Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/850

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820 uumx. Pm . . . . . Pm Columbia Hoapitalfom Woman, D. G'., Commwaum oo Codqficutwn of Laws Relating to appropriation for; additional cottages au- Publ1cLando, thorizod to be crccbsd - . . . - 157, 459 dcHc1e¤cy qppr0pr13,tw11 for g;qpu;15¢;g of the ; Columbia Immution fm- Deaf and Dumb, provlso .. . . . . . .. . .. 245 appropriation for current expenses, ctc., for Commissioner of Agriculture, tho; proviso ... --... . . 275, 452 authorized to attend Iutcr11uti01.1z¤l Sheep Columbia, River, Orcg., and Wool Show at Philadelphia 70 appropriation for improvement of, and re- appropriation for salaries, ctc., in office mova,1 of bar at mouth of . .. 189 of . . . . . ..292, 296, 381 Columbus, Ohio, to account and report to the proper accountterms of United States circuit and district ing officer of the Treasury as heads court for soutshcm district of Ohio to of other executive depamtnmnts are bo hold at .. .. . . 64 required by law to do .. . - . . 290, :585 Comanclw Indians Commissioner of Customs a1pp1·0pria.ti0;1iz0r subsistence and civiljza- appropriation for salajrics in office of . 217, 392 tion 0 ctc . ... . .67 498 Gommvlsmloner of Eduwmm £0ri11sta111gents, ctc., to . . .117; 487 · appropriation for salamiee, otc., in eiliee or care am support of . . . . . 422 I of . . . . .. .- .. 233, 409 on resorvatioéos, appropriation for subsis· I additional copies of report oi§ for 1878—’79 `IFGDCO 0 .. . . . . . . .- -. 128 authofne 1 t b 'uted ...,,_ . ,,,_, 30* charged with payment to Henry Warren -. 26 i Commissioner 0jVF;sh (one? ¥n`?.;he¢·€ea, { Secretary of Treasury to withhold certain I extra copies of report of, printed .. .` . 307 appropriations from, on account of 1 sale of, authorized. ... . . 307 rleprcdations committed by the . 422 to take ish from Potomac River for scien- Comly, James, tific or propagation purposes . . . . 71

 pmymgni mW. .. .. . . .. 622 to represen1£ U£1itc<g Sgages at Internaom y, o n ., tional is cry x i ition at Berlin,

payment W ··..-- - .-.. . . . 573 l a m mw { eu r ,_____. 302 Commanding General? Ojioe, Army, | appropxggticgnforl;1?epg;i;;Pi11g§€r§tions for appmppjmgigu for expense; of _________ 30, 110, 346 report of .. . ..,., . . . . .264 440 Commercial Agents, for expenses of propagation of food-fishes , a,pp¥·0p;·]3,{;igu for 53,13,;-igg of ____ __ _______ 139, 344 etc., under , . . . . . . . . ’ 440 Oommwsary Department, Army, for con truction of steamer for prosecution approprmtwn for. . . ... 31,111,347 1 of work under . . 441 Commlssary-Qeneral, Army, report oi] upon new discoveries in regard to a.ppropx;u.t10u for salaries, etc., in office fish culture, to be printed . . 517 0 ..-. .-.. -23,227 403. C’ F d ’` Claims u11der acb of July 4, 1864, subject to i 1 0mnmmgZZpgzy;,ree man 8 Savings and Trust reg!1]a.t1011s cf; procedure for exami— i O0mptr011erofCurrenc a 0inte<r duties H3»tlOI13:l1d settlement 62 { bond compa mayo pp , , 327 Cgmmiggarysgrgganjg Un--U.--- ic' ) G Hg 1 D un"-"--- U- appropriation for p’ay oi; in Army .. .. .. 31 0;g;;i;g;1;?;;ig`{x fggiegcgfrgelg l in office Oommissary Stores, of .. ...23 231 407 salce of, to officers and men of the Army. .. 32 for settlement of swamp-land claims of , C0yn"u,g,gq'0" States by _____ ______ ____ ____ to be appointed by Secretary ofWa.r to se- to make rules for repayment of certain lcct su1ta.b1e dcmgn for monumental moneys to settlers on public lands for Cg¥mIé 0Omm%m0I&tiV0 of the battle void entries . . 287 0 01- own 3 _________ ______ _ 163 I ‘ ‘ A I `--.--‘" Commission, French aizd American Claims, l to pr0€§§eb?0?;;$;?>r;3rr;?;f<1$ lggdzcqmm 315 for sciagkmcut of claims with French Repub- { to survey certain townships in Cramriéici 10 .. . . . . .. . . . . 296 Q ‘ · · commissioner, on part of United States, au- I to n.11Egru1;f§mgg€;md- settlers - gxlugtisi 325 ,,,,P,EI}§’§§§2j‘}.,‘i°sZ¥,E’,3L‘;“i‘} ‘‘‘‘ g ‘‘‘‘‘‘ M Z22 i W °"°‘* f°’ °““”““° ’°““°’“’ ‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ ’ 51* 0., 0 .. : ·` . to lI!3»k0 rules for proceediné before the . - . ’ 297 F 1 as tlgo xbggifggggaligdbgxggzmne pers??, 166 Commission, fnlcmational Prison, deficiency appro ria/cion for

 appyoprlaiig? fo1}m&iut011a.uce of . 455 of plats oipsurvevs 246

ommwsioqz, tomo ogioal, Commissioner of Indian A` ams- - H — N -•-l -

;££§€;a%>;é`g§;;p§?;;s of the . 383 appmpgjmzions for salaqige, ’ etc., in chico

7 appropriations for surveys ,3,11d examination Cmnmismfonorz _ . l i l l - l _ l -231, 407 of th0 Lgssissippi River, and for sal- to prescribe rules for allowances for leak-

 Q212oz2x; gxponses of  . .   .271,447 age of distilled spirits wibhdmwn

appmpeam ?0!‘é;p.,.,m of 455 £§°2¥JZ]2f€h°“°’°f°‘ °’“°°’“““"“ `"`”° 59 Commission Spa/n·ichClaim.s . is 'b ` Gepp;0;q¤Qt?;;p5Sa1¤¤eL, M, of.. .. 140, 345 ° ""°‘Z‘§}i;2S“‘*“’kS "‘“" '°“""’“ f°’°‘“‘“°d m ommasswn n nm ‘ . "` -`````` ·"`C" `````````' ·` appoiugaeol to ncgopisia and ratify agreement aPPr°I:>Ii.g;($‘for Saunas dud Bxpmscs 1220 395

? é§i; gg16g3E; égr sale of than- reser- to make detailed statement to C0ngr6SS
1 k         0 .-   ... - .: . 202 of  cgpenditures in dctcctixxg mid
   0, au omzcd, dunes proscr1bcd.- 202 brm in t t ‘ 1 'I f

Conuuwswn Joint Congressional - g · g -0 ml PHSODS gm ty ° a - tch t r _ V10l£Lt11\g inter1;1a.lrex¢c¤ue—la,ws, and ppom 0 amqngc for celebrudung con- of miscellsmacusa. ro riafm 220 1761111131 a.nmvorsm·y of battle of York- Commissioner of 2*pp P V1 lsi I l . town alouts, . . . . . 522 a.ppr0prmt1ou for sulamas, cbc., in officc of .232, 408