Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/976

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INDEX. 951 1* . 7T'/wdvyu A- D, me mm, wezzwm, P”g°“ pol1t1cs.1 disabihties .. . . .. 579 payment fg _ ________________ ___ __ _ 649 Whallvn, Benjamin, Wmé, Wuuam IL,` " Wgafnncut to .. . 523 I payment to .,..,,____ _ _ __ ____________ 55;; a hm, James, I Whitehead, Gewge 1c., r>¤ym<=¤1¤ to ------ -~------ 523 | pwsicnto . ...,..__.__ 543 Wheeler, Bcnj., deceased, Whitehead, Jacob, pa ment to <>¤mt¤ of ------ 638 avmeut to .. .. .. . . _ ~ Wlweger Joel NW1;‘{7 t Ed d UU 602 · zz e wm war P8·y1S¤;11i9 to -Z-- ---- ·--- ---- ---. . . 565 I payment; to . Y . . ... ..,___ 565 Whwkf, ¢i6¢;1‘96E, 222 I WM;/Bold, Hemy B., pnymcn 0 -. ... . _ p . vm ,,., , .,,,,_,.,.,..,,..,,, 235 Wheeler, Julia J, Wh,·?giI;;;;;1Thm;q;, pension to . - .. .. . . . . . . 548 payment to .. . ,... 655 Wheeler, Webster, deceafged, Wlvitman, A. F., administrator, payment to estate 0 . .. . . .. . .. 630 payment to . ..,., . ,..,,,,___, 667 Wheeler, W H., I Whitmore, Samuel, payment to; acfs of, made valid .. . . . . 670 payment to .. . . . . 565 Wheegzr, William F., f 60 Whitney, Silas D., cre 't in accounts 0 . . 5 payment to .. . . . . 504 Whip-poor-wills, Whittaker, E. M and Son, uottobc killed, etc., i11Distric1s0fCo1umbia.. 135 payment to .. . ... 122 White @a0er·vation, M5nn.,_ _ Whiltemore, Willmm A. , a,pp1·0pr1a.181011s for came of Cluppewa. Iudums 312 payment to . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 648 · 011 .. .. . 83, W/Litton James A/L for h siciauat -- .. 233 a mzmisto . .. 562 P Y P Y for grist-mill on . . .. . . . . 252 Whitten, John W, White River, Ark., payment of judgment to . .. 234 appropriations for improvement of .. .153, 367, 371 Whittington, Olivia A., _ White Rivqr, @070.2 · i pg.yment·t¢? .. . . . . 656 appr0pr1a.t10u for removal of Um Iudmus Whmle, Wdlmm O., from reservation on . . ... . . . . 232 \ political disalbilitic .. . .. . . . . . 567 Ute Iuqiaps may be consolidated 011; ucgo- Wholesale Dwle,.87 _ -`t»12¤t101]S authomzcd . . . . . . . . . 48 I in hquors dcjncd; special tax 0n_ _____ _ __ _ 334 WMM Iiwvn IM-, _ _ monthly tmnscripb from moks of ... ::39 6X°·mm3·U°¤ mid Sm'V€5’ oi mcluding Puts _ tax on, not required from retail dealers Wh Te Ri3;n64§l;lHd WQSU fo1'kS -·-- - - · · ·-··-- 161, 312 selling entire stock of liquors, etc 333 z · -. . . “PP’°{')‘;}”;°i°”‘ £°’ i‘"P’°"’°m°“* °f h“b°f56 369 g for civilization; em., Of. .l..84, 314 WM B#···?·¥·` ```` `````` ” ````°```'``' ’ * ’""§.,i“3§?€?££;Z?i;’°f‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ Wi}? paymentto . . -... 553I _ _ _ 1*"""`° ````````'`` · mug, cnrzmprm, VWv<>mw<> BwsM<1-, _ _ V ‘ _ Payment to ____ _ __ _ ______ ____ ____ ____ ____ 556 I appropriations for mprovcment of . ,. 102, .364 White, Dougherty, deceased, _ WW"": ;‘:]°‘;g> 66]. paymgnyto uesésés of .. .. .. . ... 002 I Wpjym ······ · ····· · ···········‘···· · Wh'tc . . an om ny ·i owa pgyiuggptg {O, ______ , ,’, . . . . . . . . 122, 123 , of solhiors gud sailors of war of 1812 to have 27 W] 'tg J PODSIODB . .. . . . .. . . . . };;5Zmg;;7;6€L ____ _ _ _ _ _,,_ , .,.., . . . . . . - . 642 { of revolutiomuy soldiers to have pcnsiou . . 29 White, James, deceased, I Widow; Pmgigng, rpayment tojswte Of-- - ··--·- - - ------—-—-· 521 I appmpnmous for .. ... 112, 266

  • /W6: J¢"”*’8 ·» ram oi} where cifwcr was `cutcxmut-compgymcui; ofjudgment to . ... . - .· . · 116 I mgndgr in Navy, ____, -.. . . . .. .. 166

U/Izitc, John, Wiener Charm J _ P“·Ym°“t *° ·- - -----· · -- ·---···· · ······ · ·· 635 ayzécut to . .. . . .. .. 418 White, John, deceased, Wgmnm Hmm O_ payment to estate of - . ..-. - .------ - 553 pa_ym,3§m to _____ ’ _ __________ _ _ _____ _ _ _ _ 565 ”$§?n‘3;’£€x€“““”"* 521 · Wm ·’°’ ·*i· "23 mug, John D., mmsnamawr, { ?“Ym°’; tf? ‘‘'`‘`‘'`'` ‘ `‘‘`‘'`‘``'```' ° p94yH16Dtt0 ·--·--·-----•···----· ·-•· - --·· Wiggéggugzgsl whim, Jann G.,¢u1mmmmwr, Wg ~. ·········· · ····· ···· · ·‘··‘ ‘ _______ ___ ____ ggmtem P. D.

 - - · . - - - · - - - - - -   W?Q}?t(Eféd-Q100E10D BXPBDSGS Of. . . » · . - - • - - .256,  

Pa,ymguftQ _,_,.. ."..-.-- --·· ·--·  ;)ga;hlPgh0::’ >*’M¢¤» JOM, . [ W; mg,-H., Ahjrg Qi " ```` ‘ ````````'````'` pgyuxentto .. .. . . ..-. 635, éymontto -l--li-jr------_._____·.__--_.' 648 "m?(i’°L$’t0 ____ _ _________ , _,,,, _ _,.,...,. 238 Wilburoz, John K., deceased, P¤>m° sor Wm LM; 0., ; p¤ym·>¤? to estate Of ---- · --·--·------- ’ pajygncnt to ____ _ __ , , . . ... 508 E Wilcox, HMM, 642 White, P. H, deceased, _ _ _ f I;°·-Ym‘}“t.t° iq; ···· · ···‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ' estate oi released from 11a.b111ty on bond -- 593 I W4 cox, rung _ ., 11 · ay *me11t ot Judgment to . . . ... 6 Whzte Scaborn, P 5 _ payancnbw .· --·- · ---·- ·--·- ----· ···· 556 Wud ‘L?"'d?’ _ · H f · yyhm, Mrs_ Thgmag gn E m D1stJ:1ct of Co1umb1a,pcm· b or suammg, I3_ payment to n""u___________ ____ _ ______ 661, etc , ,,... .--. . ----·· 0