Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/846

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816 INDEX. Page. Psgo. Oemtemw/Sal Commission, 1876, Charlotte, N_K, _ gm,} rgpgjjg of; to bg primed ____ _ ________, 50 epproprumon for 1mprov0ment of harbor plates to be pumhased; appropriation. 53 at . - . . . . T .o. . . . . . . 181, 469 Centennial Cmnmisaionera, Nashville, Tenn., Charlton, E. and L., admmwtmtors of G. W., loan of i1ags,qto . . .. 593 d006m6d, Centenmal Exhaobmon, payment to ------ - ~---- - ----- - ----- - ---·. 627 appropriation for prepaoriug indexes of offl- Charlton G. W, deqcagod, cial report; of the . ..,.. . .. .. . .. . . 281 payment to adm1n1stra.t0rs of . 627 O'c·n¢·ral_ Pacnfc Railwqy Qompany, _ Chattahoochee River, Ala., _ _ dcticmncy appropmamon for transporbatron exaouunatrou and survey oi} provnswu for, gf spccis,1 agents of General Lund M8 h corlro<?acd .. . . . - . . 20 mee . .- .. . -... Chatta ooo ce iver ao., Central Su erintendenm, Indian ap 1-0 riation fox: improvement of .--- 185, 475 P J 2 P P appropxdamioufor education, ctc., of Indians Chattanooga, Tenn., in the Hmits of the late . .. 129, 499 district and circuit courts of the United 0'orhjiouto of Stackof United Statealntemaatalo/nal States at . . . . .. . 175 Commission declared up port o do ivory . . .. 373 to be prepared by’Secreta.ry of the Treasury 80 surveyor for, authorized; salary of . . . . 373 Chadwick, John, National Cemetery near, appropriation for }?a,ym011t to .. 4 . . . 627 imgrovcmcut of .. . . . . . . 445 C amber of Commerce, New York, _ Oheboygan arbor, Mich., porm1ssion to erect statue commemorative a.ppr0priabi0n for improvement of .. .. 182, 471 of the inauguration of George Wash- Uheclcs and Check-books, mgton, the iirst President, on sub- appropriation for .. . . - 23, 2*23, 398 _ treasury building, given to the . 313 for deficiency in. . . . . . .. .. .. 239 Ohgérggigrgtigwnznc, Niqs. .5 and 5, 642 Cheer, Saméuzl, 573 CIQWSO ., ,,, , . ,,_,.. 3 mb!} 0 .. --.. . .. ..., Chandler, Benjamin, deceased, Ghgegqwug Grggk, M ,L, payment to William A. Blount, executor of . 573 appropriation for improvement of 190, 473 Chandler, B. M., Chelsea, Mass., Cfmugw .- . . . . 627 approgriation for maintenance of naval a , oudeeeae , `t .1 t r . . .. 86,335 payment 1:0 executor of .. . . - . . 626 Chen ey, B???, ?S'tlg·77L8T, Chandler, Timothy, provisions of act, etc., prohibiting payment payment to .- .. . . . .. . .. . 627 to owners of, repealed . . 43 Chandler, Zachoamah, deceased, _ _ Cherokee Indian Trust Mmds, Cheaxgg/g1eEsli<;1;, appropmamon for prmting 302 appropriaogon ffor interest on non-paying? stoc so ta 6 . . 32,501. P¤·y11;•>H¤ br; - ----- . - .- 620 Oiwrckce Indianz of North Carolina, Chaney, Jocqph P., ’ ‘ funds holdin trust. by Secretary of Interior payment 1:0 . . . . . . . . .. 573 to be charged with certain payments- 132 Chaplain of the Senate, Cherokee Nation, payment to late .. . ... -- .. 56 dehciency appropriation to relieve destitu- Oh:£$:ZLE£oT», 627 Oh tion of the people of the .. . . 248 . ·--- - - ---~- · - · ··---- · -------·- eyemne Indmna Ohwrcnton gwnal, La., apppropriatiou ifor subsistence and civiliza- 0 34 . .; . .. .. . ... . ... 55 tion of, upon reservation .. . 67, 128 Wg ,f€‘"`°8> _ charged with payment to Henry Warren- 26 m;mppropr1aotion for qalaones of ---.. 134, 339 for insta.]1me11ts, etc., to -...-.. .. . . 117, 487 urges a,n_d Commission Cases, _ deficiency appropriation for support of ---. 422 a.pp1·0pma.’¤1011 for refund of dunes, ctc., five somnuaolinstsnllxnnents of $1,000 each from C *><>1§3¤ us?} for payment m -.---------.- 418 appropriations for, to be paid to Surah a cs spar, ass., _ Shaw, of Lawrence, Iiemsas . 276 aoppmgoaéhxrlggff 1mprovomeut of harbor 182 Northern zmd Arapahoe, for iustallments, Charleston S. C. ··'---·------·-_`·--·--. Btqqto -··-·-·—·’-t-:-- '.-----·_---· oppooppjooooo ’for improvement of oopoop f" °“}’o'§§§$’;€{’o;'T‘}_ I’}T'T{‘?i*}°T‘. .‘Tf’-T’?‘T’T 498

 .. . ... .  .  .181,470 h ed ‘ .

Port 0% Pmvwons if aids %€:bgShiHgtgub_ Glgcggg HKUJI1 payment to Amanda. M. Cook 588 ncmurmqsoooscx nedto s.. 50" ‘ ‘ { 1 · · ··. port of oooop, ppoo1ogo_o¤ooooooooo poopo ° “*"’°E§£"%}’,§‘pp.§’o{ §?o2§L°o?o;§o‘€£Eo$°oZf 396 Egggzgggn. of dutmble goods ut, au- 174 {hr improverneut of harbor at - -,— - ,471 Cioopoloo zgerial ot, ooooopoooo ..;:1:;;:;;: ooo °' ‘;£i¥‘o*;?£;°£p °‘ °°“‘*‘1‘°“°° °‘“" ““`°` 435 M 6 on- M °T* . port ofautry xiv1I.;" U a.ppr0}i;11aa23n;;;>rr11r]o1;ovcmentofS¤11].iva.n’¤ 192 portgtiogg of iagiebagugoozlz (20:- M-

 ppp · ····---·--   --·· p pgggaggedp .··-- ···, -··-:- --··p~p- --p- "4

pub11ct;>g1I;1<Ij;;1g to be erected eu,u,ppropria,- pp Iivvater 2.1; {wm mmm 0 Tea 182

-··---·- -·-.. 2 73 · doiicicnc an .-'-u}' un.-in'" N--

h I Y pp1‘0pl1u.t1011 or comp eting GHS ¤i»·»%??$~“?o¥fo?Z”E[?»£’,““““°"“°‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘ "‘ oopo$o‘;“.?;o?;‘;‘;*?o‘:“o··o· s ···· 2 ·‘‘‘  %? · · · - u · - ,. . . Clzlgrjgzngtngu for xmprovcmeub of .. .. 182, 471 Chickahmniny River, Vai Om www 3 approglgéiaétgog}; for Salaries, ctc-, in assay C,3g£>:;>c%:;`¤?;;Z<;;,1g:r mxprovemeht of .,.. . . ..185, 474 _ ---~.. . .. 23,27, r,· ,· · p· oooooooop appropriation for . ... 333 ( “"""°§'p‘.Z."}.§L°‘T_ ?"f’T_ R‘?’Tf‘R‘i’}Y. i‘T‘?“T?.} ¥17»48’°