Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/889

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• 9 . . . Page Metallw -1 mmumtwn, [ Mm, A . Page. r · · dGm;I}—·C()H{Z1H\16d woo rnatxon for ma, f ig _____ _ My ca . . · MemLU,pW;mam ld, nu ac 111*6 of ‘¥4, 113,349 may rchrc irom Army; terms.. 34 a, *rr cnt to .. . . . .., ,__ · · ’ · Mgtcgigj Henry, ·-· 562 Mglggigpgozggrz for maxntouamcc, ctc.,0f.33, 267, 445 1 , .. . ...,,, . . r ii£?%$$`Xz?iZ$Z’ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ "°" M$€3§.‘;P;‘;g;‘;;*,,{1’,§¤xP¤¤¤€¤~f -—----- 445

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HIE33El;;mLI’;J‘;%;_’“Z. C., P8 '~»h¤·¤gf‘»<] to - · — 41 of ggfssma &pp1'0[31'1i{;§$10I;_ for bmldmgs for. 269 . · .` ' ‘ ’'·‘ 1 I‘ e,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, for .. . 160 461 b.;¤£fi"I,"?$i‘11°",1°*,.‘1»2“*"“F”‘°“ °‘ mr dgiicrcncres for contingent cxpcnw, Mimary Depot, g 6** *111 €P¤0 ----... 269 0 . . . ,,, ____ _,_ ____ _________ 26 · · ( MPM,. e,...,,, Pacific Om, " “p§’§,‘3‘L€1‘2Ei°F ?T’T`i ?". 9 N°"’ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ EE “PP*°I;’:]*};°;*;’¤:`,?* P’°P=¤`i¤8 and publishing 84 Military Engineering, " '``````````````'` . V ··-------- - --—·--——-·- appropria,t' V f 1 rt t { ··_ Mmcrm mu, vozumq, P ‘£MyE2ESdc‘LEy‘.??*F . .‘T"’“ °’ ““ M“352 320 Mggclgucy aPPfoPI'm·U0¥i fo1' P3? of --·- . . - . 430 Military Headquarters,U - I - · I -l - · - . ’ . t' · _ . rcfoud of taxes to ., , ____ . ______ ____.__ 537 M inp;;Rg1?,,,,E;)V,g%caf10D of C°1mm’ m` 35 Meyers, Henry, Texas, appropriation for- payment to .. . . . . .. . . 633 buildings at 269 Miamilndjaes, _ Milimry Hospitals, g¥}i)1`()];)I‘l3,t1OHS for msta,llmeut,s, etc., to . .121, 491 oypropriations for ... C 35, 112, 348 udxana, payment; to . 433 Mahtary Justice, census of, Secretary Interior authorized to | appropriations for salaries, ctc., in Bureau

 t;1k(e,_ ._,.,, 3...  .  - .. 433  i of .. ..-- . .  23,227,409
,1.mus uudor troatg, when barred. 433 , Milztaoy Posts,

