Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/777

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COW ... r VENTION FRANCE. Dncnmsnn 29, 1879. 747 (IIL) BALANCE.

gg Q I Amount. F? ; -—~——·—···"·

 Q Francs. Centimes.

0 8 I ..._. ._. .2% - gig . Amount duo the French Post; (Mice Department ,____,____ _ ____________ ___________________ I gigAmount duo the United States Post Office Department . . 5 i Balzmce due the French Department ., I

Pos? Omen Dsrmrmsur, · Washington, D. 0., ——- , 188-. Sm ; Y have the honor to transmit herewith an account (D N<= 2) I, of the International money orders, issued in the United Swiss for payment in France and Algeria., the advices of which have been dispatched by the Exchange Officc of New York, duruq.; the month of-—-, 188-; and also sn account (D N¤ 2) II. of the unpaid orders of the sanue origin, the amounts of wlm-h have been restored to the Post 0E0e Department of the United States by the French Posr.()1hcc Department, during said pcrioel, in accordance with Articles XI, XII, XIV, and XV of the Detailed Regulations established under the Convention of December 29, 1879. _ After having examined those accounts, be pleased to notify this ofilce of your verification of the same, and of any uorroctxons which you may find it necessary to make therein. Respectfully, your obedient servant, Superintendent Money-Order System. Z. Monsieur le Mmxsrnn ons Poems sr uns Tstsernnuns, (Division dc la O01npzabiZit6. Bureau du Articles dwrgmti. d Paris.