Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/909

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INDEX. 879 ` P . Regents éimithsonian Institution, ago Rent of Buildings-—Coutiuucd. Pago. authorized to contract for brcuzc statue of a,ppr0pria,tions for, fop-

 Prpf Jf<>¤¤p1¤ Henry --------·-------- 154 m¤¤<¤y-order office, ctc-, of Auditor of

Rvywtvh B¢¤¢’*{m¢¢é, Treasury; proviso .. .. 375 sgpmpnation or expenses of compding the. 407 National Board of Health .., .. . 46 Rcywfer of Nyc Trmury, Pznymamr-Geneml .. i . . .228 404 a.ppr0prmt1pu for salamcs m office of . .23, 219, 394 Eensiou agents . . . . . .. . . 60; 350 Register of Walk, D. C., cusion Office . . . ..68, 231, 407 uppropr1a.t10u for purchase of books for Post-Omcc Department .. 178, 235

 Omcg of ·--- · · ·---·-·---·-·-· · - · -··· 162 P1’0S91‘V8»$i0D of Standard Weights and mczzs-

Regggjgrgipagkqyg Emgglgpgg, · umm- _ _ _,,.,__,,, _ ..,_ . _ , , _,,_. .265, 441 appropriation for, for postal servicc ..179, 376 prisons for American convicts ambroml .. . . 140, 346 Registers of Land Ol7ir·es, Quartermastufs Department .. . .. . 338 Grand Forks district, Dakota, to reside at office of Quiarbormaster Guncral 228, 404 Glwld Fo1'kS ---- . . . .-..-.- 60 under Treasury Department . .. . . _,_.__ 220, 395 Yakim: land district, Wushingtoii Terri- Renyro, James W., 01`y .. .. .-.-. . payment to ____,_____________,__,________ 634 Yellowstone land district, at Milos City, Repairs Qf Formicatioazs, Mont -.·- · --... . . . . 81 appropriations for. . . . . . ...l .109, 468 northern land district of Kansas . . 141 Repairs of Harbors, southwestern district of Kansas. .. 508 appropriations for .. . . . .. . .. .180, 468 appropriations for salaries, ctc., of ... 273, 450 Repwirs of Light·Houses, deficiency appropriations fhr salaries and appropriations for. . . . . .. .. .262, 439 commissions of . . .. .. . . 248, 421, 428 Repairs of Ordnance, Army, in Kansas, commissions and fees allowed 1:0, appropriations tbr . . . . .. . .,.. . . . .34, 113, 349 on Osage trust and diminished rc- Repairs of Public Buildings,

 qcrvc .. . . . . 144 under the control of tim 'l‘rua.sury Depnmt-    

Regwtrmtwn, xpeut, appropriationn flat 260, 436 of Vessels, what craft not subgcct to .. 44 deficiency zxppropxmtiou for .. . .416, 429 of tmde—ma»rks, authorized . .. 502 Repairs of Sr{mllcr Arscnala, foreign, hoxy obtained . . . ... . . 504 appr·0prmt1011s foi .. . . . ... 267, 443 Regular Sqpphea, Repairs of Vcpscla, Coast .sm·vcy, appropriation for, for Qiiartcrmasfars D0- a.pp1·0pr1a.tion for . . . . .. .. 264,440 . pmmmimt of Army .. . ...32, 111, 347 Rqaaymenq tojmpvrters, Regulations of Army, appropriation for, for cxucss of dup0s1ts..242, 418 to be codified, em .. . . .. . . 34 Evpvfi tm Foqd M87W?, Reid, Alexander, appropriation for illustmtions for .. . . 264, 440 payment to ,...,, . _.,,_ _ _.,.. . ... 634 Rqporter of Sayprcrizc Court, Reid, Mary Ann, admimisirairiw of Homtiv, J.ppr0pr;».t£0;1 lor salary of 23, 2.36, 412 d d ,pm~h`n c a es cause ’ - .,,,. ., ,.., , ,.,., 647 3, yrggriatiqu fin of Sun5,1;9 _ ___, _ ,,__ 23,212,387 paymentto .. ..- . .. pi P y ‘ ( Reid, OZiv:eg· W, ;2 . .. 23, 214, 68.) [)&y!1]BI1 0 .. .. . ··s I Reid, W. A. a,pproprmtion for for House .. ...214 $89 payment ’t0 .. . . . . . . . . 612 Reports, ’ ’ Rcily, James, administrator, by Attorney-(gc$crn.l, of cx]i<;n<11b1iresih 444

