Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/1086

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INDEX. 1059 Page. Co?detnned Cannon, donation of, /o?Cont'd. Monum,.ntal Association, Pickaway Co, Ohio .............................. 299 Morton Monumental Association, Indian- apolis, Ind ......................... 380 city of Waterloo, Iowa ................. 381 Conecub Riwr. Fla. a?,d Ale., appropriation thr improvement of ........ 200 Confederated It, riPens, ,3I*ddle Oregon, appropriation thr subsistence, etc., of ..... 8? ), 446 Conpress, Representatives apportionment of, nnder Tenl h Gensus .... 5 C?ren?mt Directory, appropriation for expenses, etc., of ...... 2'21,534 sale of copies of the, at cost, authorized .. 642 Co?re?ioaal Elections, time for holding, West Virginia ........... 58 deficiency approff,'iation for pay of special deputies aS ........................ 269 C?mgres?rnal Ltbrary, appropriation for printing, binding, etc., for the ......................... 8, 334,629 for Librarian and assistants ........... '?24, 537 for gumhaze of books for ......... ?24, 338, 537 for pay of expert architects, etc., on addi- tional aecommodations for .......... 9 '/ acceptance of "Toner collection," for the, authorized J ........................ 382 ?'.; C4?gre?ional Record, ?i ? 'sl?pmp_ri?tiou for printing debates, etc., in '?',? "?' the ............................... 334, 629 ?' ?py o? to be furnished libraries in the States and Territories .............. 390 ./? the ............................... '. ?_? b?t? ?d proceedings of Conferees in ency appropriation for printrag ?-of copie? of, at cost, authorized ...... 642 ...................... . de?c? ?ppropriation for payment to - the $?of ........................ pest-route? e?t?hlished in ................ 15, 573 apl?'ta. ?for improvement of? below l?ymeat to .............................. 669 layaunt to .............................. 780 payment to .............................. 661 ?pmmr,ayment to .............................. 759 payment to .............................. 661 pensran to ............................... 717 C?Payment to .............................. payment to .............................. pl?eed ou rotired liet of the Army ........ of o?th, etc., of .................... ap]?ropri?tion for bureau of ............. ?91,476 for s?laries. etc., in Ber?a? of ......... 244, rS? Co?un?xp?aded balanc? reappmpriated ? .. 4;8

  1. tar C!?rgt,

apptopriatioaa for ? of ............ 1?9, Consider a.d Diplomatic .4ppropriations, Page. tbr diplotaatic officers ................... 1'28, 424 for consular officers ................. l'2B 4'25, 429 for shipping and discharging seamen .... 135, 430 for prisons, etc .......................... 134,430 for relief and protection of seamen ...... l??3, 430 for rescuing shipwrecked Americana ..... 135,430 for Cape Spartel and Tangier light ...... 135,430 for expenses under neutx?lity act ........ 135,430 for expenses of French and American Claims Commission ....................... 430 for allowance to widows, etc., of deceased officers ........................... 135, 430 for contingent expenses of consulates .... 134, 429 for loss by exchange on consular service, ete ............................... 134, 429 for printing and distributing consular and other commercial reports .......... 135, 430 for contribution to maintenance of interna- tional bureau of weights and meas- ures .............................. 135, 430 for expenses of civilian experts to inter- national commission, etc., for liehaunt of electrical units .......... 302 Co?lat? and C?z?r Agent. appropriation for salaries or: ............. 1?9? 425 defieicney ............................. Consular and xOiplomati? &,rvioe, appropriation for the .................... 128, 424 deficiency appropriation for the ......... 275, 594 C.o?enls-General, appropriations for salaries of ............ '129, 425 salary of the, aa ienna, limited .......... 603 agreement with Italy concerning rights, etc., of ............................ 831 treaty with Madagascar, concerning rights, etc., of ............................ 957 with Serbia ............................ 968 C, mUm? D?, suspension of importation of neat cattl? and hides to prevent spread of ...... - 490 appropriation for prevention of spread of ................................ 315, 613 for investigating, affecting domestic ani- mals .............................. 92, 411 appropriation for improvement of ........ 190 digest of, of Forty-fifth and Forty-sixth Con.?ream?autberised to be printed.395, 593 appropriations for payment of expenses of parties to ......................... 339, 592 appropriation for, for Senate ............. 220, 533 for House of Representatives .......... ?t3, 536 for Executive office ................... 224, 537 for fo?ign intercourse ................ 134, 425 for United States consulates ............ 4 9 for Treasury Department .............. ?tl, 543 for Navy ............................. 287, 473 for Army ............................. 121, r459 for Po?t-Office Department ............ for pension agenct[es ................... 175, 432 fo?Ja6Jan service ...................... 70,434 ??aUltorsl Department ............ 92, 411 -fo'l?Hstrict of Columbia ............... 137, 469 deficiency appropriation for, for Treasury Department ....................... 588 provisions of a?t for letting, under War partmeat, amended ................ 487 executed by P_. _o?nu?e. r-General, and validated ...................... 644 Public Printer authorlaud to ma? certain, for litho?aphing, ?to .............. 414