Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/913

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INDEX. 883 Pago. Rust, James E., Saint Louis,-Mo _C0numwd' Page

   q,,; ·,·,·,·, ···········---   582 epprepriatiou for continuing work on bumpaaymcu 1; to UT?- -:1.- N y 570 Egg foI' GIISBOH1-h0l1s0 and posi;-0H3e4g

U----""--------.- ",'j""‘·j·_ ···· -- -··· ·-··· - 1‘*{f;y{1° *;:2 port of,_pr1vilege oi immediate transporter- 5 Lmhbrfordl Thomas P'.,. . .. .. . . .. 634 Bum Ligon of dutw gopids to, a31thorized. 174 payment to . . . . . .. . . . 634 cugnlgiimlfia cm on 2 ’ ummm of Rutledge, David, Francis P rBlI::.lii·Dum°n to Gmcml R,};§Z,m°“‘ *° ···········-- · -·-· · · 634 trenspomcion of mails from mm, depot to 74 ge Mary · - . . { , b t , _ East Smut Louis let to lowest bidder. 170 P<*·Y¤¤¤¤ ° ---- - ·- - - ------------ 563 Sem Mem/S Falls Canal Mich. Rutledge, Matthew, appropriation for 7 ’ P¤·5’m¤¤t_t° --—---—------------------· 634 Saint Man/s River, Mich., N - - l . U _ _ I — I- _.189, 479 Ruifgigeétgzngw, 582 Saappruopiiatgn for (improvement of.. .. 189, 479 · ---—- - - - - ---· - -----------.-.. vn an c . Rutledge, William H., executor, Waycress aagwlilorfiéa Railway Company, IPf¤W¤¤<*¤¤ fe ------ - --·-- - - - - ---- - - - - -----· 582 authorized to construct bridge across. 313 R_ag22o;?ng;zg;;wS€E.,h J _ m to f 582 Saint Mwhaelh Chimes, e en . a.dmm1 a r 0 . . ‘ ‘ ‘ Ryan, Mmm, P y Saaycgxililssrlrznagreo of duty of bell of ... 640 D¤5’m6¤¤ to --------------·--------------- 559 name of steamboat Minnie R·0hi1<1 changed .0 ,.,...,. . 108 S• im P ‘ ‘ * Sabine Paw, px., Sa ¢g¢0im;x;:y,Ch1cag0 Short Lmc Raolway 1 appropmatiou for improvement of 187, 477 authorized to construct bridge across Lake babme Rwer, Tex., Saint Croix Wis ... . . . 168 appropriation for improvement of narr0ws87 477 Saint Paiyl, Minn., ’ · · l l`---- o . . . .. . . , ort 0 n - .q.m...m., Rm, 0..;., P pZ.€§%t£"Zé“3ti‘;f»i1“22‘lh‘Zt°t£’&.11$- S appropriation for improvement of . - - .189, 479 thorized .i . . . . 174 ac wma, Salem Mass. appropriations for annuity, etc., to .. 124, 494 port of entry, privilege of immediate trans- Safgsl _ portation of dutiable goods to, aufOI· pubhg bujldjngg, apprqpjation foI‘ - . .265, 44]. th01':lZ0d . *. . . . . . . ... 174 deficiency in . .. 416 salem, River, LL .L, Saginaw River, Mich., appropriation for improvement of 184, 481 appropriation for improvement of . . . . 189, 479 Saline River, Ark, Sailing Directions, appropriation fzor improvement of. . .. 191,477 third and fourth volumes of, to be bound; 9 Sabmo, proviso .. . ,. .. . . - - 4 name of steam pleasure-yacht W. J. Gordon Sailors, _ _ l changed to . ... 108 totally disabled, increase of pension to 281 Salman, James, deceased, appropriation for pay of bounty and prize payment to administrator of .. 585 money to colored. . . . . . ,. 418 Sa tsgaver, William, Saint Amfs [Infant Asylum, payment to . . . . . . 624 appropriation for 157, 460 Salts of Quininc, Saint Antlwny’0 Falla, Minn., free from customs duty . .. . ... 48 appropriations for repairs, etc., at .. .189,479 Sammons, Grove, Saint Clair Flaw, Mich., payment to . ... -. 559 appropriation for improvement of 189, 478 Sampit Rioer, Georgetauin Harbor, S. O'., Saint Crow: River, appropriation for a light at the mouth of.. 263 appropriation for improvement of 189,479 Samples, W. B., _ _ _ V near Calais, forrepairingbrealawafer cu the. 480 payment to Hdmllllmamx of -----~------- 566 Saint Francois River, Ark., Sanabel Isimzgl, Ffa., _ _ _ appropriation for improvement of . . . . 190, 477 appropriation for commencing l1gl1t·stat1ou Saint Jerome’s Creek Harbor, Md., 01} - ----· - ---·· - -··-· - --·--··--·--- · 437 appropriation for improvement of . 482 San Aniom.0, Ter., Saint John’s Cathedral, Indianapolis, [nd., terms of circuit eoiirt to be held at,. . 10, 269 duties refunded or remitte<l ... 535 district and e1rcu1t courts for western dis- _ Saint J0hn’s River, Fla., 1¤·iet_ot Texas, w]ien held at . 326 appropriation for improvement of 193, 476 appropriation for buildmgs at rmhtary de- Saint Jones River Del., partment headquarters ot Tezgas 447 appropriation for improvement of . 482 arsenal, purcliase of lands for enlarging and Saint Joseph, Mich., protection oi, authorized . , . 314 appropriation for improvement of river and Sanborn, J. J., , harbor at; , _,.._...,.,.,_,_,.,,,,,, 183, 471 payment to __,__,,,,. , ,,...,,..,. 4,24 sam Joseph, M0., Sanders, A- M-, 583 port of entry, privilege of immediate trans- payment to . .-- -.---. - ----------· portatiou of clutiable goods to, an- San ers, H. O., 583 tlwrized -------·-----~----------... 174 payment te ------ - ----- - --------- ·--- · Swim Louis, nlo., _ _ _ Sanders, Jolpi, I U 559 appropnsmon for salaries in office of assist- paynient o . --_.. . . . . aut United States treasurer at -.49, 222, 397 San Diego, Cal., _ _ f_ T t fr Usfor establishment of assay office at .. 322 port of entry, prxvgleigotp Jfnmec x em amfor salaries, etc., in assay office . 400 portatxoln o u 1a e goo , 174 for ice harbor at .. . . . ... 192 thorxze . . .. . .