Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/924

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IN DE X 899 P: g . ·_ Navy Ifegulaliqns, Neely, Susan, sp€c1al—§ejrv1c6 111011 01% Bennett polar expe- { payment to ____ _ _____ _ _________ _ 555

 dmon tc be sub_]ect to  . . .--. 323 J\’e*_y”, Abraham.,

NW9 Y¢"`€¤» _ _ _ payment to .. . . .. ..-. 565 znpproprmfxons for c1v11 establishments at- .50, 286 Neil, William, ibr repzur§. etc., mt . ._. 22.5, 390 payment to _ _____ _ _____ _ _____ _ _____ _ _____ 550 fol° P3)? 0} 010YkS fit -..-... . . 284 ]\ 'eiIs0n, Mrs, Mary A,, for Ordnance Depgartment of. . ., 52, 2w payment to use of ______ _ _____ _ ____ _ ______ 553 for Dc-Eutmeut 01 Construction and Re- Nell, Elizabeth, PH mi ---- · --·-- - ----- ---- .~-- -.--- 288 claimof ref> edt C1 C 566 of Equipment and Recruiting at .. 287 Nelligar, 1%. S.: of Yards and Docks at .. .. .. - . 287 payment fg _ _____ _ _____ _ _____ _ _____ _ _____ 113 inquiry to be madc info civil establishments Aklson, David, at, with View to reduction; report-. 50 payment to ____ ____ ________ ____ _ ____. 561 bhylor, Charles, Nelson, David W., pension to widow of .. . . . . . . . . 533 Z _P¤Ym€¤P fo ·--------·-- · --~-·--~--·------ 651 ° "”'°'· RT?" B" 64 ’ “§{§.‘§’L1.££’{'S’ 551 P3Ym°¤· 0 --~· -~·-·- -- . . _ ·-·--- - ·-·-- · ·------~---·--·~- Naylor, Ruih Isabelle, Jwlsqn, Harry, peuswu t0_ _____ __ _ _ ____ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _____ _ 533 , jexmbnxrsement of .. . . . . . . 497 Neajie and Levy, * J`¢I8°'*» R- M-, _ payments {0 ____ _ _____ _ _____ _ _____ _____ ]2Q 123 p:1yme11t to .. . . .. . . . . 630

      £   1d b  d   D  t   t of Col bi pen

tt .. ..,. ,,,_ , _,___ _ _____ gg] 0 W1 11- sm is mc um :1 , - A’¢£z?%3£id, :L, qlty for robbing, ctc . . . -.. 135 ti ______ ____, ____ __ _______ 556 4 e rmngg

1;¥§ed      _ ____         ____     _________         664 of C€IltI'R1 3,I1(1 Union Pacific Railway Com-  

N I D id V. panies deiiued . . €;t to _____ _____ _ _____ ___________ 564 Netlxerland Colonies, X I E t included in Universal Postal Union . .. i?:s3·mg3?t2> . . . . ,.,,,, ____ ______ 555, 554 JW!/eerlanda, mpea]€d _____ _ ____ _____ _____ ____ 664 convention with; Postal Union .. ..-. 734 Neal Edwin Nels, Traps and Snarvs, ’ eualt * {or usiu r to mkc wild birds, ctc., payment to .. . ... 556 P 5 Bw , repealed ____ _______ ____ ____ _____ 664 ; in District of Columbia. . .. . . 130 YM] George B 1 Neuse River, JW C., payment to ______ _ _____ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _____ 55(; 664 { appropriations for 1mp1·0vement of. .. 158, 365 repealed ____ ____ ________ ______ 664 examination and survey oi} ik0m Smith- Neal Gm-ge V., field to Goldsborough. .. .. .. 162

 ____   ______   _____       _____ 654 Neutrality Act,  

pz:;1;§:l;§ ______ _____ ____ ____ 6% appropriations for expenses of execution “ “,‘3ix,‘1L2$1'€$0'Z:gtZ.‘i*f“.f€? 556 for£55e;4,14;4;a5i:;;;;::t::i;:::;;;;;f‘ · 93 · " ```' ``'` Nevada A °;;3,;;€€?:g ____ _____ _____ ___________ 664 apprzaprgatious for office of survcy0r—g•i ;} <irag .1. 9 Z `'`' T ```` - ’ \;;g3r;:n?g’t0 ____ 556 654 for mmdgmml expenses Indum S€IV1C6 - · m ..,... . . . . . .. , \»0aIr€¥,;: ` `'```°``` ````-' public lands in, valuable cliicily for tiélgbét

   ’ ’ and stone may be so d· proccc ngs

N-¢I:3yg.1:::J3; g `````` ```````````` to obtain patent .. - - · - ---- 89

 ’  ’ 640 cutting timber ou, for export or sale pro-

\»I:i£ ¥£l2t; '’```' `````' `'``' ````` hibitcd; penalty .. - . .. .. . . . . · - - - 90 l ,’ nt m" 505 persons prosecuted for depredations on umpuy me ‘‘`‘'' ` ber lands in, may be relieved 90 N°bT“’k“> . . . . timber from mineral public lands 111, for terms ofd1str1c1E and cxrcuxt courts 0tQ to be building; dm; investigation and m_ held at L1q<>01¤,; ----------- - --·- 18 mg ‘ pm of violations ,... .. . .. . . 88

post-roads estabhshcd 111  · .---- - --·-- — » · Pmmhy ______ __ ____ _ _____ _ _____ ___, ____ B9

Mbmvka QW, Mm . . post-roads 5am51m5d in .. . . .- 450 approprnatwu for unprovement of Mxssoum VOM mem rm 55 opposite 366 N"""1“ Q t 1- ‘ r 129 423

 ···· · ·‘‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘' I a propriatious or rave mg expenses 0 .. ,

Nebraska qnd I0wu, W Nezgll, Jlatthew, appmpmations for 0{H00 of Sl1!'V€y 0!‘·g€]J€‘Y9l I payment to ____ _____ ____ _ ____ _ _ ______ 646 cf ·---·· · -·-·--· - -·-· · ···· 201* *28* 393 [Yew Brunswick and Canada Ifailwrlii U0m1?¢W.U, Nebraska Sioux Indiana, I _ appropriation for deficiencies for transporappropriations for installments, ctc., to 80, $09 5 tafign of mai] by ___,,, ... .. 45 Ncchea River, J New Cactlq, Qc}., r _ appropriations for innprovcmezut of I110UtlL · uppr0p;·m,t?9§ for ée§ h;1.1¥bor at ..103,364 f ______ , ,____ _ __,.. - .. . ·. ··-- , ,\Q»w Erlilion o wviae a u cs examirzatiou and resurvcy of from mouth appropriation for dciicienéics for pay of 7 . P _ to Bovclport .. . . .. . . ...-. - 573 eqhtgr iyf . . .- . ~ I- · or new mc cx 0 .. . . ·

ig;$,Q1m;  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _ _ _ ___, , . . . 499 Fo be prima-facie qwjidcucc .. . . . . . . gg

ludgx {0, {0 be 1'0V1b8d . ----- · - - · - - ···- · · - · Neely, James II, , V C payment to .. . . . . 630 Lew BWP, } · L l b i t d N"°"’· S‘"“"· - q 5*5551 ccmeter · at . .. . 525 puymcutto . . . . . 642 1111Ml 5 -··-·