Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/1075

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1048 Page. Bms)?eld, William ?., payment to ............................... 756 Bra?hor, Isaac, payment ?o ............................... 757 Brass, duty on,in bars or pig, etc ................ Brazil or Cream ?Vuts, exempt from duty ........................ 520 Brazil Paste, exempt from duty ......................... 515 ?razil Pebbles, exempt from duty ......................... 519 Brazes ]?irer, Tex., appropriation ibr improvement of mouth of the ................................. 201 Bragos Bastiago, Tex., � appropriation for improvement of harbor of .................................. 194 Breccia, in blceks or slabs, exempt from duty ....... 518 appropriation for ......................... 288 xeappropriation of nnexl?ended balance for manufacture of ..................... 474 l?ed, sale of land in Dietrich of Columbia to, con- tinned, ere .......................... 796 Bresto?'e Poiat, B. L, establishment of life-saying station at ..... 55 appropriation for improvement of .......... 193 Brewer, C. C., payment to administrator of .............. 674 � payment to exeentor? of ....... ? .......... Imyment to .......... 'X ................... Brtnver, William .?., payment to ............................... 757 Brew. i?gto?. ?zi?son? payment to ............................... 674 Bridgq?ort, Cons., appropriation for improvement of harbor a? 192 Bridgewater, Gh?s?ias, d?.'ensed, payment to administrator of .............. 779 Bridgewater, H. M.f . payment to ............................... 7,58 B?ges, grant of right for eonstruetiea, ere, of, across the--- Arkansas River, at Van Burn, Ark ...... 144 Mississippi River, near Keithaburg, Ill... Mississippi River, Minn. and Wis ........ 34 ?ississippi River, at New Boston, Ill .... 146 Mississippi River, near mouth of Upper Iow? Rive? ......................... Missouri River, ?int Charles County, Missouri River, near Arrow Reek, Me .... M?ssouri River, Nebr?ka and Iowa ..... 112 Pearl River, Rust and Wcet; 1? ......... 166 Rio (?rande River? Tex .................. 179 ?int Croix River, Maine &mi New wick ................................ .?/0 Saint Lawrence River .................... ?into Marie River, Mieh ................ ?int Mary;8 River, (?. and Fla .......... 156 Illinois River ........................... 571 Mi?ouri River, Chillieothe and Kansas City l?ilway Company to construct .......... 482 Ogcechee, Oeonee, OemuJgee, Flint, and Chattahoochee Rivers, Georgia ...... 567 I?ke ClmmpJaln ........... [ ..... ?' Miinoy .................. [[.'[:.':[ Ohio River ................................ 414 Thames River, Connecticut, by State of Connectlogit, eoidirmed, eta .......... 460 Page. Br/dges--Continued.. o?ners, etc., of, to maintain lights as aids to navigation ....................... ;?09 appropriation for maintenance of, in Dis- trict of Columbia ...... ? ............ 464 B?dgmas, Jackson, payment to .............................. 758 Brig General Armstrong, appropriation for payment of claims grow- ingout of the destruction of the .... 697 Britaatlas Beacll, 3 r. J., estal?lj?hment of life-saying station at .... 55 Britts, Joseph, payment to .............................. 675 Brigktbill, payment to ............................... B?me, exempt from duty ........................ 518 Briaegar, Bfuyment to .............................. 660 iseoe, ?F. ?1., ?reeutor of Henry, payment to ............................... 694 Bristles, . duty on ..[ ............................... 511 Britannia Metal, � old, exempt from duty .................... 520 Britannia duty on .................................. 501 Brittain, ?uson, payment to estate' of ...................... 791 Bri?e?j, Walton, payment to ............................... 756 Broad Creek, Del., appropriation for improvement of 198 Brondl?iln River, Del., appropriation for improvement of 198 /?ad?tt, Aabreae, ....................... : ....... payment to ............................ Brockewborottgh, payment to ............................... exempt from duty ........................ 516 Brooge, James payment to ............................... 697 Brookly#, N. It., construction of public building at, author- - ized ................................ 161 appr,,priation for ...................... 304, 604 navy-yard at, appropriation for ........... payment to .............................. Brooks, Hm?tt M., payment to administrator of .............. 676 Brooks? Mary, payment to ........................... ?... 675 Brooks, Thomas, payment to ............................... 676 duty on .................................. 511 Brotherton, James 3I, senior, payment to ............................... 675 Brow#, Hlexander, payment to ............................... 074 Brown, Ebenezer, payment to ............................... Brown, E. L., payment to ............................... Brown, Forrest W., a?lministrator, payment to ............................... 69? Brmon, George, de?en?d, payment to administrator of .............. .Bro'w?, payment to adminit?rator of ............... 675 Bronx, J?nes B., payment to ............................... 758