Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/937

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91 2 mnmx; page < _ _ _ Puge- P0at·Roads—Conti1iucd. , Postal Appr0pr1atzons—Cont1nued. psmblislgsd in- i transportation .. . . . ...·····-· · ~ · · 142, 357 IH(`[j3_[1& ______ _ ___________ __ _ ____ , __,_,_ 16, 437 y pay of railway clerks, route-agents, ctc ..142,:357 Indian Territory ..- . . ,. . 21, 437locks, keys, bags, 811(l €3»t€l1€I`B- -··· · ----- 142, 35] Iowa ___________________ _ _ _ _ ____ _ __ _ ____ 16, 438 postage-stamps, envelopes, cards, 61*0. 142, 35: Kansas . .. . . . . .. 17, 439 foreign mail service . . . . . 143, 358 _ Kgptucky ______ _ _ _ _ __ ______ _ _____ _ ____ , 16, 441 deiieieneies in revenue . . . . . .. 143, .358 Louisiana .. . . ..-. .-. . . . 17, 442 p,,8gag-(ga,· ,ge,.Um,,_ Milllw -·-- -- ·-----···------·--·---- · ·--- 17,443 appropriation for mail transportation by; L[fiI'yl;],I)(l .. ,..-.. .. proviso ______________________ _____ M·'¤BSP1€h“¤€ttS --·· · ---·- · ···~· -· ··-· ~~·- 443 estimates for to be se arated from eneral . . _ 2 P g Michigan ..` . . .. . . .. . . . . 18, 444 agtunatgs ____ _ _____ _ _______________ 357 Mm¤€$0t3· ---- · - -·-·-··-··· · · ····· · ··-·· 17a 444 increase in, to be reported. . . .. 357 M188l8SipPi - -----·---------·-·—--·-- --— - 17, 445 deficiency in, prohibited .. . . . . 357 Missouri . . ... . . ..-- 17,446 style, em, of caps ,_,, ,.,, 358 Montana -·--------·---·-·—···---·--·--· 448 companies to pay for fitting, etc ..,. 358 Lehi?-Ska -··· · ----·--··-· · ·----·--·--·- 18» 449 increase of, prohibited . . .. 259 Ncving ‘‘‘‘‘’‘‘‘ ‘ ’‘ " " '` Postal Cards New ampshire ..- u - ’· r ppropriations for manufacture of 143 367 New Jemgy '’‘‘‘ " ''''''`‘"450 rate of postage on. .. . . .. . .. . . ,358 Ilgcw Lgcxéco ‘‘‘' " ‘‘‘' ‘ ‘‘‘ 1g' double, to he provided ; provisos . . .. . . 362 Ngilh Siramiiiiii ii; Z; iiiiiiiiiiii iis; 452 for Exgfggggyh f<·¤¤*¤·~ ~>¤¤¤*·*¤ *0 be ,,5,

 ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘°‘‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘’’‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘’‘ }g’   basis of commissions to postmasters of fourth

