Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/957

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932 mnmx. Page. Page. Sho, Alber: GE., dgceaaed, t mstSmith, Jes?,?., 647 ziymen 0 'u out 0 surviving' ees ai on . . . . . . . P of..-.{. . . . . . . 7 I Snntlxujfohn, of North Carolina, 607 I Cam, _ payment to . . . . . . - . . . ' 8 ggiment 20 ______ , ____ ____ , ,,,,, 559 ‘ Srnuh, John. of S¤mpv<m 0w¤¢y, N 0-, Smdl Sm", , payment to .. . . . . ..- . 657 app1·0priaticn for purchase of, for naval A Smit]', Jo'"' Av www . .. . . ... ess 1¤_¤w¤¤¤¤* *0 ·-·--- ·· -· -----—--·- - --·-— -— - - 660 fund for- purchase of, established . . 288 Bmw Jah" D-; __ Small, nam, 1w¤¤·=¤* *0 ---- ------ ·- ------——-- 5* pension to . ... . .. 547 S¢···¢'·;, JOM H-i, _ Small, Henry C., clmms of} satxsfied by certain land-wauants 545 payment 1:0 .. .. ... . . . -- . . 649 S"""": Jo'"' M·» _ Small _]_ ,]_ , payment to .. . . . .. . . . .. . . 556 uuid 01·,.11gc1mg¤1 .. . . . .. 248 SM ·, JOM P-, Sum", Sandy, payment to .. . ... 556 pswment 1:0 .. . . .. 556 Smit}', John Q-, d*°°““d» S,,wjg_,, 1;,,],6,.,, _ payment to estate of .. . . . . 523 contested.-election expenses of .. . .. 400 Smith, John T·, smxzwwa, cpmmmzu., PF‘Ym°“* *° ·-·· ·· -·; ···· - - · · · ··-·· · ··--· 651 payment w .. . . . . . . . . 562 8·M¢7··, J¤•¤1»7•, vf Gvvmw, _ ,9,,,,,;;,.,,,, ,]_ L_, payment to . . . . . . -. .. 5¤6 payment to . . . . .. 516 Smwh, Jwvphi _ gnwdgcy, w_ 1;, _ paymenis of Judgment to .. 7 payment to .. . ... . . . . 631 Sn""'; Josmha _ _ Smgttzm., Sarah, clmms cf, SBU8H0d by ccrlimn land-warrants. 545 payment to ______ _ _______ _ _ _ _ _ _____ _ _____ (,34 Smith, Larkin, S”·€th’ Adam, political disabilities . . 582 payment to . . . ... .-.. .--. 636 *9*****,*, L°*°“» _ Smith, Aw, payment of Judgment to .. .- ... . .. 233 payment w . . . ,,, 641 Svmfh, M¢M·y¤rv¢ E-, Smith, Barclay M, payment to .. . . . . .. . . 651 payment to .. . ... . . . . sae; S¤··¢h» M¤¢#M¤» Smith, B., dawned, claim Qf, for gcfund of taxes, reopened . 591 payment to estate of .. . . .. -.-. 628 &m*”*» Milo, ,9,,,;;;,, B_ g_, ,;,,0,,,,,,,;, paymoutm . . -... 217 payment m mm of . . . .. .. . . 628 S*~·”¤·» Naw P-, Smit ., gamzm, pazment to .. . . . . . . . . 640 payment to. . . . . .. 521 SMW y Nwhouwy ,9,,,;;;,, gha,-M g_, payment to .. . . . . .. . . 642 pcusnon to, increased . 624 Smith, Samuel A., executor, Smith, Charlotte A., pa, (mi; to ______ _ ____,__________ _ ____, __ 523 pazment to . . . . . . .. .. 658 Smitlim Thomas, Smit , David L., payment to . . .. ..,. , .,... ,, . , 641 paimcut tc. . . . . .. 402 Smith, Wade H., Smit , D. M·, pa. ment to - . . .. 562 payment to .. . ... .. . , 636 Smiti WZ NZ, Smith, Daniel, of ‘* .L,” · payment to . . . . . . 631 pa gutfo _ _____ ______ _____ _________•__ 634 Smith, William, Smitmlqjah, pa,{ment_to .. . . . . 647 pazment m .. . . . . . . . . 516 ·$‘¤·•¢ W•¢M¤• E, sms: , E, Kirby, 1{aymennto .. . ... . 634 political disabilities .. . . -- ..,. 579 With, VWMM M, Smith, F, A., pmgment to -. .. . . . . . . 631 pigment to .. . . . . . . . . aca . ·$‘¤··¢ _W·¤¤e·•• 1$._ _ Sm , Frame,; A,, politmul disabilities .. . ... 579 payment to _ _____ _ _____ _ _____ ____ ____ 631 Smith, William 1:., Sym;;;;, Gwrgg, payment to .-.. .. . . --.. . . 631 pa ment to . . .. . . 556 S"""': Wmmm I: Smitz, may W_, payment to .. .. . . 500 pa cnt to . . . . .-.. .--. .. 656 Smith, W· H-» Smwim Harriet, pjihvmcuis to .. . . . . .--. 501 payment to .. . . . . 560 S"'" ’° S"°”'°» Smith, Hilliard, J,, appropriation for improvement of . . 134 pagment to . . . . . . .. .. 556 Smithwnian Inatituwm, Sm , IWMI, appropriations for preservation of collec- P¤Ym¤¤t to - -·-·- · -···- - --····..--... . . . . 503 tions in, ctc . . . ..-233, 397 Smuh, James, of Alabama, ~ for deficiencies in .. . .. .--. .. 417 payment no . ._,,, _ __,______ _ _________ 551 for repayment of certain expenses to 124 Smith, James, of Virginia, , Noah Porter appointed a. regent; of ..-. 247 pgymgpt to ____ _ _____ _ _______ _ _____ _ ____ _ 663 W. Sherman appointed a regent of . . M9 Smith, Jqmgg A_, a.pp01ntmcut of un acting Sccrct:u·y of. 264 payment tg ____ ______ _ _____,_ ____ ____ ____ 503 SOGI‘6t3·1‘y Of, 0110 of commission on fire- Smim, Jamey M, of Alabama, _ alarm telcgmpli for public buildings. 257 payment to ,___ _ _____ _ _____ ____ __________ 552 0Ec1ul mail-matter ot, to bu sent fue ..., -, 362 Smith, James M., of Georgia, Smithwick, Samuel, vaymvnt to -... - . . . . . 556 ! payment to . . . . . , . . . 647