Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/940

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INDEX. 9 15 . ¥’¤¤·> xm eh PTOP08GZ8—C011t1H\10d. Public Documents

_¤·*<>S to P9 P$·;d· foT advertising Fg ·---·--- 216 appropriation Tor pa.ckiug, etc .. . 198

Of repmrs zu: xmprovements in isfrict of S to d th s Columbia, to be advertised for .. 105 Erieé?. -.? . ?5é . 356 Protection of Fortyications, _ m2\·)’b0 b0l1Dd fb? SGIIIWOTS and mcmbm~g appropriation for . . .. .. . .. 31 _ by Public Printer at a.utuu,\ cost . 5 Protocol, Pulglw Dues, Hun], to Universal Posta,1 Union Couveu- Silver 06IUiH0&t0S1 0CGiV&b]0 in payment of 26 tion ___, , __,,_ _ ____ , ___, _ _,_____ , _, 748 Pwnc Gfvwrda, Washington, D. C., Proveau, John, &p[J1 0p1‘i9·i>i0ns for cure, ctc., of. .. 220 payment to .. .. .. . . . .. .. 120 1’¤W;¤ H¢¤’¢i·-, t t P,.Wmc,n“ Rm", R L mg p priotcc ., c c I ... . 484 appropriationn forinnprovemem of 159, 363 D S 1i°? °aC°1umE’°‘ i h°“}t2 °m°“ to Pr0v1dencc Stcao1z-Engine Cmwany, PWM I;; g;g;%:g¤, e c., m rc m mn to. 107 paymon to .. .. .. . ... 123 . . . > . . Provident Institutions, Ts;k?£g 3;g?;E;j£§L%m; 209 co1jta.iu,cxempt from internal-rcvcxxuctaxcs 352 puma L,md8 ```' `' ·P’ °”°”°€i°@””»_ M€*$$·» _ appropriations for chiccs of survcy0rs—geu- 3,ppI 0pIg8Il0I1S fo1‘ IIUPIOVGEDCIIL of 1l8iFb01 eral OL 201 228 393 O - .. ‘ .I5B,363 foI·survcyS0f 128 229 302 Prowlng-G¢·mmd, Sandy Hook, NZ .L, for collecting revenues from .. . 229, 392 appropriation for qua,rtors,0tc., at 149 for suppressing deprcd:1-tions ou timber Provbswns, on . ... . . . ... . . 229, 392 apfropriations for, for Indians. . . . 71 for deficiencies in ... . ... . . 415 ~ or deficiencies in .. . ...,. .. . . .. 120 for dohcieucics for investigating frauds, ibr Maximo Corps. .-.. .. . . . .56, 291 etc., in relation to . . 46

 fo§dcf;ciencics in  . .   -. .       for work on p§iv:»tc land climnsn . 415

or my .. . . ... 5. 2 or repnyuncnts or, CITOIIOOUS ysn c ctc,. 422 p,.0, .i8wm and CMM,,g Nav!/ for 0 xpc11scs of cudificzntiou of laws ;·clut— a,ppr0prizit»io11s for Depmctment of .. 53, 288 Pg *0 -- ; ; ·--· - ·-·· ·- ;- ·· -·---· $94 mr deficiencies in ____ ____________ 12:% MG commission to 90th1y laws rcl:mng to, 01-c , P M m of ---- - ----- 1*** d.m*L‘t¥J¤St§2°i.;mz,;.4·Iz;z.;a,;;z,; 3*** V Ph I ‘ *

Y£ym;‘;%t° ______ ____ ______ ____ 518 cred into & r0z1sury .. ... 46

P M. A t. prosecutions for, suspended .. . .. 90

      @’ . Y cutting timber on, in Caliibmin, ctc. for

Pr°P°TZ;;1;§3]i3r ”‘t“m“·1 mVm“° taxes 331 oxnoriy or sale proI1ibjfcd ; pmuufty.. 90 pmpcrjsy acquired by United States under  ;,g§g{,i3§]j 88

 {“t?m“'H°V°u“° laws ma'yb° °°1d °'t   I sale ogvuluublc mainly for timber 01- stone,

