Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/844

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814 INDEX. pogo, - Pago. sym, Mmm, mmol, Gmpbelh Sawwl Sn V payment to oammismtor of . - .. .. 620 payment to ·---—------- · ----- ~ -·--- - ----- M2 Byraxm, Samuel, C¢W'Pb6u» Sulphmy payment to J a.m6s C. Barry, 0X6011'b0I’ Of- - - 026 Payment to --•- - ----·---·-· · ---·~ · - -·—--- 574 Bym, Weumm B., Gawdaa _ _ _ paymgnt to ______ _ _____ _ _____ _ _,,,, , ...,. 572 posta. oimxavcutxon with . . . ... m110U G . ... . . . , . . . 1. C, additional postal a.grccm<·mt with . . .. 785 Cadets, C l L'll nd Portland, appropxiatiou for dciicielwics in pity of} at gotllé olzobgggnofl ton the ... .. . . . . 141 Milimry Academy .. . . . . 52 expanse for maintaining, how provided 141 Oadwalder, Cornelia E., appmpriamiou for maintenance of . . 481 payment to trustee for . . · - - - ---··- 569 Oanabboaig, Gam, James P., when not subject. to enrollment, ctc ... 44 puymcut to Andrew Cam as a.dm1n1stmt01·. 573 ganarsge Bay, M yu Cairo, Ill., appropxiotion for improvement of .. . 186, 460 port of entry, privilege of mmedxnte trans- Cangy For}, Rim- TMm_ , POI-tation Ofdutiablg goods {10, Rl1H1D].`- gppygpriatj OD {0]* ______ _ _ ____________ _ _ _ _ 477 ized . ...__ . , .--. ..---- - ---- -- -- 174 Cannon, Calcaalw Pass, La., appmpriation for conversion of smooth-bore appxzoppiaftion for jmpmvomom; of ..., . 480 into I-med ______ _ ____ _ _____ _ _______ wg Oalcaazeu Bmpr, La., for monument to C0]. Robert L. McCook . . 8 ¤·PPf°P¤¤U°¤ f°!` ¥mPT°V°m€¤t ori from for maunxfacturo of breech-loading . .. . 109 Phillips Bluif to the mouth of ... 480 Camo", B_ JL Caldwgll E_ ,S_ 1; t ______ _________ _ ___________ 622 poyméut to £_()i_]_‘-at-IQW of ,, , . . . . . . L . . . 576 I 0g£;l;%I;€50gg;h T_ ’ Gwhfvrnw, payment: to .. . . . . 566 post-routes established 111 . 38, 92, 353 Cantwell, L_ g appropriation for office of surveyor-g¢¤¢1‘¤} credit for losses by cyclone .. . . . . . . 554 of ,. . . .. . . 23,234,410 Cape _Fgq,r River, N. O'., deficiency appropriation for . . 247, 450 appropriagiou for improvement my ____ 185 for incidental gxpgpggg of In(`li3.u service for jmprovamcut of; proviso ____ _______ 415 in ___, __-. ,_,, .__.. . . 130,500 I C 3, - 7_ S°°I`°tm'5’ °f WU to make SUWBY $¤d 65** afgprggbggtiozn, for constructing light-house $2*6 for r<>¤£i>v¤1 of débris of ¤¤i¤¤¤ I and purchase omooa at 262 m naviga. o wadsorsof. . . . 193 . . for translating and copying Spanish u.1·- Q Cape Hem}, ,{7°gMfSm"°"’ IMP f 437 cgives of chica of survey01·-general 0g2P;;;:;; z1;M°r °°mP °m°° ° ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 0 . . . . ... . . .- .. 