Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/248

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FORTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 359. 1878. 223 ment of five dollars to each prisoner on discharge, estimated two hundred discharges; expenses of pursuing and for apprehension and delivery of escaped prisoners; material and tools for use in shops at stonequarry, and for repairing and cleaning machinery, engines, and heating apparatus; pay of foremeu, one carpenter, one blacksmith, one quarry- man, one engineer for stationery and one for portable engine, at seventy- tive dollars per month each; building storerooms, shops, messroom, and kitchen for prisoners; and for general repairs of prison buildings; for completion of prison hospital, two thousand dollars; in all, twentysix thousand six hundred and thirty dollars. United States Artillery School at Fortress Monroe, Virginia: To pro- Artillcry school. vide for text-books, drawing materials, models, and material necessary in the science of engineering and of artillery, stationery and miscellaneous necessaries for the use of the school, three thousand nine hundred and twenty five dollars. For repairs and erection of barracks at Fortress Monroe, Virginia, Barracks at twenty five thousand dollars. Fortress Monroe- Artificial limbs: For furnishing artificial limbs and appliances, or Artificial limbs. commutation therefor, and transportation, one hundred and tive thousand dollars; five thousand dollars of which may be used for the service of the current iiscal year. For disinterring and removing to national military cemeteries the omccryremaias, remains of officers of the Army who fell in battle, or died on the frontier, and whose remains have not been removed to the States, tivo thousand dollars. . Appliances for disabled soldiers: For providing surgical appliances Surgical applifor persons disabled in the military or naval service of the United States ¤¤¤<=¤· not otherwise provided for, three thousand dollars. Support of transient paupers: For care, support, and medical treat- Transient paument of seventy-tive transient paupers, medical and surgical patients, l><>r¤· in the city of Washington, under a contract to be made with such institution as the Surgeon-General of the Army may select, fifteen thousand dollars. Support of National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers: Current National Homo expenses, including repairs: For the Central Branch, for the Eastern fer V<>1¤¤¤><~>r¤· Branch, lor the Northwestern Branch, for the Southern Branch, and for hospital and other necessary construction purposes, for clothing of extra sizes and underclothin g, for out-door relief and incidental expenses, eight hundred and eighty thousand dollars: Provided, That all pur- p,,,·,,;,,m of ,,,1,. chases of supplies exceeding the sum of one thousand dollars at any one puea. time shall be made upon public tender after due advertisement: And further, That Colonel Leonard A Harris, of Ohio, General Richard Manager, ap- Coulter, of Pennsylvania, and Colonel John A. Martin, of Kansas, be, pointed. and they are hereby, appointed managers of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, to fill vacancies occasioned by the expiration of the terms of office on the twentyhrst day of April, anno Domini eighteen hundred and seventy-six, of Lewis B. Gunckel of Ohio, General James S. Negley, of Pennsylvania, and General John S. Cavender, of Missouri. That the Secretary of War is hereby authorized to cause the machine Tvvfing iron and built for testing iron and steel to be set up and applied to the testing of """g· h. iron and steel for all persons who may desire to use it, upon the pay- Be °f"°°° "w' ment of a suitable fee for each test; the table of {ees to be approved by the Secretary of War, and to be so adjusted from time to time as to deiray the actual cost of the tests as near as may be; and in order to make App,-.,,,r;,,t;0,,_ the final payment on contract for the construction of this machine, the sum of six thousand two hundred and ninety-nine dollars and forty eight cents, of the unexpended balance now remaining on the books of the Treasury of the appropriation for this purpose is hereby reappropriated and made available therefor. The requisite amount is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the J¤¤¤°¤ B- EMB- Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to pay all money that may become