Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/865

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HDEX. 835 . Page. Fvfgéfy, _ f hh t dT f I Fort Snelling, Page` PPOVISIOH or e ex ra 1 non 0 usrsons a. ro riatiou fgary charged with the crime of, with the pp gluildings(Er0;1)llllt;gO1l;s(etry1;,(l;lgn alt. 269 Netherlands .. . . 771 Bbrt Wayne, Ind., A Forestry, _ _ two terms each United Suites district and approprlamon for expenses of investigation circuitcoiirtsauthorizcdto beheld at. 511 _ of --; ------------- -- -----·- :· -·--- 296. 384 appoiumxent of deputy clerks and marshals lvrrcvtvr, ¢»'/vwswpher O., authorized; to reside at ..-.- 511 payment to . . 628 rbrt, Willie, _ Fgrgyih, Jamgg HQ, qdmimjgtraigr of Dg,r(;u.q' payment to ______ _ _,_ _ ,_,,,,_____,__.,__. 628 puymcut to .. . ... . . . . . . 566 Forti cations For:) zitsehrcrpmbw, Dah., 172 aippiropriaticus for, and for preservation sud a on ee ... .. re>a.iro' . ... ...109,468 Izmds of} to be subject to entry a.n<1sa.le 17:2 Fortress Melnruc, Va., rights of settlers ou, preserved 172 appropriation for repairs of government Fm-; 4,;,,;,,,,],0;,,,,, Mont., l1ez1dq11u,1*t01rs at . . . . ... 269 appropriation for continuzmce of . . . . 269 Fortune, James (J., administrator of Lewis, for completion of ‘ . .. 447 payment to . . . . . ... . .._,.,,,,, 616 Fort Crook Military [ieserralion, Cal., Fortuna, Lewis, lands of, restored to public xlomaiu ..-- 325 payment to administrator of -. . . . . 616 Fort Dodge Military Reservation, Kem., Fortunes, Deyuhina, opened up to a,etua.l settlers .,.. .. . . . . 311 payment to .,...»..i. .. .. . 645 Fort Elliott, Tex., Forty-jlfth Congress, appropriation for military telegraph linesto 51 appropriation for publishing lows of . . 23 Fort Grahbt Military Reservation, Mich., F°"y’8”"'. O?"9"m’> . . portion of, remaining unsold to be appraised “PPY°Pm”*m°u for llubhshlng laws of- —-·-- 2]-6» 39]- and sold _,__ _ ,__, __ __ .,,,,, ,_. _ ,_,, 3l0 Faster, Amos, deceased, Fort Grifin, Tex., payment to administrator of .. .. .. 585 appropriation for support of Toukawa. In- Foster, A. K., diaus at .. . . . . 129 . puymentto -- . ----- - ----- - --...--. 628 Fort Hall Reservation, Idaho, Ibsler, A. 11, appropriation for removal of Indians, etc., payment to -~-·--------------------— -- ---- 628 to . . . . . . . . . . . 130 Foster, George R., Fort Harlcer Military Reservation, Kam., p¤·yIH¤¤7i 00 ·----- · - -·--- - ------------ · ·—·-560 Baile oi} authorized .. .. .. . . 198 Z*l>8*6l‘, J¤»’m6•* Hq Fort Laramie Military Reservation, Fpgymjgt tg; ‘ ‘'’‘`'`'```°'` 248 right of way across, granted to Wyoming °" gf? °;"t ‘ ‘* 558 and Montana Paciiic Railroad Company. 141 Fpgmgz ° ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘`‘‘'‘‘' ‘ ‘‘ Fm: Le”°"w°rth’ K°"8" 08 ’ ttm, s administrator of William 575 appropriation for the military prison mt. . .269, 446 F Pgmgz 33 3‘ for erection of barracks, etc., at .. .. 448 °° 1 :,:0 as administrator of GMI B W mt L°g°"> M°"t" paymelxjl tb a e deceased g l 575 sale oil authorized .- . ---. 114 _°?' er g ’’``' Fm-; Maggmm Foster, William, of Tennessee, appropriation for construction of .. . . . . 447 D&Ym6¤U?0· · ---- · · ·---· · ---·· - —-·~· · ····· 575 Fort Omaha,` Nebr., Foudwi 1-****** J-: 645 appropriation fm- construction of quarters 269 Folsftgizéggliz} --~-·-···· · ···· ···· ·‘*· .. ,...,. .. .. .. T ’ ’·v Fm-; pw]? "' f d. F apgmlprgeignn lor improvement of . . . . 187, 477 · · _ p ‘ our z n 1 “""‘°‘I.‘;"T'f1S‘TF’T.?T‘}°R‘fY”:.'?Y‘€ Z.?} .f‘T.i2», 499 lppwmii for in 0s.. -23, ¤1e,3¤== Fort Ransom, Dak., FWBQ Ph"'!' Tv 566 abolished ,___ _ _ _ _ ___, , - - . . - . . W2 P¤ym*>{]l§ to --—---·-······· ·· ·····‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘'‘ lands ofQ subject to entry and sole . . . . 17 2 Fowler, Elwwbdh, 560 Fbrt Reading Military Reservation, Gal., _ payment to ----· · ···· · ·····‘*‘‘‘’ ‘ ‘‘‘' kwds of, restored to the publie domain 325 I Fox, Galvin?] dmegastrator of i 628 Fort Ridgely Reservation, Minn., Fogalbzglgbeg pro-emptors iu, injured by grasshoppers; 5 m01mm' _ 4 ______ _ ____ _ _______ 628 thug of, extended ... » - .·-· 11 Fog Jbharlcs U lands iu, opened to }10m6St€¤·d ¤6tt1°{mmb 8), 1-0 ria/Elon for payment of judg¤10¤l7 in and timber-culture entry; p1·0v1s0.. 506 PP 1; also United Simms v8_ Heh. of ______ _ 250 Fm Rqtley Military Reservation, Minn., Fox Eu restored to public domain; lzmds to b6 3P- Q mént to ________ _ ________ _ __., , 628 praised and sold .- .· -·---·-- 69 Fog Sb T ’Fort Russell Military Reswvativn, Q émgé to ________ _ __ _ _ _____ _ _____ , ,,.., 241 right °f way °'°r°°°* granted to the·Wy°- Fig l\Tel.wn administrator of Calvin, decoaved, ming and Montana, P:w1c Rit1l.I'03¤d 141 Pé,vmwt%0_W_ ______ _ ____ _____ ____ 628 Fm S00g°§£;;‘i‘?’ ······ · ·‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘ F,,,,, Nez8m, igdminiauatar of John G. YM, d¤- appropriation for eoustruction of roadway 267 aymfgigz?) ·, •’.· __-- l----- 646 for £;T>l;3l§:%g? 449 Folic, RMU1G, widow 0./° G60V9e Fw dewascdin _ 575 F"; Wh h "· ”“"·· 172 FJL“¥i'35?EL“ ‘`‘‘``‘`‘°```'"'`"```'```` n»0`s ed. . . . . . . _»_ . . _ lands iu, subject to entry and sale. ... . 172 appr0pr1ations for axmmty, {24, 494 lights of settlers ou, preserved . . 172 to . . . . ... .