Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/107

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80 FORTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 163. 1882. as may be needed to make suits for boys and girls under the ages named, as per ninth article of treaty of July third, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, eleven thousand five hundred dollar; ; 15 Stn., 676. For pay of pbysiciun,teucl1cr, carpenter, mnller eugmeer, farmer, and blacksmith, as per tenth article of treaty of July tlurd, eighteen nundred and sixtyeight, five thousand dollars; 15 Stat., 675. For pay of second blacksmith, and such iron und steel and other materials as may be required, per eighth article of the same treaty, one thousand dollars; _ 15 But., 676. Bannocks: For thirteenth of thirty installments, to I)Il1‘(Jll3S6'SlllbS of clothing for males over fourteen years of ago, ilmmel, hose, cabco, and domestics for females over twelve years of age, and such ilnnnel and cotton goods as may be needed to make suits for boys and girls under tho ages named, ae per ninth article of the same treaty, six thousand nine hundred und thirtyseven dollars; 15 But., 616. For pay of physician, teacher, carpenter, miller, engineer, former, and ‘ blacksmith. as per tenth article of treaty of July third, eighteen hundred. and sixty-eight, five thousand dollars; in all, twenty-nine thou- » _ sand four hundred and thirt5·-seven dollars. Six Nations of SIX NATIONS OF NEW YORK. New York. 7 sm., 46. For permanent annuity, in clothing and other useful articles, per sixth article of treaty of November seventeenth, seventeen hundred and uinetyfour, fom- thousand tivo hundred dollars. _ Sioux of diner- SIOUX OF DIFFERENT 1*1: mms, INCLUDING SLNTEE SIOUX OF NE- °"' '*“*°*¥.nmsxu. , N @$2 Sioux of °i,; gw_; For thirteenth of thirty installments, to purchase clothing for males over fourteen years of nge, for flannel, hose, and calico, and domestics required for females over twelve years of age, and for snob flannel and cotton goods as may be needed to make suits for boys and girls, per tenth article of treaty of April twent.y—niutl1, eighteen hundred and sixty-. eight, one hundred und forty thousand dollars; i5 8***-, 6*0- For thirteenth of thirty installments to purchase such nrtjclcsas may be considered proper by tho Secretary of the Interior for persons roaming, two hundred thousand dollars; , For thirteenth of thirty installments, to purchase sncb articles as may be considered proper by the Secreury of the Interior for one thousand four hundred and twenty persons engaged in agriculture twenty-eight thousand tour hundred dollars; For pay of physician, ive teachers, one carpenter, ono miller, one engineer, one farmer, and one blacksmith, per thirteenth article of éame _ _ treaty, ten thousand four hundred dollars; plxg;¤;;¢:f;SSi::; _ For pay of additional employees at the several agencies for the Sioux géncigi gebm m bebmslm uml Dakota, twenty thousand dollars. mu A om. 1 u d u ¤ u z i • 1 For industrial schools at the Santee Sioux and Crow Greek agencies, ¤¢¥¤<>¤l¤· _ three thousand dollars each, six thousand dollars ; · Us ¤l>¤¤:*•:!=¤¤» For subgnstence of the Snonx and for transportation of all supplies m‘;f‘“P°'"’“· from termmation of railroad dr steamboat transportation no agencies, W smh, 2;* one million seventyfive thousand dollars; . Civilization, an- For civilization and instruction, including Indian labor one hundred £;•>§:&l_¤¤d 1¤· and fifty tlnousaunl dollars. Annuibygoods. For annuity goods, one lmmlred thousand dollars ag:;nct;on, mm For pay of matron at Santee agency five hundred dollars; 1:,3;.;, 6;;; For_ pay of gsewnd blacksmith, and furnishing iron, steel and other nmterxnl, per exghah article of same treaty, two thousand dollars; in all one mxlhon seven hundred and thirt.y·two thousand three hundred o ars.