Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/793

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768 CONVENTION—UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION. JUNE 1, 1878. Weight vquivu- leur regime intérieur, ne pcuvcnt consequence of their interior regu- 1°“*“· adopter le type de poids decimal lations, are unable to adopt the métriquc, ont la faculté d’y sub- decimal metrical system of weight, stituer Ponce avotr du poids (28 gr. have the right to substituite for 3405), en assimilant une demi-once it the ounce avoirdupois (28.3405 a 15 grammes et deux ences a 50 grammes), by assimilating a half grannnes, et d’élcver, au besoin,1a ounce to 15 grainmes, and two limite du port simple des journaux ounces to 50 grammes, and to raise, a quatre onces, mais sous la condi- if needtul, the limit of the single tion expresse que, dans ce dernier rate of postage on newspapers to cas, le port des jonrnanx ne soit pas four ounces, but under the express inférieur at 10 centimes et qu’il soit condition that, in the latter case, percu un port entier par numéro de the postage on newspapers be not journal, alors meme que plusieurs less than 10 centimes, and that an journaux se trouveraient groupés entire rate of postage be charged dans un meme envoi. for each copy of the newspaper, even though several newspapers be ` included in the same packet. XXVH. XXVII. Réclamatton d’0lg}cts ordinance mm Applications for Ordinary Articles parvenus. which have failed to rcach their · Destination. Ilost ordinary 1. Toute réclamation relative a 1. Every application respecting

            • 1- un objet de correspondance ordi- an article of ordinary correspondnaire non parvenu a destination ence which has failed to reach its

donne lieu au procédé suivant: destination gives rise to the following proceeding: 1** Il est remis au réclamant une 1st. A form similar to the model formule conforme au modele G ci- G hereto annexed, is handed to the annexé, avec priere d’en remplir, applicant, who is requested to till aussi exactement que possible, la up as exactly as possible, the porpartie qui le concerne. tion which concerns him. 2** Le bureau ou la. reclamation 2d. The office at which the applis’est produite transmet la formule cation originates transmits the iorm directement au bureau correspon- direct to the corresponding office. dant. La transmission s’effectue It is transmitted officially and withd’oiEce et sans aucun écrit. out any writing. 3° Le bureau correspondant fait 3d. The corresponding office presenter la formule au destinataire causes the form to be handed to ou a Pexpéditeur, selon le cas, avec the addressee or to the sender, as priere defournirdesrenseignements the case may be, with the request a ce sujet. that particulars on the subject be ,_ ftunished. 4** Munie de ces renseignements, 4th. Supplied with these particula formule est renvoyée d’office au lars, the term is sent back onicially bureau qui l’a dressee. to the office which prepared it. 5** Dans le cas ou la réclamation 5th. In case the application proves est reconnuc fondee, elle est trans- to be well founded, it is transmitted misc a 1’adn1inistration_ centrale to the Central Administration, to pour servir de base aux investi- serve as the basis for further invesgations ultérieures. tigation. 6** A moins d’entente contraire, Gth. Unless by agreement to the la formule est redigée en francais contrary, the form is drawn up in ou porte une traduction francaise. French, or bears a French transla~ tion. ‘ 2. Toute administration peut 2. Any Administration may reexiger, par une notincation adres- quire. by means of a notification sée au Bureau international, que addressed to the International Bu- Péchangc des réclamations, en ce reau, that the exchange of applica