Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/951

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926 mnnx. rage. Psa- - Salaries and Commission, La1•d·Q§Icu, Sanders, William C., sppropdations for. . ... . . 229, 392 payment to -- . ·---· - ·--·--- · ·--·- ·· · - 660 ibr deficiencies in .. .. --. 422 , Sandlfer, Nancy, Salaries and Erpenou, Internal Revenue, payment to . . . . .. . -. . .. . . 560 appropriation ior deficiencies in .. .-.. 47 Sandusky City, Ohio, _ Sale, Mrs. L. M., appropriations for improvement of harbor payment to .. . ... .-.. 508 ] of .. -... . . . 157,369 Salem River, M J., I Sandy Hook, M J., _ _ appropriation for improvement of . . - . 157 appropriation for protecting site of east examination and survey of .. . .. .. 160 beacon 813 .-.. - -·--· · ·-·-· - ---·- -· - · 380 Saline 1?im·er, Ark., for quarters on proving-ground at -. 149 examination and survey of .. .- .,.. 160 Sanitary Inspectors, Salman, Samuel, for District of COlI1II1biB» ------- . - - 107 payment to .. ... . ... . . . .. 641 Sanifary Beporfu, _ Salt Springs, to be mode to surgeon-general niarme hosin Minnesota, lands in lieu of . --- . 352 pitol service by United States consu- Saleador, ar offccrs . . . . . . 38 convention with; Postal Union ... .--. 734 abstract of, to be sent to State, municipal, Salvia, Frank, and other officers -- ... . . 38 payment to .. . ... . . . . 120 I Santa Barbara, Cal., Samoan Islands, examination and survey of harbor of .. 161 judicial powers of consul to, subject to Re- Santa Barbara County g,d_ vised Statutes, Title 47 .. .2 . 131 { claimants of Rauého LQS (gmc,,, in, ma treaty of friendship and commerce with. . . 704 I Present claim to district wm-; for CJ Samples of Merchandise. , ifornia; proceedings; appeal 172 postage on, to and from New Zealand .. 700 Santee River, S. C., Victoria,. . .. . ... 706 examination and survey of .. ... .. . 374 within Universal Postal Union. . 737 Santee Sioux Agency, Summon, g_ pu and 0m.,,.,, I appropriations for industrial school at . . 80 payment of judgment to . . 7 1 S“"*’° S'"'? {”d“”'·’», _ Sampgoi, ge,,,.,,, I appropriations for metallments, etc., to. . . . . 80, 309 payment to . . ...- 657 I Santos, AL A. and C. A., Sampson, Robert, i payments to. . . . . . ... 122,123 reimbursement of ... . .. - . .. .. - 497 ‘Sa_p-Suckers, Samuel G. Reed, ‘ not to be killed, etc., in District of Columname of ship, changed to Fantee ... 5, 13 bio . . . . . . . . . 135 Samuels, Mrs., Safterjield, Henry D., payment lo . . . . . . . .. . 564 payment fo .. . . . . . ... 641 San Antonio, Tea:. Saugatuck, Mich., appropriation for rent of Army headquarters appropriations for improvement of harbor in . . .. . . . ... 389 of ... . . . . ..-- .. 156,369 terms of courts to be held at . . 318 Savannah, Ga., gm, Bumavmtwa, Cuz_, appropriiations for improvement of ha.rb0r53 365 ex' a eofhr . . ° -··- — ---·-----· ---· -·-- · ---•-·-·- 1- sm, ;l)q.,;g£13:3_, ud Bmw y al bor of 161 for range-light on Exchange Building in; appropriation for improvement of harbor of 370 .lU¤¤*h°ti°¤ ·--· - ·- · · ----· - - ---···-· 381 San .Francisc0, Cal., Savannah River, Ga , appropriation for salaries in omce of assist- examination and survey of, above Augusta. 161 amt treasurer at . . . . . . . 189 Savings Banks, in mint at. . .. . ... . . 191 mx on mercantile deposits in ; when not to for deficiencies in .. .. 43 · be collected .. ... . . 351 of commissionto investigate customs serv- . when tax on, may be remitted. -. .. 351 ice in .. . . . . . . .. . . . . 9 certaiinexempt irom internal-revenue taxes . 352 for appraisers' stores at . . . . . . 211 Sawyer, 1`lwmas G., for dehciencics in .. .. . . . . 43 l payment to . . . . -... .. -... 552 San Juan Country, Colo., S“”’.'I*"`8» Jamw Mr appropriation an nnueny post an. . ... seo p=w¤¤·=¤# tv ---- - ----- - ·---- - ----· - ----·-- 554 san Luis ompn, cuz., ·S<¤¤¢<>•·,_ EUM, examination and survey of harbor of. . 161 I PGDSIOU t° — ----·--- ·-· ~-·- -—-- -·-·-· --·- 533 snnam, Ama, mmm, . S¤¤¤¢•¤•,_ James, _ _ payment fo ____________________ ________ PCDSIOH to Wldow of-... .--.-. 533 Sanders, Anderson, g SWl68» _ _ _ payment to ____ _ _____ __ _ _ ____ _ _____ _ _____ 554 I zmpproprmtrons for, for use of postal servrce . 142, 356 Sanders, Benjamin, Scarborough, Margaret E., pension to -. .. . ... 614 I P3·Ym°Dt te ---- - --------- ·--- - ---- - ·- 647 Sanders, Calvin, I Schafer, Catharine A., adminlalratriw, payment to ·. .- .. . . . . 520 I claim referred to Commissioners of Claims . 664 Sanders, C. M, I Schedule A, whlcment of accounts of . 498 I internal-revenue laws, articles in, may be Sanders, Henaon, deceased, removed for export without payment - payment to estate of . . .. .. 647 of tax .. . ... 351 Sanders, J J., drawback on articles in, exported; pay- payment to - . . ... 508 ¤ ment; proviso; evidence .. . . 350 Sandere, Margaret, Schedules, payment to . . . ... 636 for census inquiries .. . , . .. 477 Sanders, Randall, Seheppe, Barnhard, payment to .. . . ... .. . 647 I payment to . . .. ,.,, . ,,,.. . ... 653