappro{;£;€§;tg1; for payment of chum ot 482 Sioux Guy B»~idgcbCm{:pamy, lv P uping, 0 , may construct rin wo across iissouri river &pp1·0priu.ti011 for payment of claim of 528 ut or ucar Sigux City, lowu,. .-.- 205 Sick and Discharged Soldiers, Sioux Lzdicm Rcswxvatiorzx, appropriation to supply dciicioncies in up- approprimiomx to supply dciiciouciou in uppropriation for px·0v'diug for comfort pr·ia.ti0us for survcy of .. .. . . 368 ······ ··~ ·*·· · ····· · ····· ·· ······· ‘ . .> . . . of i 172 Sioux hadiams Signal-Omjpa appropriation for pay, otc., 01 cummxsown to Theodore Mosher_ jmm"., S(,,.gc,mt i,,, may t1•0:ntjv1t}1,1_0rruI1¤1qumhuw11t0i Black F be uppoiutcd a. second lieutenant in _ H-mSaP1°Y*$° - ----· --;;-- ·-·y·· -3-- 4** the Army . proviso ______ _ _____ _ _____ 305 i0r payment 01 oxpeusoa 0i .lIl\/UH‘1l§.,§iL!;l\)l1 Sign a1_ Omgé, ’ of Rad Cloud agency to bu paul from l K appmpriamions for salaries in, . . . 160, 310 m"“°Y“ ‘*PP'°P""Fwd R"` ‘ ‘ *1* ‘ ‘_‘* $02 Sig,w;_Se,.,,.we Aymy 1.0 supply doiioxonoy m npproprnmon 101- ~¤¤¤·¤**¤*·’¤¤ M -——-—- ——-—- · -··-· . .. .. 5?Y“‘i‘;1‘J$E f25g.;;;.;;}; ‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘*‘‘ for obsorvmuou audroporc 0i st,ormsb_y..118, .509 •**· · *-*· * Hub ¤ *~ __ I -; ·;_;--— ; -—--- Q;4 to supply deficiencies in .___ __ _ _____ __ _ _ 374 ,v_not 120 I?0 romqvpd to ]`nfh.m '1,mut.0r) . . . ,- .» provision limiting number of cnlistcd umn *S"°'“'* {"d"{'·"'€» D%*”`@’l·t T"3€€”»1 b f 191 N6 in Army not to pmvwm wmstumum appn0prm.tions or meta moms, e c., 0.. . ,.· for _ _ { _ ________ 07 Swux lndums at Fort Peclé Ag¢·m·y{_ 1g_ hn . ```°'```°.` `," °a. propriutyions for goo s mu. ur... . . u Z.-! Szgals M'? g}°p;"g';_'8* Nav-'/* 66 .386 Pino supply doticiouoios it :1.p{u·0pruu.i0n mr , M ) pl'OpI`1zl. OD . ... .· --· ,¤.. suppottof _________________"______ jk Siletz Reservation, Oregon, ,. . ) _ Sig};}j·’gg;§j§·°‘°“ M g¤S*·¤¤“» ·**0·» °*· ·--- 2** °‘2.}3’{;,?3‘};2iI1‘E.${.*}%’£’3f£‘€;¤...,., L... .-191,25.; ' no be issupd in exchange for fractional mu-. Siféw) ;1;fg{m)»g;#»;_gg>?ngg1G¢:uanhs to W ._m roncy .. . . . . ...-< .. .. 33 I .‘ 1 ,_. "" `` `"M ton millions of,iu Treasury, may be nssugd m Spam realy0L:;, lgagpcéoztglzfféuts to I I wg 2*7 exchange for legal-toudor notes . . ?l5 Sigxgigfglxlao Yankton 1{hbe — “ " ‘ , ~ ‘ x f' ') _' ,g;E,r;?g(;j:;0:;§ fgigjny be umdé and hsued" _ gl?) .zmppr0prin1.i’on¤fo1* iusmxllrnuuts to .. . . W3, 284 penalty for counterfeiting, ctc . . . . 223 Szsk, Wcslqq,_ _ I _ I N0 Sibver Gmnmisaion, S npp¤·0%x;m,u¤T 501- payment of 0 mm 0 . 0. `~t 1 d HV ·'cs in a. — issc on mum n canes_ _ _ ap1)m¥r0L;J>;(;;lti<$uStzaglzagpogsgégsél . . . 370 opproprmciops for installments 1:0 192, 287 Simco, Sarah, _ P SzzLmgl0n,_A._K., t f X _ of 460 appropriation for payment of clmm of 47: oppropjrxzmou for pznymon 0 c mm . Simco, Thomas, deceased, 4 _ _ Sweley, iiapuyas J., deccascq, f I _ f mt m appropriation for payment of clmm of wxdow 477 :mpp1·0p1;a mon for payment 0 c mm 0 a. -21. - 483 of. . .-,... .. . . .A... 0 .. . ...-. . ... . . S` B a t Sivcley Wjllzqm R., _ $:;;,1T;pri;¥i<:1,fw payment of claim of 482 a.ppx?0prum0x1 for puymonxt of clmm of . 477 Simmons, Jolm F., _ SWG!!}, J¤F*6?_M·» _ ‘ t f him of 500 appropriation for payment of clmm of 431 opproprumon fm poymon 0 0 . . ...