Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/538

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508 FOBTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. HI. Ch. 144, 145, 146. 1881. Duties. with the duties and responsibilities of the said marshal and district attorney, respectively, for the district aforesaid shall bein all respects the same within their said district as the terms of appointment and services, the duties, and responsibilities of the marshal and district attorney, respectively, of the eastern district of the State of Louisiana Approved, March 3, 1881. ` I March 3, 1881. CHAP. 145.-An act confirmingland vesting the title to a certain_ tra_ct of land in ——·——————— Burlington, Iowa, in the independent school district of said city. Preamble Whereas, it is claimed that the word “west" after the words “Valley street" in the act connrming the title to a tract of land in the city of Burlington Iowa", approved July fourth, eighteen and sixty-eight (volume fifteen, page eighty two, United States Statutes at Large), is a clerical error, and that the word ‘*east " should be inserted in lieu thereof: Therefore in order to properly confirm the title to the lot which was intended to be connrmed by such act, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United 1868, ch. 131, States of America in Congress assembled, That the act entitled “An act 15 S*’°·*·· 8% confirming the title to a tract of land in Burlington Iowa" approved “""°”d°d‘ July fourth, eighteen hundred and sixty eight, be, and the same is hereby, rms of land in amended so as to read as follows: That all of the title of the United Burlington [owe, States in and to a certain tract of land in the city of Burlington, Des "°“f;"l ln '°,£*° 3¤£°* Moines County, in the State of Iowa, described as being west of lot Egg, 23, :,3,:,3 ,,,1:: number nine hundred and seventy-eight in said city, south of Valpcses. ley street, east of Boundary street, and north of Market street, as laid down on the plat of said city certihed under the act of Congress of March third, eighteen hundred and thirty seven, by William W. Conell and George Cubbage, commissioners, and now on file in the General Land Office, and which was originally reserved from sale by the United States and dedicated to public burial purposes, be, and the same is hereby connrmed to and vested in the “indepe11de11t school district" of said city, to be forever dedicated to and used by said school district for public school purposes, and for no other purpose what oever. Approved, March 3, 1881. March 3, 1881, CHAP. 146.-An act to establish an additional land district in the State of Kansas. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United soutliwestern States of America in Congress assembled, That the following described

”d_d;¤?{!=§; I§¤¤· territory in the State of Kansas, to wit; commencing at the southeast

8* Us ‘”‘ `S °(‘ corner of township thirty-five, south range thirty-one west of the sixth principal meridian on the south boundary of the State of Kansas; thence west on said southern boundary to the western boundary of said State; thence north on said western boundary to the fourth standard parallel south; thence east along said parallel to the northeast corner of township twenty-one south, range thirty-one west, and thence south to the place of beginning, in the State of Kansas, shall constitute an additional land district, to be called the southwestern land district, the location for the office of which shall be designated by the President of the United States, and shall by him from time to time be changed, as the public interest may seem to require. Register and re- Sec. 2. That the President be, and he hereby is, authorized, whenever °°“'°'· the public interest shall require, to appoint, in accordance with existing laws authorizing appointment to office, a register and a receiver for the district hereby created, who shall each be required to reside at the site of the office for said district, have the same powers, responsibilities, and emoluments, and be subject to the same acts and penalties which are, glgntgg be, prescribed by law in relation to other land-ofdces of the United