Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/433

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FOBTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. 011. 130. 1881. 403 one thousand eight hundred dollars- in all, one hundred and fifty-two thousand two hundred and forty dollars. For contingent expenses, eight thousand dollars. Contingent cx. IN rum Orrrcn on run Oommisslnr-Gunmen.-One chief clerk, Pogbodimissary at two thousand dollars; one clerk of class four; three clerks of class G°¤°E¤‘· three; four clerks of class two; ten clerks of class one; mo clerks at c,g,;‘;°f&u§1f;,f· one thousand dollars each; one assistant messenger; two laborers; and Seng0g_ ` two watchmen; in all, thirty-one thousand six hundred and eighty dollars: Provided, That the Secretary of War, if the public necessity re- Promo: Detail qnires it, may detail not exceeding ten enlisted men for clerical service °f wl °¤U¤'>°d in this bureau. m°“‘ For contingent expenses, namely : Rent of building, repairs, and mis- Contingent exccllaneous items, nve thousand nve hundred dollars. 1>¤¤¤¤¤- IN run Orman or run Sunenon-GENERAL.-One chief clerk at omcc or snrtwo thousand dollars; eight clerks of class four; six clerks of class z¤¤¤;G<>¤•>¤>·l- three; nine clerks of class two · one hundred and six clerks of class one; ;Eh‘°f °1°"k "“d fourteen clerks at one thousand dollars each; one anatomist, one thou- 0 m' sand six hundred dollars; one engineer in division of records and museum, at one thousand four hundred dollars; eleven assistant messengers; and four watchmen and eight laborers; in all, one hundred and ninety-eight thousand eight hundred and eighty dollars: Provided, That I’¤>vi8<>= Detail the Secretary of War, if the public necessity so require, may detail not *"°“"Y °“h""°d exceeding twenty enlisted men for clerical service in this bureau. mm For eighty clerks, at one thousand dollars each, to be exclusively en- Additi<>¤¤i<=1¤rl5¤. gaged in preparing and making reports to expedite the settlement of :fl°·· mm, $:5:3*;;. pension applications called for by the Commissioner of Pensions; one p,,§’,s,O,{ c`,;,,,,,.; assistant messenger; one watchman; and one laborer; in all, eighty-two thousand one hundred dollars- and for the employment of forty clerks at the rate of one thousand dollars per annum each, for the like purpose, for balance of the current liscal year, and one assistant messenger, one watchman, and one laborer, eleven thousand seven hundred and seventy- nve dollars, the latter sum to be immediately available. - _ For contingent expenses, namely: Blank books, stationery, rent, incl, C°¤l·¤¤K°¤'· °*· gas, furniture, repairs, and incidentals, eighteen thousand dollars; five I’°“°°°' thousand dollars of which sum shall be available for the current fiscal year. IN THE OFFICE or rim Umm- or Oirniuncn.-One chief clerk, at [Omgé Of CMG? two thousand dollars; one clerk of class four; two clerks of class three; ° C%Q6§“;§gfj, and two clerks of class two; six clerks of class one; two clerks at one thou- ,0;hm_ sand dollars each; one assistant messenger; one laborer; in all, twenty thousand three hundred and eighty dollars: Provided, That the Secre- Proveho: Detail tary of War, if the public necessity so require, may detail not exceeding g6;“’°””Y °“l‘“"°d twenty enlisted men for clerical service in this bureau. __ Fo!' contingent expenses, namely; Stationery, envelopes, wrapping- Contingent ex- PHPGP for sending blanks to the arsenals, forts, permanent batteries, and P°“““· troops in the iield; telegrams, express charges, and incidentals of a similar nature · furniture, matting, carpets, oil-cloth, professional books foI‘ Ordnance lsepartment library, pamphlets, and newspapers, one thousand five hundred dollars. _ IN rm; Onnxon or run PAYMASTER-GENERAL.—OD0 chief clerk, at omcc or Pay tW0 thousand dollars ; six clerks of class four; six clerks of class three; mggimidhd T·W6}Ve clerks of class two ; nine clerks of class one; three clerks at one Others_ thousand dollars each; one assistant messenger; two watchmen ; and iahree laborers; in all, fifty-seven thousand one hundred and forty dol- ars. Fo!' 00I1tingent expenses, two thousand five hundred dollars. Pegggtingent ex- IN run Omucn or rim Cmnr or Enenmnns.-One chief clerk, at oqmce or Chief two thousand dollars; four clerks of class four; two clerks of class °fChQ§g“G‘;;;; md t]-ll`99 3 three clerks of class two; three clerks of class one; 0116 clerk othem at one thousand dollars; one assistant messenger; and two laborers; in all, twenty-three thousand two hundred and forty dollars.