Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/817

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mnnx. 791 o. Williams, Lewis, deceased, Pm Winder’0 Building, Pun ¤PPl`0P¤8l>i011 fbi' pa} ment of claim of estate appropriations for repairs of. ... . . 44, 311 _ _ of - -1 ---· - ----· . . . . ... . 459 Windmill Point Light—Sl,alhm, Michigan, Williams, E., appropriation for construction of road at. . . 113 appropriation for payment of claim of . 459 a Wing, 19. Romsey, dccetwal, Williams, lll. fi., s appropriation to remove remains of ... 448 appropriation for payment of account of.. . 367 · lT'ingm·d, S. C., llilliams, .lIm·k Du}', ~ appropriation for payment of salary of 43 vai·proprmtion for payment of claim of . 4242 Wingfield, Elizabeth, ll illiamx, )'apol¢·on. If., appropriation for payment of claim of. -.. . 489 anpproprmtion for payment of cluim of . 528 Winkler, Joshua, ` Williams, i\'•·ro, appropriation for payment of claim of. 528 appropriation for payment of claim of . 528 ‘ Winlook, William M., , Willimna, ,\0u·ton, appropriation for payment of claim of. 462 appropriation for payment of claim of . 430 , Winn, Pelor, ll illiamn, Thomas I1., · appropriation for payment of claim of. 524 political tliszt-bilitios of, removed . . 473 Winnebago Indiana, Willianos, Waller, appropriations for interest, etc., to. .. 194,288 appropriation for payment of claim of . .. . 41*2 llirmelmgonliinh Lake Chippewa Indiana, lTilliam¤on, H._ G., dwclieced, appropriations for installments t0.- .. 180, 274 appropriation for payment of claim of estate lldnalow, Catharine A., 0f .. - - . ... . . . . . . 459 pension granted to .. . . . . . 550 Willimmwn, John, Wimlow, John A., deceased, appropriation for payment of claim of . 522 pension granted to widow of . . 550 Williamson, Russell B., Wimzlou·, Tlmman E., appropriation for payment of claim of. 520 appropriation for payment of claim of. 48*2 Williamson, T. ll., udminixlmling Winters, James, appropriation for payment of claim of. 459 appropriation for payment of claim of. 533 llillmuth, Albert 12., • Wim, Peter, appropriation lor payment of claim of. 52*2 appropriation for payment of claim of . 489 Willoughby, M. W. A., llixoonsin, appropriation for payment. of claim of. 533 appropriations for river and harbor improve- Wilminglon, Del., ments in. .. -..133, 136, 137, 138 aeipropriation for improvement of harbor of 134 for pay of Indian agents and interpreters Wilson, N. Y., in .. . . . 176, 172271,272 appropriation for improvement of harbor at 139 post-roads cstablisltccl in .. .. .. 25, 335, 342 Wilwn, Albert, solo of logs cnt upon Menomonee Indian appropriation for payment of claim of. 49 0 r•·¤•·rvation in, authorized. .. ... . ,37 Wilson, Charles II., city of Stevens Point may have patent for appropriation for payment of claim of . 4i·;9 ce¤rt.ain public land in ... 270 Wilson, Edward W., Wisconsin River, appropriatiot¤ for payment of claim of. 406 · appropriation for improvement of . . 136 Wilson, George, deceased, » Stevens Point, Wis., may have patent for a title of United States to certain lands rc— 2 certain inland in. . . . 270 leased to widow of . . .. .. 443 7 Wilmer, Benjamin, Wiluon, Harmon K., · appropt iation for payment ofclaim of . _ 465 appropriation for payment of claim of . 462 ‘ ll'. misses, Wilson, Henry, deceased, I oatlm to, may be administered by presiding appropriation for engraving portrait of 27 · officer, secretary, and chief clerk of to pay executor of . , ,, . . 103 i Senate .. . . . . . . - 34 Wilson, llvnry J., l residing in District of Columbia, rate of pay appropriation for payment of claim of. 462 when summoned before committees of Ihlggn, Jmuen R., { Iltmsc of Representatives . . . 4]. appropriation for payment of claim of . 434 Q Will, Nat, Wslaou, John, appropriation for payment of claim of. 485 appropriation for payment of claim of . 524 i Tl’olin•·r, M iehuel, _ ‘ Wilaon, Joseph, 3 appropriatiion for payment of claim of. 481 appropriation for payment of claim of. 445 1 ll bl/`, Ifaemel, administrator, ‘ _ Wilson, Jilaridu, appropriation for payment of claun of. 463 appropriation for payment of claim of . 430 { lllrl/Q David, I _ Wilson, Matilda, g appropi iahon for payment of claim of- 465 appropriation for payment of claim of 477 g Wolf, I'. II., deceased, Willson, linear, i appropriation for payment ofclaim ofestate iqnpropriation for payment of claim of . 533 l of ·--------- Z- ------·- -·- ---· -- --·- 463 Wilson, Paul, { lT'ol-pah-pvc Snake Indiana, . appropriation for payment of claim oi. 524 E appropi·ia.tions for installment to . . 193, 287 Wilson, Surah, l llbnmok, llillium, _ ‘ title of United States to certain lands rc— i appropriation for payment of claim of. 430 leased to. ,.. . . L. .. 442} l Wood, Allen, _ W ilnon, Wuxliington, ,approp¤iation for payment. of .. . ... .362 appropriation for payment of claim of. 520 ll ood, G¢·orge`1x.,_deccaued, _ Wilson, lVillia·m. E, appropriation ior payment of claim of estate r appropriation for payment of claim of- .--- 599 _ vi »—·- · - - ·-·--- · -·--- - ·--·--· · -···- 48** Wilson, William lil., ll ond, Ira 'L., _ _ appropriation for payment of claim of. 459 , appropriation for payment of claim of. 460 Wilson, William S.,· Wood, .I0ro·nnoh, _ appropriation for payment of claim of. 459 appropriation for payment of claim of. 524