f,;l¤g,¤y}g=»~¤iq —-—-—------·-----—----—--- > 19» gg Pm1J???? L£.,i£;J£1211jill iii S 0,3110 CS aq? ‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘'‘‘‘'‘' "" ’ ‘ 19 457 re-use, washing, etc.; penalty -. .. 362 Tzlgnessggo me ‘ ’‘‘‘ " ‘‘‘‘ ‘‘‘` ‘ ‘‘‘ 19’ 458 rates for, within Universal Postal Union .. 737 Texas [iii[ff]ZZ[fZI[[ICZZZ[IZZZj20; 459 POM! Cwwv, f f dl Utah_ _ _____ _ _________ __ ______ _ _________ 21, 462 appropriation ·or expenses o o ogatss to Vermont _____________ _ ___ ______________ 462 International. . . . . . . . . . . 10 Virginia --. .. .. . ... 20, 462 Postal Cmwenfions, \Vashington ... . . . ... . . 464 with Canada . .. .. . . . . ... . 673 West Virginia .. 21, 464 additional article . . . ... 701 \Viseonsin .. -. . . 21, 465 with Great Britain, special arrangement .. 699 lVy0ming . - . . . . . . . . 21. 466 with Italy .. . . -. .. . . . . 683 Post-Route Maps, with Newfoundland, additional article 702 appropriations for ... . . .. 141, 356 with New Zealand, amended article ... 699 ibr deficiencies in. . . . . ... . .. 10, 420 with Victoria . -. . .. . . . ..- 706 sale of, authorized; disposition of pro- for formation of Universal Postal Union . .. 734 cecds ...,-.. ..-. . . 141,356 P tlc; fd P disbursements for; pay-rolls, vouchers, etc . 143 Ospgroggigiou for _ ______ _ _____ _ _______ __ _ _ 203 oatage . , apprclpriations for, under Universal Postal 0 P°;;q§If)°Kgw:£/pgxvligzgdcllt to be appointed _ Union,. . . -. ..285,389,42 7 , for deficiencies for overdue .. -. .. 117 Payk °t° Z' ‘` ’ " ‘‘`'‘ " ' Mz rates Of, Ou matter of mst class _ -'__ _ H H 358 compensation tor, to be readgusted 142 ofsecond class 359 P08W! R*»*v§’m{€8, _ _ _ gf third glass ____ __ _ ____ _ ____ ____ __ ____ 3,59 appropriations for deiimencxes m . 240, 358 of fourth class. . . .- . . . . .. .. 360 Postal Service ‘l50€·l1(l from New Zealand .. .. . . 699 appropriations for . . ... . . . . .,,,., 140, 355 ictoria. .. 706 for dencieuciesin. ..45 124 420 424 within Universal Postal Union. . .-. . 737 in revenue of ,,._., , .,,., ,, ,,,,, Z _ _ _1 143; 358 allowances for, to collectors of internal rev- rates for advertising for . . .. . . .. . . 62 cuue -.. . . . . 330 pay of special a ents of . . . ,... 140 Poatage-Stamps, _ 1 one superintencant of railway to be upappropriation for, for Senate officers .. . 179 , pointed · pay, etc -. .. .. .. .. 142 for House officers ... . . . . 182 ~ uniform canceling-ink for. .. .. .. .. .. -. 240 for manufacture of .. . ... .. 142, 357 laws and regulations of, new edition to be for deiiciencies in. .. . . .- .. 117 published; pay to officers ior editing, basis of commissions to postmasters ofiourth etc , , __ .,,, . . , . ,,,.,,,, _ , , , .____ , _ _ 356 class on . . . . . . . . . 141 contracts for oarryin mail new surety on penalty for unlawful use or sale of -. .. 141 may be requirgl, etc, .. . . . . 362 re-use, washing, etc. · penalty 362 general mail lettings of, how advertised. .. 356 when may be made lay Bureau of Engrav— ettencarriers in,classiiied; pay, promotion, ing and Printing . .. 357 etc., of .,.,.. .-,, ,.., , __,_,__, _ _____ 317 uniform canceling-ink for defaciug ... . 240 chief of special agents, to be allowed travoliicial, how procured . ... . 206 eling expenses ,,,,,,,_,__, _ ____ _ ____ 356 Poamgo and iblcgrams, adhesive stain s for when mav be made l) 1 . appropriations for, for Military Aeademy.109, 261 by Bureau of Engraving and Print- Postal Appropriations, ing .. . . . . . . . . . 357 mail deprcdations . ... . .. 140, 356 postmasters, commissions to, on dsiioisuoy post-route maps . .. .. . . .. 141, 356 stamps ..,. ,, ,. .,..,.,,_,, _ , , , _ _____ 361 udvcftislug . .. . . .. ...~ . . 141, 356 failing to account for postage eolleoted, pay of postmasters, clerks, and carriers ..141,356etc.; penalty .. . . . . .-.. 362 paper, twine, marking-stamps, and seales.142, 356 1 persons filling vacancy in office of, to rent, fumiture, and miscellaneous .. . . 142, 356 l have same pay , , ,,,, , , _ _ _, ____ _ _ 362