Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/263

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FORTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Szmss. ll. Ch. 225. 1880. 233 and no money appropriated by this paragraph shall be expended for advertising in newspapers published in the city of Washington other Patent Officc than the Patent Office Official Gazette. Om°“‘·l G°’·°“°· For purchase of books for a scientific library for the Patent Oihce, Books. five thousand dollars. For photolithographing, or otherwise producing plates for the Omcial P li o t ol it li o- Gazette, twenty thousand dollars. L‘¤Phi¤s· For photolithographing, or otherwise producing copies of the weekly Trade-marks. issues of drawings of patents, designs and trade marks, thirty-five thousand dollars. For photolithographing, or otherwise reproducing copies of drawings Drawin gs dodestroyed or damaged by fire or otherwise exhausted, including pay of ***“‘°Y°*l by limtemporary draughtsmen, thirty thousand dollars; the work of said photographing, or otherwise producing plates and copies, referred to in this and the two preceding paragraphs, to be done under the supervision of the Commissioner of Patents, and in the city of Wa hington, it' it can be there done at reasonable rates; and the Commissioner of Patents, under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, is authorized to _ make contracts therefor. BUREAU on EDUoA’r1oN.-—For the Commissioner of Education, three 0<¤n¤}¤i¤¤i<>rwr of thousand dollars; chief clerk, one thousand eight hundred dollars; one F;d‘$““""· °I" "f clerk of class four; one statistician, one thousand eight hundred dollars; ° M ` one clerk of class three; one translator, one thousand six hundred dollars; one clerk of class two; two clerks of class one; six copyists, at nine hundred dollars each; one assistant messenger; one laborer; in all, twenty-two thousand one hundred and eighty dollars. For contingent expenses, namely: Cases for library, five hundred dol-~ Contingent exlars; library, one thousand dollars; current educational periodicals, two P°““°“· hundred and fifty dollars; other current publicat-ions, two hundred and twentyhve dollars; completing valuable sets of periodicals and publica tions in the library, two hundred dollars; telegraphing and expressage, two hundred dollars; collecting statistics and writing and compiling matter for annual and special reports, and editing and publishing circulars of information, lifteen thousand dollar  ; fuel and lights, two hundred and seventy-five dollars; office furniture, two hundred and fifty dollars; contingencies, five hundred dollars; in all, eighteen thousand four hundred dollars. Omron on Annrron or BA11in0s1J AcooUnrs.—For Auditor, three Auditor of nimthousand six hundred dollars; bookkeeper, two thousand four hundred {mul f,*;°°““°’}» dollars; assistant bookkeeper, two thousand dollars; railroad engineer, c]§,,§s‘;m§ 25,2,TH* two thousand dollars; one clerk, one thousand four hundred dollars; ’ one copyist, nine hundred dollars ; one messenger, six hundred dollars; traveling and other expenses, two thousand five hundred dollars; incidental expenses, three hundred dollars; in all, fifteen thousand seven hundred dollars. SURVEYORS-GENERAL AND THEIR CLmBKs.——For compensation of S·¤"V·=Y*>¤ ·z¤¤· surveyor-general of Louisiana, one thousand eight hundred dollars; and g;jQ;f;"l "]""k*’ ""‘l for the clerks in his office, including clerks to prepare duplicate patent- L.,,,i,.;,,,,,,_ plats of confirmed private land-claims, also to transcribe field-notes of surveys in arrears, eight thousand dollars. For surveyor-general of Florida, one thousand eight hundred dollars; Florida. and for the clerks in his office, four thousand dollars. For surveyor-general in Minnesota two thousand dollars; and for the Minnesota clerks in his office, five thousand dollars. For surveyor-general of the Territory of Dakota, two thousand dol— Dakota Torrilars; and for the clerks in his oince, six thousand dollars. *°”Y· _ For surveyor-general of the State of Colorado, two thousand five hun- Colorado. dred dollars; and for the clerks in his office, three thousand five hundred dollars. _ For surveyor-general of the Territory of New Mexico, two thousand NW M ex 1°° five hundred dollars; and for the clerks in his office, six thousand dol- T°'"“"'Y· ars.