payments, lrow made ; proviso .. . . 433 appmpriatiou for construction 06 on Nicagmit 3p1>Q1Dt€d to mukc payments, etc., ljrarg, River ____ _ ______ __ ______ 33 provrso -. . 434 at or ucar Mussclshcll River ... . 114 2t'9 °°mD°_¤S?·ti°¤ to ---------- - ·---- . 434 at Fort Snelling, for completion of build- ’ > 3,pp]·01;]:1;;[·|()n fg]; ____ _: ____ ____-__ ____ ____ 434 ings _. . . .. . ... 269 dclegaxxon pf, at Washnugton Cxty, appro- to be constructed for ]`)I`0T.l)0t101l of Rio ])I`l2.t10Il to pay expenses of .. -. 453 Grande frontier ... .. . . . 73 Michael, Adam, Military Prison, payment to. ..,.. . ... --.. 614 appropriations for, at Fort Loavcuwortah, Jlzchael, Adam, deceased, Kamé .. . . . 269, 446 pa5j1ncnt7 to Caleb, administrator of 621 Military Reservations, M10/vegan, Fort Ripley, Minu.,1m1ds oi, rostorod to tho post-routes cstablished in .. 15, 98, 207, 360 public domain .. . . . ., 69 Secretary of War mxthorizcd to accept, from Fort Ransom and Fort Lnrumio, right of tho State of, the public works of the way granted to tho Wyoming uml Saint Marys Canal; proviso 189 Montana. Pacific Railxva.5 COlll[)H,ll_Y Jfichigqn, (jarqlgy, First, across __,,.,, _ _ _ _. ____ 141 appropriation for cxponscs of . 430 1 Fort Dalles, appropriation 1orzmppmisomo11t Michigan City, Ind., 1 and sale of . , . . . 273 appro riatiou for improvement of harbor e Pala/cka, Fla. certain land oumcs in mc, pt _ 182 471 2 0 fir ed 171 sr . . .. , , c o m ..,.,. , ,_,_ ,, Micou, J. M., E Fort Abercrombie, Fort Sowurd, and Fort pgynmnij in estate of ._____ _ _,__,_,______, 6172 _K Rmlsom Dakota, u,|»ofisl;ud_ __._ __ _ _ 172 Middaugh, Asa E, land iu, to oo siuvogiczl and opened to 172 ]){ly]]]3])t, to ______ _ _____ _ ___________ _ _____ 6],8 g ciltty amt Sn 0 . . . - ...·- . ---. - - Middle Oregon, Cmy"edm·aicd Indians, g rights of actual settlers on, pr<·scrvcd.. . 172 appropriations for subsistonco,ct<·., of 129,499 1 Tort Harker, Kzms.,` ol, ouglmrnzcd .. 108 Middlezown, Conn., E Fort, Readmg, am} L orb Cook, (,u,l., restored A F port of entry, privxlcgo of immediate bmus - I _ _ to the public domain .. . 52u portutiou of dutmblo goods, to author- , Mehmry seruey, ized . . .- . . 174 , appropriation for, of nortlwrn and north- Milam, I.m·inda, E westernymkcs _ . . . . 268, AlI,g|,y;ugu1; to ____ _ ________________ _ ____ _ _ _ _ 619 , Rlvgr _ ___ __ ______ __ _ gfx-} z rage _' {_ _ ; _ _ r appropriation for, {br Senators. .. 23, 210, 381: . znpproprumon for oxts0uo1011 ui .. .. . . ol OfL.[G111b01`S2111<l Delegates __,, 23,212,367 Q for coostrucmon, mzuxntouamcc, and 1o—67 4r of Armyofficcrs tmvcliug uudcr ordcrs.31, 112,) , M M R pzurs of .. .. 2 ,4 .> 'i* fiver _ _ for ,]c{,c,,_,,,c,CS in _ 418 g gppropyfatjou jb,. Oxtcusion of ,,,,1,myy V1 of jurors in Colorado, rated .. .- .. 290 I telegraph to new post on .. . . . . . o _mU,,,·,y, (j·m,,,__ i Miller, Charles M., deceased, umwroprmtiou for improvement of harbor 180 paymonig toé;;1$;vs;),j1nd J. C. Czuvood, od- 632 . ..-. g TI111]1. . .7...v ymya,-y ajc,,],;,,,,,;’``_ I ````'```'`` E Mme,) E, Ev ,,dm,,m,·at0,- of 14_ (,_ Mum, appropriations for support of 151, 3184321 { deceased, 617 nllcwamccs ro Briurd of Visitors ¤f· ---- 153, 320 g payment 10 .. ------ — -·--· for deficiencies iu; pay of cadets at 52 M1Ile2·, Erastus W, admmu dl M`, 559 pay of proicssors, etc., in --·--- .- ...- 244 P2·)’m0D17 to .··. - --·----------- --- -·-- pay of baud at I . _ .. 419 I Maller, George W, n 580 certain protbssorships iu, dmcoutxuucd 34 payment to .. . . . . . ...-- ----