Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/895

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870 INDEX. Pago. I _ Page. Hurst, Daniel R., I Iman, James, payment to .. .. .. . . .. 561 5 payment to . . ...-- . ---·- 509 Uurst, Alary, Import Duties, _ _ payment to .. . . . . . . . . 506 provisions respecting, in convcnhon with Huskey, Hartwell, J apzm . . .. . . 798 payment to .. . ... . . . . 651 under treaty with Samoan Islands 704 Huston, Paul S., Imported Cigarettes, _ payment to .. . . . . . .- . . . . . 522 internal-rcveuuc tax 011, to be paul by Hulcheson, John IK, stamps a.HiX<‘d. . . . ..--. .--. 348 payment to . . . . . . . ... 629 Impwtcd L,q,,,,,.8’ H¤·‘vMM, Hams; shall be inspected, stamped, ctc., before P3·Y{¤€¤t to ·----· · ----· - ----- · ----· · ---·· 654 , withdrawal itom bonded warehouse; H*“€’h·'”8°”·» E F-» * regulations; forfeiture for absence of payment to . . .. .. 118Stamp ______ _ ___________ _ _____ _ _____ 342 ·H”*CM”8"”» J°”“”'“” B-: stamps, ctc., on packages ot', to be cf1:`ax:cd, Payment T0 ------ -- ·------- --- - ---- - ---·· 501 etc., on drawing off contents; forfeit- HVHW, Gm"96 W: ure for rcu c of package. ctc . .- -. 342 Payment to -·---· · ----- - -·-·- · ·--- - ----·· 639 _ penalty for selling, using, utc., casks, ctc., Hufwn, Hwy M-, dvcwvd, - mm ¤¤e(1m~. . ... . . 343 payment to estate of .. .-. . .. . . 507 [,,,pm.m·8, Huumb Joh", appropriation for repayment of excess of p=»ym¢n'¤ to ----·- · ----- - ----- - ·---· - ----- 651 doposxts by . 414 1iE•1<m¤i8, Mw-, _ Impom, RPPTOPIEMIOHS for m*PT°"€m€¤t of h411b0f5S 363 ccmsuls to make reports of 273 o .. . . .. ... .‘’ Improvement T axes H”""» Eh H·> of Bum Thonius 512 v=~y=¤<>¤* to ---- —---—· - ----- -- ---- 65* of Bcak,1m,.h . . . . .. me Hyde, Thomas W, executor, r Improvcmmm, Payment? to ‘‘'`'' ‘ ’ '’''` 'H8 appropriations for, in District of Colnmbia. 403 Hydem mll1°m’ ,, in District of Columbia; how made . . 105 H5g_5;;_;u$l;°6*bi'0é" '‘'‘`'’''' wl con ct] how pmd .,-. .. . .--. 106 ·“PPi‘;}’%“*’i°“S 6* —----· ---— -- ------—- 51**6 “`“d° F§£“$$”“€Z" ££y1‘{;'3`E5“Z,vI$IL?‘}L`$~”“ 130 H d_ . )'7 " Hg 1; 1§’sum or commbm to be muzzlcd lvvirwnfai _1¤~i1¤~¤v¢¤, on proclamation of existence or .. 174 =¤1§pr¤(¥rE¤t1¤1;qcf¤§, of Amy ------ - ----- 2. ig. H d M .t· or e cmu: : u .. .. .. ¥:1g1,sec111a;';11rety on bond . . . . . .. . 539 i of Indian FYVICB ·- -- · --·- · ---·-·-- · 85: 314; #14 Hynes, JOM},],, cf. lungliyflxceq .. . .. ??;, reimbursement of . . .-.. .- 497 . 0 POS a BBYVW --—--·-- ·-··· ·--- -· `» D Hyson, James S., 1 Incmjporations, scc Coqrwatioiia. payment to .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 564 Indmrmity Ccrtifcates, Hyson, John E. , certain, may be used by prc-cmptors, ctc., in payment to . . .. .. .. . . 564 payment., etc., of claims 27.5 Indv Jendent Treasury I. 1 . . r . . appropriations for salaries, ctc., m 188 Ida}'": ~ Index of Revised Statutes anpproprgatmns for expenses of government 194 A to ba mviscd {0,. MQ, Edition; appmpriu- 0 - ----- - -·----·- --- - ------ ·--- --·- tion . ... » . .. 36 for dcficicuccs in .. 117, 412 { I I . D t tbr office of surveyor-general of 201 228 393 ] M uma -00qmm '9’ - - B gor incidental expenses, Indian service 111.85:314 ‘ In?lR'l:.°g;;2°D for dcficwncw for '''' 8 or subsistence and support ofludizms in. 83, 313 i ‘ ., .’ _ ,.

