Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/899

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INDEX. 869 Pago. 3 Patents P M P¤E°· certain pre-emptors on Fort Ridgely mili- tgxnnenllsriloilllf fz', 563

  • 317 1‘8S01‘V3ti0I1 lands, Minnesota, Puyyig, Ma,-y L_``````````'``'````

allovqcd; conditions of issue of .. 506 payment to. . . 647 herctofo1{a1nssue<l for lands in Fort RidgolyPearl 135%,-, Mm ,` ````'```````` ans ori: Crook military reservations . ‘ · i · -· Califqnm, Mmmm6d. · N - J · H i l l, 325 Pcgplgoeizrciagizlu for improvement of ..-.18h, 190, 476 letters, United States, appropriation for anpropriation’for improvement of 476 classifying abridgement of; proviso. 509 Peck, Joseph F. l ```` n N P“tMCk1 Elisha; pavmuut t0_? _____ __ ____ 567 1·=¤y¤¤¤¤¤¢<>- ----------. . . 581 zack; o, No,-m,,,, `’'`'‘‘' ’``` P‘“"°"» T"'””“ G·= P3»§’¤11€DUi0- ..l . . . . ... 581 P¤·Ym°¤t t0- -·-— - --------- · -·-·--. .. . 633 Pedes-m 1, Patterson, Gédli, ddminiggrawy of William, dc. Pt0bFa,rrag}1tCmon11ment, appropriation for. . 3].2 ceaa , em orion . ., payment to ... .. . . .. . . ,,_, mg political disabilities removed . - ... 525 Patterson, Harden, Pembma Chippewa Indians, payment fc. . . . . . . ., ,_ ,___ 648 appropriation for support of . . . . . 128, 499 Patterson, James R., ior care oi} on White Earth Reservation. 129 paymentbo .______ _ ____ _ _____ ____ __‘__ ____ 550 Penalties, Patterson, William, deceased, for conspiracy to commit offenses against payment to administrator of ., - .,, 619 United States .. . . . . . . . 4 Patterson, William C'., for entering ports of United States in violapayment to. . ... . . . ... 633 tion of health laws .. ,... 5 Patierson, William G., got failnrée tgiprricnre linll fog health .- - . 5 payuigut fg ____ -_ _ _____ _ _ ____, _ ___,, , ,_,,_ 581 01‘ `IISO 0 0 cm, rap 0 gugug Office to Patterson, W. M., avoid payment of postago . 75 refund or money miiema for wages. . . 229 for <>ii"¤¤¤<+¤ against law for preservation of Pauon, Elliott, sr., Potomac fisheries . . .. . . . . 71 paymontto . .. ... ... ..,___ ____ ____ 647 for relanding exported tobacco in fraud of Patton Erustua revenues . . .. . . . 168 payxiient to. . . .,.,__ ___ ______ 53] for graéiitipg pe-pmission to Indians to cuter 133 PGUON, Hr€?‘¢¥/M, 3 0 0 6X3S ------ --·- ---- · ---·- · ° payment to- -... . . . . . . 581 Pwdmfyrwv, i'7wm¢w J-, __ ' Payggqgh fj? M-» www of Hiwml 608 P,}f,?$$,,‘jT°,f°b;,g_; ···‘‘· ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘·‘ · ‘‘‘·‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ °6° palhwc Ind,,,,;,` ``'``'```'``‘' " I P appropriagou for erection of .. 378 apipropriation for care and support of .,.., iw 43; I 1:*;;, {Egg ton 559 <>r »·¤¤¤i*y to ------ ---- · --.-... . · 1, b k . S; ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ Pay mma aim, ., appropriations for, inlegislative department 1,61:zQn jg 2205'`‘'‘'''’' 251 and delicicncies . . . . 23, 25, 210, 385, 424 cnS’i0u to " 654 in executive departments aud dedcreu- r 1,};,, Sub: mm; ‘‘‘‘ ‘‘‘‘' ‘ ‘‘ ' '· 7 . pw? '· °`‘`‘'’'‘ 23* ’ 4* 390’ 410 post-routes established in . .. . 17, 102, 366 111 Judicial departments and gggatilizlioulgzti 4% payment to 417 cies .. . . ... 3, , 2, ‘ ,‘'‘` ‘ ``'`‘```'‘' of Army and deficiencies .. 110, 346,430, 431 P ug;):;}) _ · _" · 567 of Navy and deficiencies .. . 82,3 »1,4l9,432 1,6nmIbakm_ ' °’ ’`’ ° of Marine Corps anddeficiencics-P9, 337, 4:20, 432 pwmmiyto" l _ v_ ____ U U 53 at Military Academyand deficiencies 151, 318, 419 1, an 8 ac Ow FM ‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘ ‘'‘'’ "' at Naval Academy '‘‘‘‘'‘‘‘`‘’‘‘ " ' 87* $6 appropriation for maintenance of mwnl hostocertain land grant railroads., 348 vim1ark0n_____ _____ '___ ‘_____86 335 of assistant messengers, etc., rated. ._ 413 BW impmvcment of harbor at ____ __ _ __ _ 18l’4Bl bounty and prize money to eolored sailors Pension Agents, ’ P y of ;;$l:;;l;°m1 I`°“*Pl"`°Pma't°d " ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ 418 appiopriations for salaries, etc., of 60, a` , f ·a ,` . .. r ,,,,,,,,,,,mi.,,,f.;,, for ·<mmia¤»4 yew 445 ,),,,,,,,2}. ‘,i,}f,if“°""‘ ‘“ " dgflclaucyv for Mmms of ········‘‘‘ ‘ ‘'‘‘ 419 incomc of, to be used to pay Navy pousions.60, 350 Pay Department, Army, ( 116,,8,;,,.,, Omg., appropriations for, how accounted for.. J1, 110, 346 app1_0mm_,i0u for salaries, ets_, iu_ _ -23, 28, 232, 40,., Pa!/ma8f61‘·G6"0Tal, ATM?/i _ _ i for rent of additional rooms for . . .28,68,407 appropriations for salaries, etc., in officc _ fm- payment of rent of Seaton House for gf _, . .. . . . . 23,2%,405 usc of , _. . 59 Paymastcrs, for investigation of frauds in. ... . . . . 202 appropriation for pay of clerks to, Army- . - 31 for contingent; expenses in _ . 68, 232 Payne, Abel, M5 i delicionoy, for clerical force ui 420 i as ,... ... . . . ----- F 1> · e -8 _ l’¢iiz1X2T(?1B.? examination of, discontinued; fu- élaim gf, ppghibitgqql from being paid ffo¤1 tum examinations ,___ _,__ __,,_,.,_. 30 Post-Office deficiency appropriations. 258 p,,,,,;,,,,,;, I Payne Elihu, increase and roxluctiou of, manner of .. 30 payinent to. . . . . . . . . . . 581 provision for speedy paymenia of arrears of. 30 Pa nc Gear c WZ ayincntof, toinmatosof National Homesfor _ 3/ 1 9 1 P Payment to _______ _ _ _ _ ______ _ ____,, , , . 567 dj,,,,],],,,) Voillutcu Soldwrs, how ,,,,,,],360 " .· · \ f _""U._U_'___"._‘__' '°‘{?,@,;€,;§°°{f:,, to 639 ““X§H£?é3£§22?0€T . ..1a;3a