Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/22

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XX11 LIST OF PRIVATE ACTS AN D RESOLUTIONS. Pago. Joaepllhm Da C. Thomas. An act granting on increase of pension to Josephine Da. C. Thomas, Mlm}] ;:, mo . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . ------ - ----- - ----- 62Q Alice B. Alunroe. An act gmiiting :1 pension to Alifco B. M1111FOF- NH!'?]! 3, 1879 -·_ ---· - ----· · ·---· 626 William H. Jl. Baldwin. An not for the relief of William II. II. Baldwin. 1\lm·ch5, 1879. . ..-. 626 Elizabeth S. Robcrfc. An act to incrcnso tho pension of Mrs. Elizabeth S. Roberts. Marcli 3, 1879.. 626 Carolina Huwlcy. An act granting an incrvasc of pension to Curolino Ilmvloy. March 2}, 1:579 . fi26 Sidney A. Ilurrison. An act granting a pension to Mrs. Sidnvy A.‘HHIT1SOH. Marc]1 Ii, 1t·579 . Ann Cornelia Layman. An act grzmting :1 pension to Ann Cornelia Lanninu. .i.`.l{1l:Cll·3, 1879 .. . (127 Richard Stevenson. An oct for tho relief of the hcirs and lcgal representatives oi Richard Stcvonson, lato assistant quartcrmastcr of voluntccrs, and his bomlsincn. March 3, 1c579..._... . 627 Elisha 1·`ran/din. An not grzmtiiig u bounty lmirlwveirrant to Ehslw. Franklin, :1 survivor oi tho war of eightccu liuiulrcel and twelve. March 3, 1879 .. . . . . .. . . . . . .. 627 Jllorris 1)u·ight. An act grant ing :1, pension to Morris Dwight. M:1rch_3, 1879 .. . . .. . . . 627 Claims allowed by accounting of iirwra. An act lor tho allowance of ccrtmn claims reportcd by the uccounting officers of tho United States Trvxisury Department, and for other purposes. March ( )8 3 1879 . ...,, . .,.., . . .--. .-... . .. . . .-.. .. ... . »L Claima ol/cwcd by Commissioners of Claims. An act making appropriations for the puynicnt of claims roportcd allowed by the Commissioners of Claims under the act of Congress of March third, eighteen hun<lrcd and seventy-onc, mul acts amondotory thereoi Mm‘0h 3, 1879 .. . . 650 H`. M. Jlillingpde-_:;. An not for the rclicf of ll. M. Billingslcy. March 3, 1879 . . . . . . 665 · Tliwd B. Durnoil. An act granting an incrcoso of pension to “7HI(l B. Burnett. March 3, 1879 665 Isaiah Pickard. An act for tho relief of Isaiah Pic-kard. March 3, 1879. . . . . . 665 Peter G. Mills. An act for tho relief of Pntcr G. Mills. March 3, 1879. . . . . . .. 665 John HC Gall. An not for tho relief of the legal represcintutives of John W. Gull, doccasccl, lotc of Company A, 0110 hundred and thirtioth Regiment Illinois Volunteers. March, 3, 1879. .. 665 Daniel M. Frost and others. An not for the relief of Daniel M. Frost and tho heirs and executors of William M. McPherson, of the State of Missouri. March 3, 1879 . -- ... .. 666 1). W .`l[cC?nng. An act for the relief of D. XV. McClung, of Woodsdude, Butler County, Ohio. l\[:1rch 3, 1879 .. . . ... -.. .. . . .. --.. .. 666 John McIntyre. An act granting :1. pension to John McIntyro. March 3, 1879 .. . .. 665 .L Fraser. An act for the relief of J. Fraser. March 3, 1879 . . . .. . .. . . ... 666 A. E Rockwell. An act for the relief of A. F. Rockwall, aide-do-camp on tho staff of General Buell. March 3, 1879 .. . . - ... . . . . . . .. . . . . 666 V. H. Jl[cCormick. An not for tho relief of V. H. McCormick. March 3, 1879 .. .- ..,. . 667 Alary F. McK¢·m·er. An not granting nn iucrcasu of pension to Mary F. Mcliccvcr. March 3, 187 9 667 A. F. Whitman. An act for tho relief of A. F. Whitman, administrator do bonis non of Samuel Kimbro and E. V. Kinibro. March 3, 1879 . . . . . . . . . . . . 667 Gcorgc3.[1€87I§lIca. An act for the rclicf of Lioutcuaut George M. WVollcs, of tho Marino Corps. March `y 7 ··•••----0----··••••-••·-•-··-.•-·---··•.-..·..--•·.•.•..--•.·..•..---.. Calrin E. Pratt. An act granting a, pension to Calvin E. Pratt, lute brigadior-general of volunteers. March 3, 1879 .. .. . . ., . ...,, . . . ,,,,,_,.. .,,,,, , ,,,,, __ ____ 668 John Jlclnlosh Kell. An act ihr tho removal of the political disabilities of John McIntosh Kell, of Georgia. March 3, 1879 ...,., --.. .. ,... ,, ., ,_ ,,.__, __ 668 William Jolmncn and others. An not for tho relief of \Vi11iam Johnson and John R. Francis, of Edgar County, lllinois. March 3, 1879 ,.,, _, , , __ __ _,______ __ ____ , _ _ __ __ ____ __ __ ____ __ ____ _ _____ _ 668 Henry T Fuller. An not for tho rolicf of Henry T. Fuller and others, suroties upon the officiall bond of William H. Waterman. March 3, 1679 . . .. .. . . . . . . 668 RESOLUTIONS. John J. Manuel. Joint resolution providing for transportation b the military authorities of John J. Manuel and two infant daughters from Camp Howard, {darko Territory, to Saint (fhnrlcs, Missouri. January 31, 1879. .. . ..,..,_,, , ,,_,__,_______ . __ ____ _ _____ __ 669 D. E Tozier. Joint resolution to ullow Lieutenant D. F. Tozier n gold modal mvnrrlcd by the 1‘residont of the French Repuhlic, February 10, 1879 . . . . .. . . . . (5159 Penny Lunch. Joint resolution making on appropriation for tho bonciit of tho Pcnnv Lunch Houso of Washington, District of Columbia., February 26, 1979 . . . .. . . ... 669 Collectors of Internal Ifcrcnuc. Joint resolution authorizing the F+·<·rctary of tho Trcusurv to pav cortuin odiccrs of the interna.]-rcvcnuo scrvico the amounts duo 1110::1 for their services as such ofiicors provious to tho timo of oxccuting their bonds and taking the oath of offico ns proscribed by law, February 27, 1870 ___, . ,,._. __ __ ._____ .. ,___ __ ____ __ __ __ __ __,_ ,, ., _, ,___ _, 670 I?. C. McCormick. J oiut rosolution authorizing tho remission of duty on two articles of bronzo presgngccl to Hon. R. C. McCormick by AH1£‘1‘l(‘1lll cxlxibilors at the Paris Exposition. March 1, Anna ILL Clark. Joint resolutiou approving the advvrsc docisiou of the Commissioner of tho (lon- 670 cral Lm1d Offico in tho claim of Anna, M. Clark. March 3, 1879 .. . . .. . . 670