Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/898

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868 INDEX. Pago. _ P¤Z¤· ommm River, Am., Pariwm, RMMM Emo , a.ppropria.mion for improvement of. . .- 187, 477 P¤·y¤1<=¤$ iq ·---··-·---- · --····-·----··-·- 62*; Wray, Parham, Sylvia W, _ _ appropriations for installments and Sabi'! P3·5'm6¤T? t0_ ---· - -···-- ·-- ·----- - ·---· ···· 6*3*; to _ _____ _ _____ _ _____ , ,, 131 Parham, Sylvia W., __ Outlet System. for Inqwovcmont of P¤»5’m€¤t to -:--- ·--· ---- · -·-·· ---~ -····~ 663 mm, Parham, Theophzlua, report on ,_,_ , , ,,,.. . . . . ---. 38 pl}YII10I1i$t0 .. --- -·--· ---- ---- ---- 633 Overley, Michael, Pm-wh, Noel, payment to ... . . . . . . . 581 payment to ...-----------··-- 564 O”“"`t°”·¤ E- We Park Gear e W administrator of George Park 1 9 7 r PBYIIIGDU UO -··- · -·-·· - ---· · ---·-- ·-- ---~ · 633 payment to .,,._,_... . .. - 567 Ovmm, Tiwmwv, pm, smwz, P¤·Y¥¤¤!1t to ·----· - ·---- - -·-~·-·-----·---- 617 payment to - . . .. .. . -- . 567 Owen, Dr. Andrew, deceased, - Parkw Garret . . . ) I payment to nrlministratmx of . . 645 pgymgut to __ ___ _ _____ _ ____________,____ 532 Owen, G. R., administrator of Drwry Bennett, pa,.;,},,., Mary KJ adm;,,;,;.,-ag,`;;, deceased 1, 4; __________________ _ _____ _ _____ 567 payment to .-, .. . .·... . 625 pgajgrvzgar; Ku Owe, Tiwmae payment to ... . . . sw nomination as assistant surgeon on active Parke,.) Izich/ard, Ow; ji'? of Navy ““th°I'i¤° ·--—- — -·~-·- 176 homestead and prc-emption rights restored M 0 '* t .. .. . . . '39 poliisicnl disabilities removed . . . . . 557 pa,.k,,,._ y;?,;;,;,,,,,,, g_ 0 O!/le"`; Wuuam Du payment to .,,.3, ... ... .. ... . 652 purchase money for land refunded to .. 556 pa,.;;,,,., William J ’ pension to .. .. -..-. .. 581 P- P am w·u· m J. PW, L0”·d0” P-: apayincnh to . . -3 ., . . . . 560 PP£jS£m3£:81£0 ·--~ ·· ····-- · ------•·--- · ----- 617 Parkinson, John, a 6 r t .. . ... . . . . 5 1 appropriation for survey of the . . . 439 pégiggteggsezh g_ B PWFG Mau Sl°“"'*8h‘iP C‘”'€P“”!l: payment to executor of - . . 567 claim oi, prohibited from being paid out of Parsons Bmiamm ,g_ appropriation for deficiencies in Post- paymgnt tb ____ _ _ __L____________________ 633 Office Department . . . . . . 258 Parsons Dams; P<wki¤n Bvm payment to .Z . , . . . . . . eas appropriation fbr, for Senators-. ...--· 23,212, 387 Parhjng and Refining Bullion, PM 22E6H ---- · —-—-·—-—--— - · - -23, 214. 389 eppp<{)pr·1a,¤1o¤(;o;. . . .,_,,,, ,, E . 22:;, 39a »»»¤»pm¤1»¤ for, for sm ¤»p~» m" §$?5%?‘2,¤§’?‘ 2xff2,E,‘§,*‘i’?‘?1.”T??"iY.‘T X? 223 ment -- . . .. 23, 216, 391 Partlow, John, ’ P“d'w“h» IQ/·¤ , _ _ payment to . . - .. . 562 constrncmon of public 'buxlding at, author- ~ pumgoula, R;,,e,._ MWL, lz6d ----·-·--··--· - · · ····· · --··· -· 73 appropriation for improvement of . . . . 186, 476 terms of courts at . ... 46 PWM 6 Island Lake S mw Pagan Oreck, Va., 0, Z0 rmi5e \la,rohug 18**: made ‘1 blc epproprinbion for improvement of.. .. 190, 474 PP QM Bmcéiom of',; hgléousc cava'] a 06,, P”"’.€’ .({.‘§iI2"¥b 581 1’¤¤W· g ```` " ~ ` 1,;,3 HMM '``’' ‘ "‘ '`’‘‘ name of ferry- boat James Fisk, jr., ehgmged > · . . - to - ... - · - - ----- - 41 accounts credited and judgments satisfied. 535 . . · P“g"¤ J"'" Bu Pa;8a?oR;;;€i0l§£g}’1m mv 1: f 184 190 473 payment to . .,..., ... 617 pp P P cmcu 0 ```` ° ’ [2,,96,,, Pass Cavailo inlet, Malagorda Bay, Tax., gpgrgprigtiou for, for Senate ____ _ __ _ ,,_, 212, 387 a·PPI`OPU ’*·t‘On for improvcment °f· · · · ·• 18Gv 477 or House-... .. . .. 215, 390 Passmore: J°8"Ph> palagm, Fla_, payment to . . . .. , 581 military reservation, certain entries and Patent D"¢!w*Y*98»_ _ _ P l warrant locations iu, confirmed . 171 P:£1;T%%1¤·U011 fo1` P1‘0d11¤1Hg 0017168 of. .23, 233, 409 a mer W. H., " ?° . . payljam, to ______ _ __ _ _ _____ _ _____________ 581 appropriations for salaries, ctc., in..23, 28, 232, 408 Pamuco Mw., N_ OH for contiugentand miscella,ue<>11sexpenses appropriation for improvement of. . . . 185, 475 Of · - - - · --·· - - 3 · ·· 5 3 · · 3- · · ····· _· · ·232» 409 Pamunkey mw,.) yah, for books for, for sc1ont111cl1bra.ry ..%,2133,409 Pappropriation for improvement of .. ..191, 474 foF ’1>h0t0hth0gra»phing for Geigtj apgy O .. . . 4 ‘33.409 eppi·0pria.1ai0n for, for public printing 278, 455 * Patent Office Building, ’ qeficienoy in . _. ... . . 71,114,427 doiiciency appropriation for reconstruction for dlStlI]L()t;]_\`O’ for United States notes , , 440 [ of ,_ . ...,. . .,. , -, - .,... 420 deficiency in .. .. . .. ... 418 [ Patent Omg G u for, for noiional cur1·<mcy H _ . 265, 440 I appropdgtioiiziqorephomlithographingplates for wrapping, for poem,] service ,.,, ,,..177, 375 fm- ___,,,_ I ,,,,,,._,,,,.,.,,,,, 23 233 409 P fleficiency in ... ,- . .. . .. 49,3 P for deficiency in .. . . . , 150 aren s atent Office Lib ·rz consent of, recpuiredfor enlistment; of minors appropriation? agi- purchase of books in neva service _ _ . , ,.,. . . . . ..._ 3 for ,_,,,, , _,,, , __,_ , __,.._,,,., 25, 233, 409