  • ··¤¤*ig,·2*j¤21 of 1·=g¤1··*··*;= Of; ¤¤¤¤*>¤·v=~>*· 193 3 “"}$E°£lEi{'£‘§,’§Z£’§ {Z1`? T’f1ZiI 11II iiii ZZ 11Z1“’ $$5

1sr1cso cc1—s,cc .. . . · - B ·_ - grmsdmd muon to. _ I _ - _ l _ I I l I - 248 how ggalgziggcd m casa of cou 0]ld&t10D of 65 uci a lan istrict cstablis cc iu; register { limit of mln ' ‘ ° `· '`' Z" , . _ . . I . . y oi, at c0ns0l1datc<l ng;-uc) .. 6.1 xglsrgggfrtgéii ·li1?iif{l§¥‘?i PY????? 282 ‘ salary of, at Ilisision agency in C:m1i1brniz1... 119 Utah and Northern Railway Company cre- 1M'"" A1U”'°P"'aP°"’» _ atcd 21. corporation in; suits, ctc 242 PRF 9f agents, mt°!'I*T°t°1`$» and 01h6m ··-- E4, :-*90 timber from mineral public lands in, for V¤·€*`ma·t1°{1 -; --·-·•---- · ----- - -·--···-·-· ‘}6»f97 building, ctc.; investigation and rc- "¤S’°“_CY bmkhugs ·----- - --·-- · ··-·· - ··-·- ·(fQ¤ 297 port of violations _____ _ ______ _ _____ gg CQI11`1llg€}1C10S -. : .. .. . hiv, @97 penalty ,,,_,, _ ,_,_, _ _____ _ _____ _ _______ 89 (‘lV11lZ3Ul0D, subsmtence, ctc ... 80,83,312 post-mms8mb11s1w11n .. 21 r¤¤¤<·v¤L ¤*>t*l¤‘¤¤‘~=}1*, vw ---- - ---------- 74,83,312 Idmlmy, purchase oi: supplies .. . . .. ..-.89, 312 extension of time for proof of, by Indian set- P'*mSP°}`mU°“ Of g<><><1¤, Em ··--· - ·--··· · · - 80, {*14 nam on New York Indian lands in industrial and other schools ... $3,312 Kansas _ _____ __ ____ ______ __ ____ ____ 36 1lll'l(1(‘ll'['{].l expenses .. - ___,,,__,_,,_... 55, 314 Ilucit 1;;,,;;;,,,.,08, grniscvllmxcous expcpscs .. Qi, marshals 01. deputies may must, atc_, pm, mtcrejs]: on n0n—puymg_ty·ust funds .. .-lju, J1.; S0uS0Pu.atmg.______ ‘_ ____ ____ __ ____ 341 {l11H11n1I1C?, goods, provisions, etc, ___, . ..., 06,297 [1;;,,0,8, (1(‘f1C1Cll(‘10S .. 119, 128, 231, 414, 4:22 post-roads established in . . 16, 435 Indian ("ouncil, I llinoia lfivur, up n·upri:1tim1 for cx wcusvs of wm-rn.] . 232 1 l l-.

1ppr0pria.tions for 1lI\]}!‘0\'(‘IIl01lt of . -. 154, 367 Indian 1"ronfi¢·r of ’I?u·as,

cxumiuatiou and survey of .. .. ... . 373 uuvulry to be umploycil in deibnsu of .. 53