Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/1088

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I.NDEX. 106l Cotton-seed Oil, Page. duly on .................................. 492 Cotton Tie?, duty on ................................. 498 Cotton Waste, exempt from duty ........................ 520 Cotton- tVorm, deficiency appropriations for inestigation of ................................. 264 Cottroll, 8a?naei E., payment to .............................. 66! Cam*oil B!n.?'s, laws, erection of public building at,, authorized 95 npprepriation for ...................... 303, 604 Co?ck, ?Yilliam, conymenS to .............................. 760 t?', Eichard, appointment of, as manabn r of lgational Home for Disabled Volunteer ?ol- dier? .............................. Cmtaterfeiting, C4mappropri?ions for suppressing ........... 313, 612 rt of Claims, approlniation for printing, binding, etc., for the ........................ 8, 'o34,629 for paymasS of folal Judgments of tha... 8 for salaries of judges, e?e., of .......... 254, 563 for defending the United Statt. s in snits in She ............................ 3.?5, 6?0 for z?por?s of dceisinns of the .......... 255, 563 authorized to investigate and report to Con- gre? certain claims ................ det?iency appropriation for payment of judgments in .................... ? for filing certain claims in Sho, again? Distric? of Colnmbin, extended ...... 409 elahn? for money illegally collected, et?., authorized to be referred to the ..... &nthorized to d?torminz certain rights of Cherokee Indiana, ere .............. re-establishmenS of She; procedure ....... 98 aPPmln?tiou for aaisrice and ?xinmaes of the ................................ 99 C,?t-Ho?w, apl?opriation for repairs, Washington, D. C .............................. 334, ?9 de?,bney ............................... ' 11 appropdation for annual repaim? ere n?n..306,/;04 patroons to ................................ C?trts-?tmrtiai, ?appropriation for expenses of ............ 287, 474 r?, t7ait?d terms of, prescribedin the districts of Iowa; ptn?ednre, ate ...................... 172 tln? t?r holding, in northern district of Ohio, prescribed .................... 176 establishment ol? in Georgia ............. 47 M'msimippi ............................. 102 boundaries of districts defined ........ 102 terms of, eta .......................... 102 &ppropriati,.n for expenses of ........... 335, 6;?0 for f?n? of leri m $o; 9royks .......... 3?6, 631 Co?er, James ?., copaymsu? to .............................. 786 rin9ton, J. M.: paymenS to .............................. 758 paymenS to .............................. 791 .............................. ' , Jams M., decease, lmymeng to adminbtrator of .............. lmym?nt to adminbtratrix of .............. 676 payment to .............................. Cowlitz l?iver, Waski?ton T?ritory, appropriation for improvement of ........ 206 Cowsover, ?arnuel D., payment to .............................. Cowserr, John J., payment to .............................. 759 Cox, L?i. paymen? go .............................. ?9 Cox, Cltarles, payment to .............................. C?, paymen? to .............................. ?9 C?fton, W. 8, ?n?tra? of Je?h, paymen? to .............................. ?6 C?ig, El?a, payment to a?i?ee of ................... 7? ?aig, Jam?, ?ayment to .............................. 694 ig, C?a?ment to ............................... 7? ?ayment t o ............................... u?on to ................................ 7? m?, Han?a?, ?, payment to ?miuistrato? of ............. ?5 paymenS to ............................... 759 Crav?s, Yackaol, ?d, C?ayment W ............................... C?ayment ? ............................... 7? awf?, ?f?,aymen$ to ............................... Jm? men$ ? ............................... J?, of .............. CraYOnS to ............................... paint ? ?i?tor of: ............. ?n$ to ............................... Cra?, du? on .................................. Cream of Tatar, duty on .................................. Cr?, ?lma?a, ?ymen$ to ............................... appm?a?on for ?nuiti?, ?t? e?., to .................................. 73, 4? general fund of, to he cha? with rolm- Crag ?aii? of deficiency ap?p?atioa f? ?men$ to, ? lands occupied by ?minole ?afion.. C? ?aa F?, _ appmp?ation to ?imbn? the ............ tar in? on ?on-?ying ?ka held in ? for ............................ ?, Jo? ?. J., ?d ?t for ?lief of ........................... pa?ent to ............................... ?yment ? ............................... C?, ?z Co?, D.C., ap?in?nt of ad?tional, an?o? .....