Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/798

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CONVENTION—UNIVERSAIi POSTAL UNION. JUNE 1, 1878. 773 do la cote_septentrionaled’A;Erique, sessions on the Northern Coast of Jurisdiction of comme iaisant partie cle l’Espagne; Africa, as forming part of Spain; U¤i°¤· la République du Val d’Andorre, the Republic of Andorra and the les établissements de poste de l’Es- Postal establishments of Spainupon pagne sur la cote occidentale du the western coast of Morocco, as Maroc, comme relevant de l’admi- subordinate to the Spanish Postal nistration des postes espagnoles; Administration. 50 L’Algérie comme faisant par- 5th. Algeri as forming part of tie de la France; la principauté de France; the Principality of Mon- Monaco et les bureaux de poste aco, and the French post-offices francais établis a Tunis, a Tanger established at Tunis, Tangier (Mo- (Maroc) et a Shang—Hai (Chino), roceo) and at Shanghai (China), as comme relevant cle Padministration subordinate to the Postal Adminisdes postes de France; le Cambodge tration of France; Cambodia and et 1eTonkin comme assimilés, quant Tonquin, as assimilated, so far as au service postal, a la colonie fran- regards the postal service, to the eaise de Cochinchine; French colony of Cochin China. 60 Gibraltar, ainsi que Malte et 6th. Gibraltar, as well as Malta dependances, comme relevant de and its dependencies, as subordi- Padministration des postes de la nate to the Postal Administration Grande-Bretagne; of Great Britain. · 70 Les bureaux de poste que l’ad— 7th. The post-ofiices which the ministration de la colonie anglaise Administration of the English colde Hong-Kong entretient a Kiung- ony of Hong-Kong maintains at Schow, Canton, Swatow, Amoy, Kiung-chow, Canton, Swatow, Fouchou, Ningpo, Shang-Hai et Amoy, Foo-chow, Ningpo, Shang- Hankow (Chino), ct a Hai—Phung hai, and Hankow (China), and Haiet Hanoi (Tonkin); Fung and Hanoi (Tonquin). 8** Les établisscments de poste 8th. The Indian postal establishindiens d’Aden, de Mascate, du ments of Aden, Muscat,` Persian golfe Persique, de Guadur et de Gulf, Guadur, and Mandalay, as Mandalay, comme relevant de Pad- subordinate to the Postal Admmisministration des postes de l’Inde tration of British India. britannique ; 9° La République de Saint-Marin 9th. The Republic of St. Marino et les bureaux italiens de Tunis et and the Italian offices of Tunis and de Tripoli de Barbarie, comme re- Tripoli, in Barbary, as subordinate levantdwadrxninistraiiondespostes to the Postal Administration of d’Italie; Italy. 10** Les bureaux do poste que 10th. The postofiices which the Padministration japonaise a établis Japanese Administration has estaba Shang-Hai, Chefoo, Chinkiang, lished at Shanghai, Chefoo, Chin- Hankow, Ningpo, Foo-Chow, New- Kiang, Hankow, Ningpo, Foochwang, Kiukiang et Tien-Tsin _Chow Newchwang, Kiukiang, and (Chino), et a Fusanpo (Corée); 'lgen-Tsin (China), and of Fusampo orca . 11° Madere et les Acores, comme ( 11th. Madeira and the Azores, as faisant partie du Portugal; forming part of Portugal; _ 12° Le Grand—Duche de Fin- 12th. The Grand Duchy of Finlande, comme faisant partie inté- land as forming an integral part of grante de l’Empire de Russie. the Fimpire of Russia XXXIII. XXXIII. Dans Pintervalle qui s’ecoule In the interval which elapses be- Changes. entre les reunions, toute adminis- tween the meetings, every Postal tration des postes d’un pays de Administration ofa country of the l’Union a le droit d’adresser aux Union has the right to address to autres administrations partici- the other participating Administrapantes, par Pintermédiaire du Bu- tions, through the intermediary of reau international, des propositions the International Bureau, proposals conoernant les dispositions du pre- in regard to the stipulations of the