Pubiw Bwdwy, proceedings to obtpin putgmt .. . . 89 W10 *83% ¤°F to BJPPIY W MFMW Of PMGDV 323 hcmcstcml cntmcs on, \V1D111I1 rmlwzmy land- 00 ..-- · ----· -· --~--------· · —--· gmnts .. .. . of SUMJO D6 8»I iGID€l1t. . . . .. . 323 h gsbgad and ;·g.(;m 1410]] · notice and of Sl11‘g€0H-EGIIGITDYS Omfié ----- -- -- -·-· 967 I ptxblicatiug of i11TB511(]•3é proof of 01.1- Public Buildings WY -·-· - ··-- · - - · ·-········· · · · · ···· apjmpriations for construction, ctc., ofh.209,377 homestead settlers pu, wpo lost crops by ibr deficiencies in .. .. . . . . . . 43, 118 grasshoppers m 1870, may mmm and for State, War, and Navy Depamtmonts.12, 1‘€$};m0 1;g};:;Li {Jé{6ékgh-Jhbé 88 f · f ____________ __ _____ __ ____,, pre·cmp¤ns... ·¢ ~¤ - g<;?§zn g1§11e1es in .2. . . . . 422 ers, 120 have benefit ¤1Pt¤3q¤ -·--- ---63,113 for camo, ctc., ni) in Washmgton, D. C -. .. 387 for tupbcr culture, terms, com IUOIIS, c c., for expenses of sale of certain. .. 393 oi e11tr_5{, ctc. . . . ·----- for salaries, ctc., in office of, in District , setblcrsf depomts for suyvcy of, m=xy be as- Of C0lumbm ____ _____ ____ ____ _ 191 mgucd and u s0d lll ]>uymC1lf· 10T, 1111- for fuel ctc. for . . , 217,383 { der prc-cmpt;1011 {L1l(].1lD1 Xl0St0D»(]12L\\ S- .35,2 for déjcimacjes in ______ __ _ __ ______ __ _ . 8 1 holders of SCI?]) issued to conimnccs of corfor fI]l']Jitl1I8,€tC., for. . . . j gnu private land clmms may 1<>c.¤tc> · ~ _ , t . · --··- - --··--- -— ·· -· ·- --·· ·· ····· gy; £§2 g&€§n; g€ci gT5?.??.? .-. ..;-..217:384 { when mqy be cutcrcd at Gcucrznl Lzmd for vaults, cbc., for. - ... . . . .217, 384 Oi1wc.-- .:  ;. . ---- - - - tbl. Plmm 81;% for ____ __ ______ _ ____ _ __%217, I Fort \Va€:; c;11lai; :}? ?; £¢;:?4érva. 1011 opcuu t t- f ho H . •Ssi0H.rcP0r 3]]I 2.,-.. . .. ...· §g;q¢ei·?1:<?;eg ;nuyq>J;{n?e;§E: . .. 317 Utah and N ¢;¥t]l0YD. Rmlvgimy Cnmggxy sale oi) ms Cincinnati, Ohio, a.ut~nomzed.. .. 488 gmuted Hg]13 2 vga-y >r<:}{,m% 6- 0 engineer in clmrgo of, in Waslungtam, D. gu 1101*1021, rcqcwe illhi lllqgib d ; O.,maysc]1coudcunucdrxnntcriul,ctc.. 388 111 I0w3é:i1:;:;ng §$€:?;$ 0 so oync

  ;;;i£>;gg}i§€         .  39 1 in Louisiana, Eglnt of wu,y nvn;·, for Iznm.  
p ’ · · 5 [ in Minsggtggzasgig grzm1,e<1 to State in

sxlver dollar to be legal tender m pag mcn z , l  » 352 .___,, _ . 0i _ ··-- -· •.·‘· ···'‘‘ ‘ ’‘‘'’ 6Xii1‘a»;£7y?0i$§>;kn fo;é£{fnnbrkin refund- in Ut2;;h$nd5g;;{;scrv:1t101xs restored to cextihcages an nm or refunding, may be xs- g La 1023 gmucho, Cal., clmm tv, 593 sued .. . . . ...·- -- ----· · -·-- - · > . ‘ ‘‘‘’' ‘ ‘ 7 '` `` rs direct exchange of bonds in refunding. .. . . 26.) I Mes1m.Jueum.Lopcz grant, 111 New Mcmm ·>92