Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/177

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150 FOBTYSEVENTH CONGRESS. Sirss. I. Ch. 268-271. 1882. States or said Indians, individually or in their tribal capacity, or any other Indians lawfully occupying said reservation, maysustain by reason or on account of the act or acts of said company, its successor or assigns, its agents or employees, or on account of lires or1g1nating_by or in the construction or operation of such railroad, the damages in all cases to be recovered in any court of the Territory of Idaho having jurisdiction of the amount claimed, upon suit or action instituted by the proper United States attorney in the name of the United States: Pro- Proviac. vided, That the said United States attorney may accept such sum of money in satisfaction of any such injury or damage as in his discretion ‘ may bejust; and if so accepted before suit or action is commenced, no suit or action shall be instituted, and if accepted ader commencement of suit or action, the same shall be dismissed at the cost of said company its successors or assigns. M¤¤¤¥¤¤¤¤¤1>*¤d Sec. 4.—That all moneys accepted or recovered under the provision

‘f:°r;’g,:ziT“ bv of section three of this act shall be covered into the Treasury of the

m.,,, if M. 6,,,, United States, and if accepted or recovered on account of damages susnges, to_b•°¥1n¤¤a tained by said Indians as aforesaid, they shall be placed to the credit to mm 9** of said Indians in their tribal names, to be expended by the Secretary

 mj of the Interior, for the benefit of said Indians, in such manner as he may

mm ’ deem for their best interest, except in the case of an individual Indian, gllnen bothen amount covered mto the Treasury shall be expended for his e t. Approved, July 3, 1882. V ` CHAP. 6 .· making' a' V a es EQ2 i.. é"..?...; é¥2,?f¥m...i., t.“ii.."§£‘£i’$‘i2¤E°t..°.‘}”2¤‘§.‘i.‘;°t.’},f‘¥i‘.f‘.i 'tf£‘!.‘ii’.Z°;“$'i.. Bait enactedbytic Scnateomd .Hos•scof Repreoentatia>esof the United Appropriation. States •yA¤•eH¤su• Congress assembled, Thatasum nottoexcecd if-

;:d•§ teen thousand dollars, or somuch thereofas may benecessary, be, and

c,,y’m,mM°,md the same 18 hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not gn, ;;,,;;,¤,;otherw1so_appropnated, for the purpose of constructing a road from Oemecuy. Mound City, llhnons, to the Mound City National Military Cemetery, _ . to be expended nn·Ier the direction of the Secretary of War: Provided, havin. That necessary for the right of way, not less than one hundred ~ feet in slt:al{;lhbe ceded to the United States, without charge e n Approved, July 3, 1882. · July 5,-l£. 310.-:.11 act to she wxumdewer certain cannonlfor »eqt¤;_a1•¤t¤ the Danville Light Batten7A, Hlinois N•tionalGuard, at Danvilg Illinois, for monumental purposes. . Be ’t enacted the Senate nd K Repr ‘ ‘ · Donation ofocn- State;qf Amerie}: in 0ongreasaassem(l?l‘¢:¢;,0That thee'0S;gIg;u·yfofMWgilzbt(ed gf? °°':"€v'J: and he is hereby, authorized to deliver to the Grand Army of the ,,{,,,,,',£.';° Mm, Iiepublic post at Westminster, Massachusetts, four condemned castnnn to Danville iron cannon for monumental purposes; also four condemned castiron Lrght Bowamti gmnpinl tontéleo ;D8}lV1u8 Light Battery A, Hlinois National Guard, at Gum, Dm . an e, is, or monumental purposes. 111. vm" Approved, July 5, 1882. . July s, mss. ¤g0.:tPN:;ib;%nx:•g::•2;¤?;i:iaw Somhnéytgwutoqdivute on Je!. c. Davis Donation of com six condemned cnet-iron guns, for monumexital pumhcr n vm }Y·’,:“(‘;f*,§u*;‘,‘;°l§‘£ Be it e••¢wted_bg_the Senate and House of Representatives of the United

,_ 16, G_ A_ R_ States of America m Congress aseernoled, That the Secretary of War be,

Vincennes, Ind. and he is hereby, authorized and directed to deliver to Captain W. D.