Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/851

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INDEX. gm Cmumisaianer of P¢t6Nt8*CODtiHHOd· Compton, Amanda Bomwr Pago' authorized to contract for copies of plates, payment to __ _ 563

 ete. , destroyed by fire   the oiiiicc  of 233 Omnptrollara of Treasury, ·`--- -·`-I I h

duties ot, imdor act authorizing the regis- appropriations for salaries in 0mm of 23 tration of trade-marks .. .. .._,.. 503 217 219 392 394 Commissioner of Pcnsiom, Conard, Mrs. Adela, appropriations for salaries, etc., in the office f>¤·5'31¢;t to ---.-· . . . . 528 of . ... 232 408 M" 0M?! mlditional clerks authorized in 0500 of .. . ’ 68 P3JYU;€mt to ividcw of —·—·-------·---- - ..-. 528 apprcyériation for the ixivcstigatiou of Concord: Qi 6 · d S murh in pensions .. . ... 232 ¥`°m°V¤· _0 B1 3 S Glfmli M1 iS- Commissioners (see also speciflc titles), courts fmm Ex°t°r t°· 'mthm" to select site for Naval Observatory and re- Concordia: Ld ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ "" ‘·'‘ ·‘· · · 330 port their action to the President.. . 65 ’ '? . . . . authorized to be appointed to act with Cggixfliagfvilsslsslppl RWM n°°'r ‘‘‘‘‘‘ 54 United Sums Intcruational Com` of lend for émat Kanawha and Kentucky

 missioq .. .  . . Z-   77 R. . t d. 8

I¤d*¤¤;rggg¤g;ggé>Igaggg)·;;;¤(3; g&g;;*g;;;_¤ 555 site ii)?ggllgligvlixliiigigggigccjsaifzigoie; . .. Md .. . . 21 priatxons . Z .. . . . . . . i. . LS1 Condemned Cannon to ¤°°g?j°1at(;tr9a'tY Wlth tghum ({°PP‘°P““‘ for monument t;>C01. Robert L. McCook.. 8

f’“ °’ °°mP°”‘* °” ”“ °XP"“*’°“ 133 aomwa to Post N5. ccs, Grand Army of the

55 55525-555515 ‘;5;.5;o5i 1;;.1 Aé£5125}5E.5{5f 155 Revubht Mw- Pt- ·¥¤¤#¤m°¤*¤-· *4 Um IDdi& in Colorado 201 to Bling Monument Association, Saint to 1<>¤=~¤·¤ ¤~g<>¤·=v >"<¤ Um I¤~¤==·=¤¤ ------ **03 555 55§1{’£?5£€3e‘54m55ia55;:12.52555;;. appropriation for salaries and expenses 16 . 202 204 don Meade . .. .. . 4 9i ‘‘‘`‘‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ 1 ‘ ‘ . ‘‘'‘‘‘ ‘ ‘ ·.' ‘ '. ‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘ ’ for Soldierd and Sn.i10rs’ Monument Associaof Clmms, appropriation for printing record tion Marietta Ohio ____ _____ ____ 164 of CMBS diS“H°W°d by tm ···· °‘ ‘·‘‘ 280 donated te Marion lkrtillery Company, of a.pprqprietio1i for c]a,ims reported i>y. 558-570 South Carolina _____________________ 164 of Diitgghgg Columbia, scc Dwfrwf of to wmmm L, Ceééy 13s1s, No. 18, Grsmd - , _ _ fth.. . . . . U nitcd States, appropriation for tees of. 43, 278, 454 dmdmn Am;8 0 pu lc dciciency appropriation for . .: 250 paymént to ______ ________________ 619 Entomologicai, United States, deficiency Confederate Wa,. RL,c0,.d8

 ?*PPY0P¤a·U0D for ··—- · --·· · ······‘‘ M6 apprgpriactiop for preimration of, for publi-  

