Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/966

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INDEX. 941 Tcpnesseo—C0ntinucd. Page. E Testing Iron and Steel, Page. _)ud1cia1 _ districts of ; wcstcm divided; 1 applopriation for machine for . 223 suits; deputy clerks, and marshal -. 235machine for, to be set up; fees for use of.. . 223 law reqnixing town of J acksou to provide Testing-Machine, buildings for United States courts appiopriation for purc-lmse of, for making repealed .. . . . . . 398 tests of plate-iron .. . . . . 289 payment t0,10r keeping military prisoners. 260 T cron Sioux Indians, Tpostgrozyds established in . . 19, 458 appropriation for deficiencies for civilizaonncs ce lzvcr, tion of .. . . . .. . . 422 appropriations for improvement of; pro- Texas, V‘S0$· -·--· · ----- - - — ---. . .. . . . . 154, 367 appropriation for light station on coast of. . 214 Tenth Census, _ issue of tents, etc., for volunteers in . . 253 appropriation for expenses of taking .. 480 cavalry to be employed in defense of Mexi— {Wl to PfoV1d€ for Mk111g- ·~-- » .. . . 473 can and Indian frontiers of . 2 Terms of pourt, judicial districts of, rearranged; where and in Qlomda, at Tampa .. . .. .. . . 280 when terms to be held ; return of proin 1'Iaansas, at F on Scott .. .--. l cess; venue; assignment of present }¤ GK0S · -·-· · ----- - ---.- . .. “ ‘ judges; new judge for northern disin West Virginia .. . . .. . . 27, 280 trict; district attoruevs; marshals; T erra-cotta, I clerks . .. I .. . .. 318 certainlalpticlis ig, may be imported free of 99 post-roads established in .. . . . . 20, 459 u y; on .. .-. . .. . .,.. . .. Texas Banking and Insurance Company, Terrebgyme Laq pa)'1I1€I1l} to .. . . . . . . . . 117 gxgmiugitigu and Sup-cy of Bayou ______ __ 374 Texas and New Orleans Railroad Company, TWG;;, gr;,,,,,,;,,,, deceased, payment to . . . . . . . . . 124 payment to estate of .,,,,, , , . ...,, . . . . 645 T]'ack€7`; Andrew B-:

 Coy rfgy Payménli to - ·-·-· · ----· ~ - · · - ----- · · · · ----  

appropriations for expenses of, in Utah.. .234, 415 Thames R'}?"; C0""-; of Dalgpta, additional justice for; judicial 3PPI`°l)U€·ll0¤S fgl *mPY0V€i{Y¤€“t of ---- -·-·159¤ ·SU.ic,S’ ctc ______ _ _ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ____ 473 examma rion an survey 0 .. ... . . persons charged with crime made compa- Th¢"'*‘?3: W*"'“"'·» tent as witnesses in .. ..- . .. 30 P&Ym“Ph to ·--· · - ·-··- - —·--- - ·---· - --··- 655 Tewitwial G0z·ernmc11ts, T]‘“"k89"”"-'Z Day, . . - apprgpyjatjou for gxpgnggg Of ____ _ _____ _ _ _ _ 193 Rroclamations appolutlug --·-·-·—-- - - ~ - · - 805v 804 for deficiencies in _ _____ _ _____ _ _______ 117,41Q Third Assastaht Postmaster-Goméral, _ number and pay of members of councils and 3·PPT0P“at_l°HS for Pusml Service under db houses ; dist;-ietg; officers; salaries; l Yectlou of ---- - - -··--- ·- ···-· ·· -—-· 142s 5357 feeg of secretary ; cost; of printing , . 193 _ for Salaries U1 Omcc of ·; ···· ·· ·· ········ 202 T hda, Tmmi, Third Asszsiaht Secretary of btafe, erm ’ ro mation for salarv of 218 guaranteed throughout Universal Postal Tg3g Agditor· °‘’'°‘ '' T ° · ) an aJ;Jé‘?f1m‘g ;~;a,;{&;;€;t‘1;»,}&&z;i;;11ji11ii Tggggggggggljojwéagzlrics i·1 OM of -·-—-· 185 jigm Victoria, __,_,, _ _,,.. ,,,. , . 7 7 U · · ’°’» - - _ _ appropriations for deficiencies for protect- Terrttortcs, in light-station at , . . . . . _ . . .- 214, 413 appropriations for geographical, ctc., snr- ° 17,00,,7 pM$;p’g _ Veys of ---· ; · ·• -·--··-· - ··-·- - 221; Q29s 395 pension to . .. . .. .- . . 610 certain geographical, etc., surveys oi, dis- 394 Thomas, Aa,-0,,, continued . . . . - .-.-- 3. ment to ,. . . . . . . ..- 657 women members of bar of liigliestcourts of, TE,,,?,,,, A.,,,3,»ew’ shall be admitted to practice before payment to ____ __ ____ _ ______ _ _____ 647 S“PY'€m° Court ··-- · ---· -· ---- · ---·- 292 Thomas, Bashoba, certain ]egjS]a,ti0H gf, in p·]3,ti()]] to cities, palylucnt to ______ ____ ___ _ _ _____ _ _ _ _ __ ____ ,554 WWDS; GW-, fotified -·---· · ----· ·- - · 101 Thomas, Mrs. Belinda, cutting wood fygm ee;-tgiip public lands iu. . 46 payment, to use of ______ _ _____ __ _ _ ____ _ _ _ _ 663 timber from mineral public lands in, for Thomas, Charles H., executor, building, Q•tQ_ ; i]]V€Stlg3tl()Il and T0- pavulcnt fg ______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , , , _ , ,,,,,. . . port of violations; penalty . . 88 T;,0,f,a_,’ ];du·m~d jg_, National Academy of Seienees to consider payment to ____ __ _ _ ____ _ ,_,,, , _ ,,.,.. 663 and report plans for surveying and jlhgmiag, py M_, mapping . Z . .. . .: · - 1 -·---- 230 payment to . .- . .---- - ----· -· 631 act to amend resolution authorizing issue of T;w,,w8, genera; Gpprgg H,, guns to _ _,,,, , . - . - . . - - . . . . - .--- 61 l gppygprigtigu for pedestal to Stahlé Of, COD- additional issuo of arms, €fo-, {0; pY0Vl.S0S- 252tinued available .. . . ..-· ---· 291 issue of arms, etc., to Idaho ..-- . ---- · ·-··- 248 Thomas, George W., Terry, John, r paymcig to Z . . . .. . . . . 647 payment to ______ _ _ ________ _ ___________ ,, .>01 Thomas, cow gmc, 609 Tern], Jgggph, 6r2 Ti?:H;;OI§e0z}g/· 6 ····· ‘ ’‘'‘’ '‘'''' , ____,,,..,, .. ...-·--· 0 m > 7 '7 T;-:%m;’E$;;$n7 political disabilities .. . . . . 598 payment to ______ _ ___ ____ _ _____ _ _____ _ __ , 663 Thomas, Jane, 663 Test, Benjamin F., payment to .. . . . . .. . .-.-· Paymmlt to ______ _ _____ _ _____ _ _____ _ __,,. 661 Thomas, John I., 543 Teglimony, { CI'C(l1t 111 accounts ofl . . ... appropriation for payment of stenographcrs Thomas, Joovph, 634 for repo;-(ing, {bi- House cmmnittecs. . 238 P¤5’m0UtS to ·- - · ·· -··· · · ···· ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘ in relation to private claims pending before Thomas, JOS€]7h T-, BJP6C7W0T', 66,: I C()[]gpggg7 l]()\\'t{]_l{CI] __,, . ... ...- payment to '"' "" "" ""' '°`'````` °-U l