Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/844

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INDEX. 819 Pago. Pu ,,_ Bennett, Adaytha A., (Fo } Bigelow, John WZ, g payme-n. o .. . . , · » M _ _ _ ______ _ _____ ____ ______ _ Bennett, Moses H., deceased, U I B522m:;, 800 ° 416 payment to widow of. . . .. .. . . 650 i 5 ,,,,,,,,;,0 " · B¢·mnng’n Bridge, 1 .5 V -·-- · ·---- - - - · - . . . . . ..., 505 appropriation for repairs of ... ..,. 403 B'"'"!/"v ('”°"V"> Bonfmi, James N, I’“Ym(`nt to ·--- · · ·-··--·-~·-···-·-·---·- · 557 payment to .. . . . . (532 Billingslry, H. M, Bon!:, George H. C., payment to .. . ... ..-. ($65 Pnynmm to ···-·· - ------·-·-•·----· - -·--- 632 Pillow George ”‘;‘;$*.£tf¥'2,f"·= ,0, _Q.M;*·;»*,;;* ------- · ---· - —·--··-------·--- 1**9 _ _ J ·---·- - --··· - -·-·- - ·-.-. - . · i-mn a to onm, B<’>'0¢"¤ Mvk, N- J-, _ l , internationalJconferenee for establishing

andsurvey0fship—canala.cross. 374 use ot, etc., to be invited ... 25

’ ’ Binding paymentto . . , ,,,,, _ _____ ____ 500 -’ . t- S Bc »·»I a, X., ””t’.5“352-”;t;‘L‘;t,£°§.;t::;;:1:;;;::;;;;ts;aE2£;i‘{? puyméllli to ·----· · ·---- · ----·------ - -·-.- 553 `for Senators and members may be done by Bfwharty Abram, Public Primer at actual cost .5 P”·¥m°¤t t° ---· ·--- ·--- ---· ·--·---— · ·--—- 637 materials for, when may be purchased in BMW", Albvrf, - _ open market . . - 22 Pilymmlli to --·-~ _ - ; ----· ·-- · ------ -- ·· ·-.- 053 style ot, for government .. . . . . 207

igltnigi admrmvfmivr, 517 rule nsgg, not to apply to library of Patent 322

B¢;·ri.Am:1;·; 0-, '``` 500 of sm$°i>t}.L}}§Aé{tLC Z ZIIZ ZQQZ ZIZZ Zjjfjj 322; ¤Ym‘{1{ --—---·-·---·--- · ----- ·· ·- ---- of Surgeon-Genera-l’s Office .. . .. 267 Barr. 1>¢•;¢;?>vfh T-. ,00 Bama", nznam D., P¤·.Ym°¤ 0 - ----- - --—~--··- ····—· ---- ---- ·- payment to . . . . . . .--. 6'3 Berry, Henry, Bird, Enoch, O payment to . . .. .. . . .,,, ,, ,,,_,, _, _ , _ , 523 paynmut to ·- - ----- - --·------ - · -·---- 628 Berry Joshua Bird Thomas sr. payment m' . . . . ssa. B1>¤y¤¤¤¤¤ Mi --3- ------ - ----- ---------- 653 Berry, J ulioolt S., administratrige, irds, payment to ..., .,,, . ,,_,,,, ,,_, ,,,, __ 500 certain not to be killed etc. in District of Berry, Mary E, L., (lolumbiu .- J -·-- {--· ---· - ----- 134 payment to . ... .. 500 34,-1;,;;, Charly p_, B°""LV1 N- E-, payment to .. . ... 232 P“·Ym°¤1i tc -···-· ---· ---· - —---· - --·-·---- 503 repealed; claim referred to Court of Berry, P- 0-. = Claims .. . . . . . . - 396 payment to .. . . . . 628 Butte, Horatio, j,-,, ‘ B€"°*`.V» Robert U-, contested-election expenses of . . .. 400 PJIYHIGIUQ to . . . . ...-- . . . . · . . . . . . . . 503 Bighgp, AIg;rqpdm·, Berry, Rosalie E,, payment to . . . . . . 653 payment to ,,,, ,,,, ,,_, ,, ,, ,,.,_, , ____,,, 500 I Bishop, Jolgn 1*., administrator, 628 Berry Sarah E,paymen to . . . .. payment to ute of . . . . . . . . 652 , Bishop, John S., Berry, Thaman, = payment of judgment to .. . ... 7 Bpayment to ,..,,, ,. , .,.., , ,,,_, ,. 64;; Biangyqck, Day., h fm t F It my erry Tbgmag S, (lgggqggd ml 1 3.I'y to egrep 0 0 IB; OX- pnyment to estate of . .’.. . .. .. . . .. 500 _ penscs of opprntinlg . 219 Berry, Virginia, administratrim, _ private dispute es by .. . . . . 219 payment to ,,,.,, , ,.,,, . ,., . . , . , , 517 Bwsonel te,tl;o(er, _ 120 B, —- · paymen .o .. . . . . ml.-gii'{'$°°Z . . . . . . . . . at-4 B*·¤¢···~· A···'*~> ·’-· 5,, Berryhill, John, Pnyment tv ----·· - ---·---·--··~---··· • · - · •’ Bpuyment to .. .. . , ,...,. . ...,,,,,, 653 Bivens, Harpct L., 551 P :1- · e . o . . .. . . . .. . fpayxnidiit to . . . . . . . . . . . . . 559 Bi1eie1is1:\I;?aa¢r A . , Bethel, Brandus, dcceased, P¤)'¤1*<‘¤l‘ tv ----—~ -·-- - ·---- -·· - -----· - --- 551 l”l}'m°¤V tv 68*0*6 of ··-·—- - · -- -·-- - -··--- 637 Birens, James A., administrator, Bethel, William S., executor, · pay1m·nt to . .. . . . . . .. . .. . 551 payment to "'"' " ‘’‘' "' `'`'’ 037 . Birgmg, Rgbm·[’ dgcgqged, B"`*°"'!}r J""'"); . Imymf-nt to estate of __________ _ ____ ______ 551 payxnent to . . . . . . . .. 559 , Bi,.,,,,,, S,,,,,,,, Bible, George, pnvrnvnt te; . . - ---- - ---- ---- ··-••- 551 paymentto . . . 509 ,_· ,,,. E Bid-for emma, BM <·¤g¤. fd yrm ·, 551 with \Var Department; rules a to, to be Imdmull .° ‘ ‘‘' "" '‘'‘` pte¤¤¤·1¤en . .. .. as B···~·j¤- Tl ·"·¤~· S-. W Biennial Regqister P*f·F'“°ll;_l‘}_ ·-----····-- - -·-·· · ····· · ····· Bginzing and distribution of . . . 13 B'{)'_;Qg;"&n·}0’·> 562 paymm {gui . . . . . . . .. :-:-4 1*·=~3 J¤’~··, 6,8 Big Sandy River, Kg., P"} “‘°“l_ " -·-··-·- _ ·-·· · ··•· · ····‘ · ·‘‘‘‘ appropriations for improvement of ... 157, 308 Blacls Bob tshawnce Indians, _ Big Sunjlowcr River, Misa., suit- to qmct title of, to lands in Kansas appropriations for improvement of ... 160, 370 <l1re<·ted . . . 488