Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/861

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INDEX. 83 1 E*”1’» M°*:’?•°» B Electors gw mmm and me-1>m·m¢· of H" p°’Y¥."°° ° ‘‘‘‘‘‘ ····· ·· · ··•-· ---- ·-·· 569 nited scam em; East cheater Greek M K, appropriation f ¤·pp1'0p1‘iM3i0l1 {OI improvement of . 184 for conveggm 1m2 f { T§ EM'€’"{¢)1Pg6¢t0f Emma ggvémmentg ... ?. ..?...?,§?€ 255 GS 9¤ KS GD 0 0 ... .. .. ..,_, _ 561 _? asaenggr Eagtgm Shawnge Indiana, C2·p1t<;l,a.ppr0p1;{a,tion for construction of. . 449 approprmtion for annuity, em., to ,_. 125, 495 EX"°“*“"? M¤·¤¤¤*>¤, 3·PPI'0P!'i9·ti0D_foY .. 444 Em,£ZW%Ra,,T0ad Cmrwamh ¢0nst1*uh1c:z11on oi] courtehouse,, 417 eu cri to construct bx-id ove; Sain; _ ‘‘‘··· · ····· , ---------~--- ;-- . Mwsmm, Gmg¤.,g§mm . so 1°°””°‘E}§% £$""J3*@ Z??§‘°F°’ "“°"“’p“”" Eastham, George W, Ezizabeihport, J, P 0 ‘’ ‘‘‘'‘‘‘ 241 Eg;?;,?';';;;;, ··---- · ···-----· · ·-·-· · ·----·· 566 9·PPF<>1§31iiif>p lfpp improvement of channel 192 P35'U16¤Ui0 ... ... ..., 558 El11zabe·thR·iq;gr )yQj ```` Eastman Henry B. appro1;' f N payment to Z. .. . . . ... 639 Elk z»¢.,£f‘E};` ff‘ °’ """'°"°“‘°”* °‘ ···· ····""‘· "" Easqmrt, Iowa, ¤PP}‘0P1‘i8»fi0n for improvement of ,,,.190, 474

1E§:g t   P      479  ?p€;}epHZioK éer im rovemeut f 191 47'

a .. .-. ...,,, — o .. . . East River, NZ y., EM JM, 8*-, P ’ ° slppropmetion for improvement of . 814 PF’*Ym“m’ to · ·--·· · -·--······- - ---- . 569 i01‘ removal of obstructions in ... 473 51*-*;*2.*/» East River Va,. . ° 1 ····· · ····· · -·---···--·--·--- 619 CODStitu2Jed ar port of delivery ..._,,,,.,,., 143 EgQg·gItg;·£t'{_¥*·~m» 569 EM HMM, N K Ellioit Jam umm} `````' ``'``````` ``'` a.pprop1-iamion fo1!imp1·0vement of .-. .181, 469 payxpeut to executois of . . 616 E<=7wY#. Mpzow P-, 562 Emu, Loyd, P*Wm°¤ ·--·-- - ---·------·-·-·-------- payment to . ... . . 564 Eddings WZ R., Elliott W Y. payment to ______ _ _____ _ _____ _ _____ _ _____ 647 pgxyuneut as executor of Thomas A. . 566 Edelm, Horace, Ellwtt, Willmm, and Lwokfwd Wm;/iold, mw payment to . . 616 Wg of Jams Eu")", WWW6d, E‘¥fé?—':.£Z31"€£‘ B" 575 m*i3"i‘?z‘2»Z‘° ‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘‘‘‘ 616 -·••¤••¤ ¤••·•••••••••¤¤•••¤•¤- Y 7 Edgmond, W. S., E£§1·Y1;¤t to .. . . . . . . . . 564 payment to -.-- - ----- . ... 628 gm 628 Editiny Laws vw- ···················· ····‘‘ epppopriateon tig, of Fortygxth Congress. E§(:§ggg€’t:r" 566 ir session orty-sixth ongress .. "I ‘ '’‘’ ‘ ‘‘ I ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘*‘*· Statutes at Large, Forty-sixth Cougress.216, 391 E w:;2i,‘2;;°y* ""d°°° °·f 'I"°m"h* 653 Education, Bureau of, E? EM, ······ ···· · ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ appropriation for salaries, etc., célgcgm 409 ggymmy; to 628 of ----- - ----- -. .. . . , , , ‘‘‘‘‘‘·‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ f" mnt °f building °°°“Pi°d by "‘‘‘ ‘"‘ 231 p£:>fig?g?zor the extradition of ersons for distribution of documents, etc., of. .. 276 Ohm, Bd with the crime of mah the Bdditioual copies of reports oi; authorized Nethirlands ’ .,71 _ to be printed and distributed . .. . 309 Emma., Jacob'''''’' ’`'‘’' of Indians, detail of Army oiilcer in 00111180- paymgnt ,,0’ 620 iii0H with --·-------.. .. 35 EMM", '`'''''``'```````` Edwards: Ab“"» 628 payment to .. .. .. . ..--- - ----- 620 payment to .. .. ...---- - -----· ···- Emmert Martin Ec! River, Miami11d6am of) payment to .. .. . . . . . . 620 appropriations for annuities .-----· 121, 491 Em/met, Nancy P., Eggrimjl. executor and guardum, 564 Elpmpmgnb to ..,,..,... 574 _ en --.. ---··- -- poya Ezghfh Census, _ certain: House and Senate, extra pay to. . . 55 ¤»PP1‘0PIi3»ti0I1 fo1' S¤1'Vi¤6, GW-, 111 ¤¢>¤1P1°t· appropriation forpaymeut of Sena.te.23,26, 210, 3v5S ing . . . . . . .-· - ----·- 52 fo1·House .. . . . . . .23,25, 212, 32*9 Eight-hour Law, of Senate may be paid for services before deficiency appropriation for aI10WODOB foI' taking oath ,... ... . .,.. . ... 2 reduction of wages under the . . . . 430 of House ____ , _ ,, _,,,,. , ,._,,., . . . . . . 53 Eivcnawgle, 1-Ie·m·y, 622 anticipation of pay oi} of Congress, author- 299 payment to . . .. . ... . . ized ,,. . ‘ EMM, James G. administrator of Aummder S. appropriation to pay, of Congress, fpr 30 310 ,47,,;,;,,0;,, deceased, _ days from wd after odjogrxugent . .5. Ypaymeut to . . .. . . . ..,,. . . 618 of goverpmeut, es xpgtcauil ,.1 ,, 0 e 304 [$100;,0,,8, good for oertzmu nga o u ays .. hw Army not to be used to preserve peace a1,.- 35 for 2 bh day of May, 1880 — ---- - - ippropriations for support of Army px0hib- for 4th dey of MBEOh and 30*5 ¤·5’ 0 ¤·Y, Q2 ited, when used as police force; p1'0· 113 E _ wlgiggo, ---- - ··-···--·-- - -··· · -····· · ° v's0 .. . . ..-... .. . ... Wm _ ._ allowlmcesin contested, for seats in House l epp1·0pria,t10}1 for purchase of mute£a{13 ,249 of Representatives ... . .. 457 foi' ·---·· · -·-·-·-·· · ········ ‘‘ ‘ ’ "