Commissions, cation .. . . . . . . . .. . . 44v to collectors of customs, on disbmusements Gmfederaued Indiana, Miqdlc Oregon, as superintendents of lights, appro- appropriation for subeistcuec, etc., of 129, 499 pyjgjjou fg; ______ _ __,,, ,. . . 416 Cgnfedgrated Ofoa and MtQ80u1"ld Indiana, deiiciency a.pproprieti0u for .l 243 sale of lands of} authorized .. . . . 380 Common Carriers '""·q"°"¤ . . for tramportetiou of dutiable goods to 9»PP¥‘0P¤€m°¤¤ fm' °‘H"'°¤'° BXPBMBS Of -;· 235 - · 20, 210, 3 P°"“ °? °““"Y "f md d°“°‘“”“"°“ U} my putiishing 15.555 or .. .. ..279, 2w. 391 g·20£;$;gu and by the Sccrefu?7 _ E 173 for supplement to the Revised Statutes of. 398 to givg bonds ;,;(}`g,§(§,Qgi},yf_'_'_`_'_ ________ 175 C for <1<>ii3ig¤ci§;iL·d ---- · --·-- - 2n 55»f¥>0.4¤4 Committee Rooms °”g"“ up . um e . ’ , f 9:p[>1`0p1’ia,‘bi0n ifor preparing eertajg ,.,..,. 55 H,ppI‘0];1;0»g2)£ ;`gI£;¥;dOWS and 3I‘P]ili1»i1? §> Conunrittee on Inaugural Cer0m0M08, . 6 Z D. mr`°' "`° ` 1<>¤¤ of ¤¤g¤’¤<> -—-- -- -·-——----------··· ··· 131 "”"""""""“· "é’° 5% me of compilation Committee on Transpo·rtat»L4m Routes to Sqaboard, ”»PP*`°l";Lmg? ‘”` P ‘ ________ 23 é12 387 appropriation for [jriuting 5,000 copies first C & éi Mmbjg · ···· ‘ ‘ 57 . ( . Commmciglumc of mpolt Ot ``'`````'`' e 00 appropriation for salamic , etc., in 2.5,215, 1 · , ° ___ __,,, .• ··--¤• V °1°‘k“ Of? S°“"“”°> “I’P’°P"°m°“ M Pagu 386 lwggegsfggr. . . ... 2:s,§1s,:as0 . ···· ···.·t‘ ‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘`’'` ’ dditioua,1 zmssiswllts to b<> 0mP °Y° iorpaiyofadditiomtl . . . ----- 26 three? ____ ____ 4 c1£.)];SGf§r€}I0€1;g to `.`` _- ·- I i I I I' l l U- I joint clelrerhittce of two hgnuaes tc; provide . ····:· ‘’‘‘ "’ ‘‘’’ additional zwcommv ¤ 1<>¤¤ °’ ·-·- ·· { deacwmy &PpmPm}?§1On'f¢i)r · ll?) deficiency for expenses of .. . . .. . 424 C f"°§“Q""‘°"“ ‘”"*° *° ° Pm ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ C,,,,,,,.-,55,,,55 pew, 555 mzw 1»»55¢55·. Ommu d @9% _ ai Z R (L

 “"’ °f “‘“`°1 W °t°i¥£f1¤5=~46 C0=:L$$¤z¥**°$* P‘§’§“‘* °‘;;°-‘,{°”“"““ ““€55 455

·--·--·--- ···· ·"""""' .S0 ()]‘]£l‘(3. I . ...·-·-· 3 for, of officcrs’ q11¤»1"¤¢FS -----·-· -···3r UL for Egsgzéugmi dismbutiiig 1I1d0K @0, rate of, for officers, quarters, Army ---· -· -· mmi m0utmy. proviso ___ ___. . .>16 appropriation for, to prisoners of war for dd i p mprmhon fm. printing thq__1],114

 ractions    ---—   ---· · · · · ···· , Copies Of to Iiogmjous ;¤,broa,d, u.ppr0P¤¤·· 345

Ompensatwn _ , · " b , _, . . -·-· · in lieu of {moieties, epproprietiqn for . 265, 441 £§&§&P§; i§%§¤ f S Court apprgprighigps for, in ]0g`1819»17IV0 385 Unimd Smms ___ _ _ ,, , ... -. . . 516 ¤¤¤¤’¤¤ - ---·- · ---·· · ···*· ’ ’ ’ kl William H. deceased, ine cut' ede a1*tm0¤fS ---- ----23 26»2}5¤390 Cm y”’ ’ · f ____ _.,. .. - ··- 580 in jnfsiciaivdepzngtmenfs .- .- - 26, 235412 P”·Ym°”* to °X°°utm 0