Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/761

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GONVENTl0N—FBANOE. Dnonmnnn 29, 1879. 73] of the Convention of December du 29 decembre 1879, puis elle 29th, 1879, after which it will de- usauua de la somme totale affeduet from the sum total of the rente aux mandats émis par elle la orders issued by it the sum total of somme totaleafférente aux mandats the unpaid orders of the same de meme origine, dont le montant origin, the amounts of which shall lui aura été remboursé par Pautre have been restored by the other Administration. Administration. The difference will constitute the La difference fournira le montant net amount of the credit, for that net de la créance mensuelle de l’Admonth, of the Administration of ministration du pays de destinathe country of destination. tion. _ Anrromr 16. Amronn 16. The detailed accounts designated Lescomptes particuliers designes Rocapitulation in the preceding Article will be re- dans l’Artic1e precedent seront re- °f “·°°°¤¤*¤ to b° capitulated quarterly, under the capitulés, tous les trois mois, pam le mam q°m°°'1y‘ direction of the French Postal Ad- soin de l’Administration des Postes ministration, in a general account, de France, dans un compte general for the purpose of exhibiting the destine a presenter les resultats exact results of the exchange of definitifs do Péchange des mandats money orders between the two entre les deux pays. Ge compte countries. This account shall be sera établi sur une formule conmade on aform like the model "E" forme au modele “E" annexe au annexed to the present Regulations. present Reglement. For the purpose of balancing said Pour la balance du dit compte, la Particulars of rcaccount the conversion of one conversion des monnaies sera eta- °’*1“““1““*°”· money into the other shall be made blie conformement au deuxieme in compliance with the terms of the alinea de l’Artic1e 7 de la Conven- · second paragraph of Article 7 of tion du 29 décembre 1879. A cet the Convention of December 29, eifet, l’Administration débitrice 1879. To that end the debtor Ad- devra adresser a l’Administration ministration shall forward to the creanciere untableau cert'e exact creditor Administration a certined du cours du change cote chaque tabular statement of the rates of jour de bourse, a Paris ou a New exchange, at Paris or at New York, York, suivant le cas, pendant le trias the case may be, quoted each mestre precedent. business day during the preceding . quarter. _ Thc diiference forming the bal- La difference formantle solde du f Pevmcgt gfbilf 61106 of the account shall be paid compte sera payee au moyen de £I‘;,‘Q,‘;‘QSt,g,,0‘f,_ °r · by means of bills of exchange upon traites sur Paris ou sur New York, Paris or upon New York, according selon le cas, en monnaie d’or de l’ofto the nature of the case, in the tice crediteur et sans_ aucune perte money, of gold value, of the cred pour celui-ci, les frais d’envo1 des 1tor Administration, and without traites restant an charge de l’oiIice any charge to the latter. The ex- debiteur. Dense attending the remittance of b1lls of exchange is to be borne by the debtor office. This payment shall be effected Ce paiement devra étre eifectue without delay and at the latest, sans delai et, au plus tard, dans le within fifteen days afterthe account delai de quinze yours apres que le shall have been agreed to as correct. compte aura ete contradictmrement arrete. Anrrronn 17. Anrronn 17. . · 8d1C6b Whoncvcr, in the interval be- TO\1iZ6Si0S·fo1S· que dans Pinter- 0x ggg}0000r tW66I1 the quarterly settlements, vallcdes11qu1dationst1‘]meStr16U6S, mpeg {mms was 0¤6 of the two Administrations Pune des deux Adm1n1strations so remitted approxi-