2°4 . . > for mw, of commed private lapd (mms ° C ;gg;g¤v¤¤*·¤¤ for ·=¤<v¤¤¤¤¤ of ------ - ----- 14°· 345 in .. . . . -. . . . . . . 451 * . . . dmciency appropriation for survay of pub. ==·rr·*°rg·r¤g;>¤¤f¤*f¤=·*=~I¤·»¤ ··f¤·¤r·*¤>*6¤ ¤¤·**=*. 10 liqlgudgin ____ _ ____ _ ___, ___, 423 i. °ht°°*;3 ·· ······ ······· ?°·?‘”•4 9 volunteers, daicicucy appropriation for .°r Pu? ”°,° Wqks Of Mt for ‘`‘‘‘ '26’ JBL 44 traveling CXPBHSBS 0¥ 430 Jomt Ss pct Qommxttea of Congress to ex- Iudiam war bonds of, appropriation for pay- gimme mw Pmé report as m plan for mom of ,_____ _ ________,__ , _____ __ _ _ 510 .b9“°" '°Pm“·"'°“ ·-—·- . -··--· · ----· 165 lands of Fon Crook om Fort Reading mm- °l°°m°‘“"· °”g‘¥‘°‘”?· and “*'~”"!*”·“*S "“» *0 tm. I. 1. - · be under direction ofArch1tcct cf, and y eso V3i10D in, restored to the public d0m&iD 325 under control of the Spea.kc1·0fHouse salmon fjnshprics on McCloud River, appro- 1. °fR°pT°§°H¥2’hv€S" ‘ ‘ ‘'`°‘ 2g pmamou for maintenance of o 440 p°S1°°> *;'ppr°pFl§’]°1°“ for Pay ?f ····· 2t$· 212* 3 Calhoun, Noblahcxecoetor of George W Sourlock, €°r3u2'_?; ° for"°?]Egfggg;°r*;;g t°6(];°;;’ payment to..?. ,,_____, , ,,_, . __ ,,,__, 646 mmts · ····· ·:···· ······ · ····· ·· ·· · 424 C U L A extra. pay to ccrba.111 .. ,... . . 53 °§5yQm.o’t., ______ _ _____ _ ,___ _ _ _____ , _____ ogy fOr iighing zr<>¤¤¤¤ <>f ---- - --------— 449 Call, J 152, admegmtrotw of Elisha, R. Mcgimzlly, g;§;’;g;:’K·ébb}b§m; £: ·· 1. ········· 1 · · · · · 2 ‘ ‘ 246 ,,,,6,,8, , , mn or genera. mpmrs, tt0 GLC- of . . ..272 gig;);,!?;!} G E ‘ "" ' 632 for elevator in the .. . . . .. 272; 449 Paymeglt tm as adlnjuistrator of Isaac B telcgraégléagé for construction, repair, ang 9,u5wgy_ ____ __ _____ _ __ _____ 566 ···· · ····· - --··· ·· ······ ···· r Galloway, Sarah, deceased, Capitol and North 0 Street and South Washingpayment to children and heirs of. , _ _ _ _ 627 Um Railivay Company, Calumet, ll., act of iucorporat-iou oi; amended; proviso- 414

appr0pr1at1011 for 1mp1·0vement of harbor OGPWN HW,

at -.·.. . . . . . , ,,___ 182, 471 advance for increase of wa,te1·-supply to; Camp and G%maon Equqoage, promos ,,,___ _ _____ _ _,__ _ _ ____ , _ _ , 9 a·PPI`°Pm** °¤ Or ·------------·· · -··-· 33,112, 349 Capote Band of Ute Indians Colo. C';:;];';?; , ° I rleficicgcy a.ppropria,tio¤,for su}>port of 422 ···· · ····· · ······-·--- · --—-·-- apron rancis B., O'”"P"“"> fgmv paynocnt to .. . .,..._.._,_ _ ____. . ,____ .573 PBUTDGD 0. ..·-- . . . ... . . 570 Carder, Samuel, ar. Campbell, J. B.: payment to { 615 P¤.Ym6Dt of Judgment recovered by Hugh gardwem Groom '`'’''‘' W“t°"" ······ · ····· · ----- - —--·- ·- - · 534 payment to . .,_,,_,,_____,_,,,,,, 627