Pqm¤u;%. - .  .. -. .. .---  . -- - 2.>2 by Cox;séu E 1é ¢;g·;1&¢>1;§:1.111 ary wu  

cggggnogiit to .. .. .. 425 by Mississippi: River Commission, on plans Reliqf and Protection of American Seamen, for 1H1I1IOV6D10D1S . . .. Z. . . Jas apgrgpjgtigug for ____ _ ___________ _ ,,__, by Ngtigélgl Board of He5,]t ii O Opera, mpg, Rmmpg, D I · I by Secretary of State, of expenditures at paymgut to ____ _______ _________________ 582 gxhibltlolj hqkl gi; Sydney gud Mg]- Rcmonetization of Silver, 0]1rne. .. . .  ;.. .. I · · - ‘ ’ b rt va.t0 charitable msmtuizxons 3'ppr0H11;gt}?? fo}. ?i§?ti?t} ..Cwj(f]51}T$26,455 y cc iringigtgicb of Columbia, of rcceipté """°§““* §}€“€!"'· ______ _ ____. 633 by m;*‘;£“S2i‘é;i“2}2;*]‘§¥1?tggg of a5(;,;g;é;;, 1,,; ‘

   I l- U . _ i - ·- _ il. Additional Agcouxmodmzionu for Con-    

' ’ _ · ssioual Li wry .. . . .. .. D

 _-.- .-------------..-------- 582     (,fWar  Ou Systcln of \v0rk§ to

on of if," ·wgS’ · ruvcnt furbhcr injury to the mnviga- "PP’°*’““""“S ‘°'* f"" $1 ms of Czilifornini by adam A®utaut·Genora¥s8gcc, Army .. --  ;£ VL?i 196 Att · -(‘ · cc .. ·‘·‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘'‘‘ B¤r(?$¥$Zf€(£??<¤?¤1 -—-· - ----------- —-·2=*·rg2g m ¤;;*3;,;{;=;m;;·3*··;,;;~;;,~;;g¥Yé¥_if 19, C ------ ---· --·--- ·-·· -··· 0 _ g v ·z Cggggzud Gcodetic Survey . .. . .263, 440 by Cmpmussioiier of AgI'l(»lll$l1I`U, of 0cmmissv»ry—Ge¤¤ra1Ar¤¤y, ¤f¤<><=> of ---- 2% , gg? 0 --·—- -— ----—-·- · 296 0¤¤¤¤1¤¤r Scwiw ·------·---------- 4 . ·--··----— ---·-·- I b. "i;{;g;;§,§,‘$i;f,‘§ ·········· · ······· 3112 by C°‘;H§Q}§,§§{€u2§S}’.§2ZTfEEK,§‘L}§]“.wL’f; 2 " `'``'`'` "·'.'·---·'.` th fC It l—-·- -·-- -··· 00*****: Umm Stays -—--—·-—--———— “· gg- by Cm$ {;’E;{})§]§f;“0i. §iSh“§§Jf{ Fmwm on Department of Jus we ```'```'_ ·` ---`-- ’ the Berlin exhibition of iishcmes and Executive Dopsmrtymeuts, mthomzad; pro- $ l 302 ‘ ., --.- .. - -----· . . `` 3177 Intexfggpcpmbment _ 28, 231, 407 for 1879, d1,=;i;mbut1ou . . .