Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/384

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FORTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 180. 1879. 359 rier offices, and one cent for each half ounce or fraction thereof where free delivery by carrier is not established. The Postmaster General Soldiers leuoro. may, however, provide, by regulation, for transmitting unpaid and duly certitied letters of soldiers, sailors, and marines in the service of the United States to their destination, to be paid on delivery. Sec. 10. That mailable matter of the second class shall embrace all Second class. newspapers and other periodical publications which are issued at stated intervals, and as frequently as four times a year and are within the conditions named in section twelve and fourteen. Srac. 11. Publications of the second class except as provided in section Rates. twenty five, when sent by the publisher thereof, and from the office of publication, including sample copies, or when sent from a news agency to actual subscribers thereto, or to other news agents, shall be entitled to transmission through the mails at two cents a pound or fraction thereof, such postage to be prepaid, as now provided by law. SBC. 12. That matter of the second class may be examined at the E¢¤·miM#¥0¤· otiice of mailing, and if found to contain matter which is subject to a higher rate of postage, such matter shall be charged with postage at the rate to which the inclosed matter is subject: Provided, That nothing Proriso. herein contained shall be so construed as to prohibit the insertion in periodicals of advertisements attached permanently to the same. Srsc. 13. That any person who shall submit, or cause to be submitted, Penalty. for transportation in the mails any false evidence to the postmaster relative to the character of his publication, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof in any court of competent jurisdiction, shall for every such offense be punished by a fine of not less than one hundred nor more than five hundred dollars. Sec. 14. That the conditions upon which a publication shall be admitted Sewndyclasv matto the second class are as follows: ’" '””P"“”"d· First. It must regularly be issued at stated intervals, as frequently as four times a year, and bear a date of issue, and be numbered consecutively. Second. It must be issued from a known ofdce of publication. Third. It must be formed of printed paper sheets, without board, cloth, leather, or other substantial binding, such as distinguish printed books for preservation from periodical publications. . Fourth. It must be originated and published for the dissemination of information of a public character, or devoted to literature, the sciences, arts, or some special industry, and having a legitimate list of subscribers; Provided, however, That nothing herein contained shall be so con- Proviao. strucd as to admit to the second class rate regular publications designed primarily for advertising purposes, or for free circulation, or for circulation at nominal rates. Sec. 15. That foreign newspapers and other periodicals of the same Foreign periodgeneral character as those admitted to the second class in the United W8- States may, under the direction of the Postmaster General, on application of the publishers thereof or their agents, be transmitted through the mails at the same rates as if published in the United States. Nothing copyrtghtr proin this act shall be so construed as to allow the transmission through femdthe mails of any publication which violates any copyright granted by the United States. Sec. 16. That publishers of matter of the second class may without Supplwwnfv. subjecting it to extra postage, fold within their regular issues a supplement; but in all cases the added matter must be gerrnane to the publication which it supplements, that is to say, matter supplied in order to complete that to which it is added or supplemented, but omitted from the regular issue for want of space, time, or greater convenience, which supplement must in every case be issued with the publication. Sec. 17. That mail matter of the third class shall embrace books, tran- Third dw. sient newspapers, and periodicals, circulars, and other matter wholly in print (not included in section twelve), proof sheets, corrected proof sheets, and manuscript copy accompanying the same, and postage shall