Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/919

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894 mnnx. Page. Page. Mwohaippi Ri1:er·—Continued. Mitchell, Allen, appropriation for improvement of} from payment to . . . . - 636 mouth of Illinois River up . . 159 , Mitolwll, Ann J, exrooufriaa, from railroad bridge, above La. Crosse,payment to . . .. . . 564 to mouth of Root River. . .. . 155 Mitchell, A sh Icy, for exaplxination anrlfsnrvey for reservoirs 0 payment to use of .. . . 653 on eadwaters o . . . . . .. 37 Miiehell Calvin G. at South Pass of. . . . . . .. . 160, 365 paymiant to .. . 660 for surveys of . . . . . .. . .. 221 Mitchell, David, for pier-lights on jetties at South Pass of. 56 payment to . . 561 for light-house depot near mouth of . 214 _ Illilchell, Felix, deceased, for paymcn; ego Ealds cont riact for improve- 223 Mpa;;*n;c1'pv Jpn jtate of . ... . . 653 ment 0 out Pass 0 .. . iiczc 0 n ., for wagon-bridge across, near Fort Snell- payment to use of . ... 653 ing, Minn .. . . .. .. . . 224 Mitchell, Josiah, for deiicicncies in expenses of commission payment to .. . . . .. 501 on reclamation of alluvial basin of. . 126 Mitchell, Leroy P., examination and survey of, at and above payment to .. . . .. ... . 552 Alexandria, Mo . .. .. .. .. 160 Mitchell, Levi, for dike opposite Saint Louis. . .. 161 payment to ,,...,.. . .,,., .. ...,.. 120 for reservoirs on headwaters of .. . . . - 162 Milclaell, Mary, deceased, opposite mouth of Missouri River ... 373 payment to estate of . . . ... 663 from Saint Paul to the Falls of Saint An- 3* · M i tchnm, Aaron, deceased, thony .. . . - . :4payment to widow of . . ...,-.. . 6.57 survey and estimate of damages by govern- Mitcham, Mary, ment improvements on, to riparian payment to ,... . ..,.. . ,,.,. .,,,..,... 657 owners at Venice, lll . . . .-. . 161 Mix, Catherine S.,admini.vtratn11·, South Pass of, contract with James B. Rods · payment to . .. ... . .. . ... 564 for improvement of, modified 168 M im, Charles E., deceased, payments for work on, how to be made. . 376 payment to estate of,. --.. ., . . 564 Mississippi River Chippewa Indiana, Mixed Shoshone, Bannock, and Sheep-Eater Inappropriutions for installments, etc., to 67, 298 diana, Misaiuaqqzi River Sac and For Indians, appropriations for goods, etc., to .. ... 73, 303 opprophations lor annuity, etc., to. . ..77, 307 M iron, Eliza L., M;,,,,,,,,; payment to . . -... .. . . 658 _ clividell into two judicial districts. . . . . 35 M'-U"'; JOWPIW M F-; _ western juilicial district of, divided; venue; Pa)`m@Ut fo ·----- -- --·------·---------·-- 6*8 onmm, m.. .. . . .. 263 MMM, Sarah 0-, public building at Kansas Cit y, authorized. 39 ’ l’¤F`*“€Ut to _- -·-·· - ·-·-- · --·-- - ---·-··-··- 658 land scrip to contirmces of private lnnd Mwcuey CHM0W A-; claims in, in certain cases. .,,,. . ,,.. 27.5 Pension to -; ---- ---· ··-~·-·- —-·-·· -·-··--· 549 receivable for pre-cinptions, etc.; patents. 275 M'?'?""; Zedekmh M-; indemnity certiticates to have same privi- Mgggslgll to mother Of- ----· ·-- --· ··--·— ---- 549 lc CS. . .- ..-. .. . 275 (er an examinzgion of claim oi, for payments to 9·PPY0Pl1}&ti0¤¤ fm` ¤¤D!`0V6m€“l5 of hafboi'54 370 militia for service during the rebel- 0 ··--·-·----· · -·---·- · -·-··-··---· » lion; report . .. ... . .. .. .. .. 266 Mocking-Birds, post~rozuls established in . ... . . 17, 446 not tollre killed, etc., in District of Colum- M isaonri River, m -·--·· - ---·- - -·--·--—··-- · -—---· 135 appropiiiations for lighting and buoyage 380 Mgzcég of $#67*1*;; t t_ f 225 0 ____ _ _____ _ _____ ____ ___ ____ 213, _ r pr1n_10n_0r_res ora 1on o .. . for removing obstructions from , 24, 153, 366 mr dclmwucms In- ~-·- - ·---—- - ----·- ·- · · 13 for improvement of, at Atchison, Kaus. . 158, 366 MMOG Md'?"?: _ at Cedar City _ _____ _ _____ _ _____ _ _____ 371 appropriations for installments t0.. . .. 72, 302 at Council Blu&`s’ Iowa ____ _ __ _ ______ 154, 366 lor civilization, ctc., of .. . . . . 84, 313 at Eastport, Iowa .- -158, 366 Moieties to In ormers up gprt Leavenworth , . . ..,. . 158, 366 approprfiatiions for payment of ...,_,_ 217, 384 a l18g0W .. ... . .. . . 37 for de ciencies in .. . ,, .- . . .. 46 at Kansas City .. . . .. .. . . . 372 Mage; [,,,;;,,,,8, Z: I6‘!:’;`;;ki§gl;;_·Y» ***1** · ··-·· · --···-· {gg- appropriations for schools for ,... . - . . .73, 303 at sam Joseph, me . .. . . 154, ams M"""» H""!/· at Sioux City, Iowa. .. . . . .. . .158, 365 pllymmlt to ···· ·· ···· · ··········· -·· ·----· 649 at Vermillion, Dak . .. .. . . 372 Moline W“_m"P°W€" Caml1a"!!, above mouth of Yellowstone . . . . .154, 365 terms OL for ‘{°mPl€‘ti¤S W¤I01`·P0W0T to bo for survey of, from month to Fort Benton. 366 €iS€B1't81¤€<l_ .·.. . - . . . . ... 220 tig") mouth fg Sioux City _____ __ __ _ _ __ 153 lease of, authorized; conditions . . 387 examination and survey of, at Cedar City, Monahan, Thomas, Mo . . .. 160 payment to . ---- 120 at or near junction with Kansas Rivcr .. 162 Monetary Commission, at Saint Charles, Mo .. . . .. .. 160 appropriation for deficiencies for expenses bridge may be built; across, poor Glasgow, of ..,__._.__,_.._... . __,,. . __,,, 237 M0 - --·—- ---- - -···- ·· ·--- · ----· 29 Monetary Conference, Missoz:o·i River Sao and For Indians, appropriations for expenses, etc., of Interappropriations for annuity, etc., to ..., ,,..77, 307 national .. . ,,... . .,.., , ..,,, .,,.25 218 Missouria Indians, International, to beinvited; commissioners· , appropriations for installment, etc., to- 75, 305 allowances .. . ... . . 25