Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/150

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120 FORTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. OH. 85. 188Q. Flatheads and FLATHEADS AND OTHER. GONFEDEBATED trmmts. gixzgconfedemm 1 df b n•cia1 objects not .. For iirst of four instal ments secon series, or e _ 12 Sm"97°` heretofore appropriated, per fodrth article of treaty of July sixteenth, eighteen hundred and nfty-five, six thousand dollars. Iowns. IOWAS. l0 sm., 1071. For interest, in lieu of investment on fiftyseven thousand five hundred dollars, balance of one hundred and fifty-seven thousand tive hundred dollars, to July tirst, eighteen hundred and eighty, at five percentum per annum, for education or other beneficial purposes, under the direction of the President, per ninth article of treaty of May seventeenth, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, two thousand eight hundred and seventy-five dollars. Km,m,_ KANSAS. 0 sm., 842. For interest in lien of investment on two hundred thousand dollars, at live per centum per annum, per second article of treaty of January fourteenth, eighteen hundred and forty-six, ten thousand dollars. Kickapoos. KIOKAPOOS. l0 Stat., 1079. For interest on ninety-three thousand five hundred and eighty-one dollars and nine cents, at five per centum per annum, for educational and other beneficial purposes, per treaty of May eighteenth, eighteen hundred and fifty-fbur, four thousand six hundred and seventy-nine dollars and five cents; For settlement, support, and civilization of Kickapoo Indians in the Indian Territory, lately removed from Mexico, and such as may remove, nve thousand dollars; in all, nine thousand six hundred and seventy- nine dollars and five cents. Klannaths an d KLAMATHS AND MODOOS. Modocs. 16 smb, me For last of live installments, last series, to be applied under the direc- _tion of the President as per second article of treaty of October fourteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, three thousand dollars; 16 Stnt.,708. For fourteenth of twenty installments, for keeping in repair one sawmill, one tlouring-mill, buildings for the blacksmith, carpenter, wagon and plow maker, the manual-labor school, and hospital, as per fourth article of same treaty, one thousand dollars; 16 Stam,709. For fiftecnth of twenty installments, for the purchase of tools and material for saw and flour mills, carpenter, blacksmith, wagon and plow maker shops, and books and stationery for the manual-labor school, per same artncle of same treaty, one thousand five hundred dollars; - For fifteenth of fifteen installments, for pay and subsistence of one superintendent of farming, one farmer, one blacksmith, one sawyer, one carpenter, and one wagon and plow maker, as per fifth article of same treaty, five thousand six hundred dollars; For fifteenth of twenty installments, to pay salary and subsistence of one physician, one miller and two school-teachers, as per same article zgxdgtlrcialpyhghgegglhpgisand six hundred dollars; in all, fourteen thousand Menomoneos. MENOMONEES. · 10 Stat., 1065. For last of fifteen installments of annuity upon two hundred and forty- two thousand six hundred and eighty-six dollars, for cession of lands, per fourth article of treaty of May twelfth, eighteen hundred and ffty·· ’ four, and Senate amendment thereto, sixteen thousand one hundred and seventynine dollars and six cents. _