Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/255

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FGRTY-SIXTH OONGRESS. Sess. II. On. 225. 1880. 225 Assn:-o1··n1cE AT Bois}: Cnmz, IDA110 ”1‘nmzr1·0mr.-For salary of Asssywmce at assays:. who shall also perform the duties of molter, two thousand dol- B°*“° City- lams; one clerk, one thousand dollams; in a»H, three thousand dollars. S,,$;1Q,f({' $,12; d 501- incidental and contingent expenses, including labor, six thousand °°g,$§£`é6Dt 6 x_ 0 a#I`S· enses. ASSAYOFFIOE AT Omnnorrn, Noam Onnonmn.-For salary of P A¤¤ey—<>f¤c¤ at assayer and melter, one thousand five hundred dollars; and of assistant °]k“1°“°· assayer, one thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; in all, two thou- ,,,,,1,3 aj;" °‘"d sand seven hundred and fifty dollars. ’ ' For incidental and contingent expenses, including labor, one thousand contingent e x - (1011:],1*3, penses. GOVERNMENT IN THE TERRITORIES. T¤1‘1‘i¤>1"i¤J QW- ornmeuts. TEBRITORY OF ABIZONA.—FOI salary of governor, two thousand A1’i¤¤¤¤>- _ six hundred doH·a»rs; chief justice, and two associate Judges, at three m€jj;“"yhQ,. K':"' thousand dollars each; secretary, one thousand eight hundred dollars; tico gm? (,,h,,,§_“` interpreter and translator in the executive office, Eve hundred dollars; ’ in all, thirteen thousand nine hundred dollars. For legislative expenses, namely, for compensation and mileage of Legislative exthe members of the legislative assembly, officers and clerks, and contin- P°““°“- gent expenses, thereo , and for rent, light, fuel, printing, stationery, ineideutarls, and porter or messenger for the secremry’s offlce, nineteen thousand seven hundred and eighty dollars. For contingent expenses of the Territory, to be expended by the gov- Contingent exernor, ive hundred dollars. P<>¤¤6S- Tmmuwomv OF DAK01*A.——For salary of governor two thousand six Dakota,. hundred dollars; ohief justice, and three associate judges, at three thou- G°‘{°*¤9* ¤·¤d sand dollars each; and secretary at one thousand eight hundred dollars, °h‘“fJ"““"°• &’°‘ sixteen thousand four hundred dollars. For legislative expenses, namely, for compensation and mileage of the L°Si¤1mV° 0 X · members of the legislative assembly, officors and clerks, and contingent P°"°°°‘ expenses thereof, and for rent, light, fuel, printing, stationery, incidenturls, and porter or messenger for the seoreta.ry’s office, nineteen thousand nine hundred and forty-eight dollars and fifty cents. . For contingent expenses, to be expended by the governor, five hun- Contingent. dyed dollars. Timmmomr on IDAHO.-For salary of governor, two thousand six Idaho. _ hundred dollars; chief justice, and two associate judges, at three thou- . (?"°m°3» tghmf sand dollars each; and secretary at one thousand eight hundred dollars, Jus °°’ °’° °“ m' thirteen thousand four hundred dollars. _ For legislative expenses, namely, for compensation and mileage of the Legislative exmembers of me legislative assembly officers and clerks, and contingent P°'*°°°- expenses thereof, and for rent, light, xluel, pri11t:in%sta.tionery, incidentarls and porter or messenger for the secretary2s 0_ ce, eighteen thousand three hundred and Eve dollars and forty-one cents. For contingent expenses, to be expended by the governor, ive hun Contingent. dried dollars. TERRITORY OF MONTANA.—For salary of governor, two thousand Montana. _ six hundred dollars; chief justice, and two associate judges, at three _ G¤Y¤¤¤>1‘» <>!¤¢g` thousand dollars each; and secretary at one thousand eight hundred f,{,‘,f;_;°°“* "“ dollars, thirteen thousand four hundred dollars. ` For legislative expenses, namely, for compensation and mileage of Legislative exthe members of the legislative assembly, officers and clerks, and con- p<>¤¤¤¤· tingent expenses thereof, and for rent, light, fuel, printing, stationery, incidents1s, and porter or messenger for the seoretm·y’s office, nineteen thousand seven hundred and ten dollars. For contingent expenses of the Territory, to be expended by the gov- Contingent. emor, five hundred dollars. TERRITORY on Nnw Mmxrco.-For salary of governor, two thou- New Mexico. _ sand six hundred dollars; chief justice, and two associate judges at ,ug?V°*'¤§5»°tgt;f three thousand d011am each ; secretary at one thousand eight hundred J °°* ° xxx-15