Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/773

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748 CONVENTION—UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION. J UNE 1, 1878. Ratiiiootiomoon- Berne on the 9th of October, A. D. 1874, the same is by me, in virtue of

    • ¤“°d· the powers vested in the Postmaster-General by law, hereby_rat;1iied and

approved, by and with the advice and consent of the President of the United States. _ In witness whereof I have caused the seal of the Post-Othee Depart ment of the United States to be hereto aiiixed, with my signature, this 13th day of August, 1878. EAL. D. M. KEY is ] > Postma.¢tcr-Gcrccral. Approval. I hereby approve the above-mentioned Convention, and in testimony thereof I have caused the seal of the United States to be [SEAL'] aiiixed hereto. R. B. HAYES. By the President: F. W. Snwimn, Acting Secretary of State. WASHINGTON, August 13, 1878. Universal Postal Union—0onvcntion of Paris. FINAL PROTOCOL. Final protocol- Les soussignés, plénipotentiaires The undersigned, plenipotendesGouvernements des paysqui ont tiaries of the Governments of the signé anjourd’hui la Convention de countries which have this day Paris, sont convenus de ce qui suit: signed the Convention of Paris, have agreed as follows: Persia. I. La Perse, qui fait partie de I. Persia, which forms part of l’Union n’étant pas représentee, the Union, being unrepresented, sera admise néanmoins a signer will nevertheless be allowed to sign ultérieurement la Convention, moy- the Convention hereafter, provided ennant qu’elle consacre son adhé- that country confirms its adhesion sion par un acte diplomatique avec by a diplomatic act with the Swiss le Gouvernement suisse, avant le Government before the lst of April, 1°' avril 1879. 1879. Fofoizo oo¤¤· II. Les pays etrangers a l’Union, II. The countries foreign to the ""°“· qui ont ajourné leur adhesion ou Union, which have deterred their qui ne sont pas encore prononcés, adhesion or which have not yet anentreront dans l’Union en remplis— nounced their intentions, shall ensant les conditions prévues par ter the Union on fulfilling the con- Particle 18 de la Convention. ditions specified in Article 18 of the Convention. Fai1urotor¤tify· III. Dans le cas ou Pune ou l’au- III. In case one or other of the tre des parties contractantes ne contracting parties should not ratiiierait pas la Convention, cette ratify the Convention, this Conven- Convention n’en sera pas moins va- tion shall nevertheless be binding lable pour les parties. on the parties to it. British colonies. IV. Les divcrses Colonies an- IV. The various British colonies, glaiscs, autres que le Canada et other than Canada and British Inl’Inde britannique, qui prennent dia, which are parties in the Conpart ala Convention ¤ont: Ceylan, vention, are Ceylon, the Straits Straits Settlements, Laboan, Hong Settlements, Labuan, Hong—Kong, Kong, Maurice et dependances, les Mauritius and dependencies, Ber- Bermudes, la Guyane anglaise, la muda,BritishGniana,Jamaica, and J amaique et la Trinité. Trinidad. Signatures. En toi de quoi les plénipoten- In faith of which the undermentaiaires ci-dessous ont dressé le pre- tioned plenipotentiaries havedrawn sent protocole final, qui aura la up the present tinal protocol, which